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Everything posted by Metallica530

  1. Took me a bit to relise that theres an hour time zone change between me and the hosts. Yep, I feel like an idiot.
  2. I don't know if I'm just missing something here or what, but I haven't seen anything in the rules specifically stating who I'm supposed to contact about qualifying, and I would assume we'd all be given the qualifying track in the AI?M chat. Anybody mind filling me in if I am in fact blind as a bat and missed something with the rules? EDIT: Well that answers my question about the track.
  3. I guess it would depend on what tupe of pkaystyle you prefer. Some people look the whole run-n-gun, speedy gameplay of Call of Duty, and other, like the more tactical, think before you shoot (Ok, fine, it's a bit more run and guj than that.) situations of Battlefield. I always thought CoD rounds went by way to quickly, if one guys was really good, and the oposing team could even aim in the right direction, but Battlefield seems to taylor more to both. You can have the run and guns charging up hard, and the more conservative guys laying back, picking people one at a time. If you did that on CoD, you'd get yelled at by a 1st grader claiming you "hardscoped" (sniping how you're supposed to), were "famping" (protecting an area to force the other team to use different routes.). What grinds my gears about CoD is that when you do something that would be greatly appriciated in real life, you get bashed because aparently you don't fall into the catagory of the CoD elietists who believe it is unholy to aim down sights with a sniper rifle. Sorry if I carried on a bit to much there. In a nutshell, CoD has become one of those games that players have twisted the game style so much, that half the stuff that would work in real life gets flip flopped to the oposite thing. Call of Duty, the only game where guys on the frontlines use sniper rifles, and the guys picking people off using sub machine guns.
  4. What, does Sim-Monsters have it's own version of "The Stig" now?
  5. True dat! I'll take vehical gameplay over whining two year olds that think "quickscoping" is the proper way to snipe anyday! [No offense to CoD players, but who buys a rated M game for a 7 year old anyhow?]
  6. That video is just an iverlay of the TV show audio of a freestyle on Rigs of Rods. People have tried to make them as close to the actual sounds as they possibly can. What we've got now, is what we've got.
  7. It's different,but I dunno if I'm a huge fan of it. The old body style (I have no idea what it was) seemed to fit the truck pretty nicely, and I can see this newer one costing a bucket-load of cash to replace if the truck crashes.
  8. So with John and Lupe back in there previous trucks, what does this put Frank? I know there's been speculation on a Boy Scouts of America truck, but that was months ago that I last heard a rumor about it.
  9. I'm in agreement. I like to know what I'm downloading before I hit the download button.
  10. I have FS1 as of now, but does anyone know if FS2 comes with it, or are they both seprate?
  11. I'd like to place an order to go, please...
  12. Unfortunatly, the full Sim-Monsters league has been shut down for time reasons and such, so you won't be seeing other Sim-Monsters league for awhile, but the other leagues offer a great racing expririence.
  13. Even slid it right back into the parkin' spot! Always loved watching Charlie drive. Wouldn't surprise me if he got another title in Vegas.
  14. Name: Mike Russell Hometown: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Truck: Rockstar Energy Heavy Metal AIM: mike437@comcast.net Song: Rise Against - Give It All
  15. Can't remember what show it was, but I think this truck's pretty cool, nonetheless.
  16. M&M's, Milk Duds, Milkways, and a Hershey's bar every now and then.
  17. Sorry I had to back out so close to starting, parents decided to go out to eat, and take yours truly with them. Ah well, next time.
  18. I missed out on it last year, my qualifying run wasn't bad but I took out a pole. Now I got my own track, and I'm definatly ready to run!
  19. Am I the only one that sees the shape of an old 70's Nissan Fairlady in that? Yes? M'kay. Looks cool, Mark. Curious to see what the finished product looks like.
  20. Why does that truck look so fimiliar..? Did they rename Rollin' Thunder? Could have sworn I've seen that paint on a V4 truck somewhere..
  21. Might eanna read the post above yours again. Last time I checked, Vette King is a replica.
  22. I use it at school.... The computers there both have Firefox and Internet Explorer. Guess I'm just so used to the Internet icon, and the layout.
  23. Honestly, I've put way to much money and hope into Echetenix or whatever it is that have made, now going on the past 3 games. Seems like every corner they turn something broken or isn't working properly. I do sincerely hope NTG 14 will be a step in the rigt direction, but acording to most on the NTG Forums (PBC CUP ROOKIE HERE!) and myself, there isn't much hope. I really do miss the old EA games.
  24. I guess I'll get around to this...finally. I present the 2013 Rockstar Energy Heavy Metal monster truck, painted and assembled by Chadwick Deerfoot.
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