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Everything posted by rmnldr

  1. I just figured your boss wouldn't... just forget it, nvm. It's fine. Perfectly fine. Monster Truck Girls Calendars for all.
  2. http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/530706_133407666821947_980287329_n.jpg NSFW^
  3. No. There is a picture on their FB of Candice Jolly pulling someone's thong up out of their jeans. Candice knows that she is a huge role model in Monster Jam and she is huge with the younger audience members because of the truck she drives. Monster Jam is supposed to be family-oriented. Imagine if some over-protective parents saw those images? I don't have any problems with what they do from a moral standpoint; it's just that they know the risks of their actions, yet still allow it to be showed to the whole world. Maybe I look into things too deeply, idk.
  4. That's no excuse for sexually harassing me though. This isn't 4chan or anything like that. There's rules to be followed and hopefully the rules that are upheld on S=M can be followed on multiplayer servers too.
  5. Holy Jeebuz. I really hope IDS starts soon.
  6. He loves you. o.o I love the blue and orange Hotwheels truck with the caps on the wheels. Awesome job, John.
  7. I think I know how I should feel now. I've lost some respect for these drivers and I can definitely see why Feld is pissed.
  8. Same thing happened to me yesterday. I almost got kicked from a server because of stupid reasons. I get trashed almost every time I go onto any public server. Even in chat rooms I face the same problems. I don't understand this community. I can't figure out if it's just immaturity or just bad people. Hopefully we can all just come together and have fun sometime. :/
  9. Well I figured this would happen sometime. Not sure how I should feel about it though...
  10. All you have to do is save them separately from the V4 pack if you want to continue to use them when V4.5 comes out. They try to keep all of the trucks in pack current so it is as realistic as possible when events are run.
  11. I had fun doing it. Congratz to Mark and Blair. I was one point away for FS. xD
  12. Really sad. My friend's mom died in 8th grade and he's never been the same since. The best you can do is just comfort them and know that you'll be there for them.
  13. Got my tickets and party in the pits passes for New Orleans. Going to be an awesome week for me; Hornets game on the 22nd and MJ on the 23rd. Are they selling any cool merchandise at Monster Jam this year that I should bring extra money for?
  14. Driver: Hayley Williams Truck: Amsoil Shock Therapy AIM: electricskull@yahoo.com
  15. Most of them disintegrate and hit Earth in tiny fragments. It's very rare that they stay intact and hit as a large mass.
  16. So it was just a deep cut he got from playing soccer? That really doesn't make sense.
  17. I am a huge offender and I get into a lot of fights. Usually I don't start them though. I'm regularly called every derogatory term under the sun. I've had to change my name on CIFPO more than once, but I still enjoy playing on there. If you are so offended by the people that talk crap about you, go after them. It is a public server that SM does not own or control, so unless you talk to admins for CIFPO, it won't change anything.
  18. If the new sounds are assigned to the trucks in the updated pack, does that mean custom trucks and such will have to be updated too and re-released?
  19. There already is a Shock Therapy in the V4 pack. There's no point of making another version of a truck that will be very similar anyway.
  20. Sounds like a compound fracture to me.
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