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Mark Colineri

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Everything posted by Mark Colineri

  1. They are still on the channel, just listed as private. Don't think I will ever make the public again, though.
  2. Creech was fired for driving too hard and tearing up too much equipment.
  3. Last week in Vancouver, Monster Outlaws made a triumphant return after a short break. The List saw a bit of shaking up, but in the end, Alex Lindgren came out on top of The List. Will he be able to hold on for the final two weeks, or will someone strip it away from him in the closing weeks of the season? Stay tuned to find out! As everyone is aware, the Regular Season is quite a bit different from the Pre-Season. The Regular Season rules are as follows and will remain the same throughout the season unless a change is warranted. Events will be 2 hours long from the start of the first race. For call-outs to start, I will make a post in the chat, and the FIRST 5(FIVE) people to message me will be able to conduct their challenge races. After those 5 races, then the next 5 people to message me after I make a post will message me. A racer must wait 10 minutes in to make another call-out, but that doesn't mean that racer can't be called-out. Wages can be bet on each race if the racers agree to it(This is fake money just for the fun of it. Drivers will start with a set amount). Drivers who are in the TOP 10 list are required to attend. If a driver on the list does not/cannot attend, they give up their spot for that night. Drivers NOT ON THE TOP 10 list CAN COMPETE, they just need to post in the event thread that they plan on attending and they will be invited into the chat. If you can make the event, just post your NAME and TRUCK below, and you will be added to the list of competitors. There will be NO BRACKETS, races will be determined by call-outs. Track-X Crossover Event Times: AIM Chat: 6:00est/5:00cst Driver's Meeting: ~6:15-6:30est/~5:15-5:30cst
  4. Would be very interested in not just the event, but helping with it in any way I can. Seems like it could be something really refreshing that we all need.
  5. 342 downloads

    Here is a track, originally designed by Dave "TheSmasher" Collard, with a bit of a modern update to it. Enjoy. Credits Track Modeling/Texturing - Me Dirt/Crowd - Klayton Stadium+All Stadium Components - Tharindu?
  6. File Name: Vancouver SPHRA Thunder Jam File Submitter: Mark Colineri File Submitted: 31 Aug 2014 File Category: Tracks Here is a track, originally designed by Dave "TheSmasher" Collard, with a bit of a modern update to it. Enjoy. Credits Track Modeling/Texturing - Me Dirt/Crowd - Klayton Stadium+All Stadium Components - Tharindu? Click here to download this file
  7. After a few week break, Monster Outlaws is making a return to close out the first season! 3 events remain in the season, and who will be able to stay atop the list come the end of it? As everyone is aware, the Regular Season is quite a bit different from the Pre-Season. The Regular Season rules are as follows and will remain the same throughout the season unless a change is warranted. Events will be 2 hours long from the start of the first race. For call-outs to start, I will make a post in the chat, and the FIRST 5(FIVE) people to message me will be able to conduct their challenge races. After those 5 races, then the next 5 people to message me after I make a post will message me. A racer must wait 10 minutes in to make another call-out, but that doesn't mean that racer can't be called-out. Wages can be bet on each race if the racers agree to it(This is fake money just for the fun of it. Drivers will start with a set amount). Drivers who are in the TOP 10 list are required to attend. If a driver on the list does not/cannot attend, they give up their spot for that night. Drivers NOT ON THE TOP 10 list CAN COMPETE, they just need to post in the event thread that they plan on attending and they will be invited into the chat. If you can make the event, just post your NAME and TRUCK below, and you will be added to the list of competitors. There will be NO BRACKETS, races will be determined by call-outs. Track-X Modified St. Louis Event Times: AIM Chat: 6:00est/5:00cst Driver's Meeting: ~6:15-6:30est/~5:15-5:30cst
  8. 838 downloads

    Here is the track that is to be used tonight in the Monsters Of Rigs Of Rods Season Finale. Enjoy. Credits Modeling/Texturing - Me Bus/Dirt - Klayton Car Texture - Casey
  9. File Name: Soaring Eagle 2014 File Submitter: Mark Colineri File Submitted: 29 Aug 2014 File Category: Tracks Here is the track that is to be used tonight in the Monsters Of Rigs Of Rods Season Finale. Enjoy. Credits Modeling/Texturing - Me Bus/Dirt - Klayton Car Texture - Casey Click here to download this file
  10. For anyone who may need it, here is a very high resolution USHRA logo that I scanned in. Beware when opening this, it may take awhile to load, it is about 15000x9000 after all http://puu.sh/b5qJ7/20928c7b75.png
  11. I'll stick with my Monte Carlo.
  12. If Mason doesn't make it, I can take his spot I guess.
  13. Sorry folks, but I am scheduled to work on Sunday again. Hate to do this but I have no other choice. No Monster Outlaws this week.
  14. I am up for the change. What I think we should do, though, is get the group we had working on the packs together, along with some new people possibly, to get all the trucks working properly in the new version before the whole community surges to the new version. Once everything is in place, then we can have the community switch as a whole.
  15. If it is publicly released, then there shouldn't be any problem with modding it as long as it doesn't break any rules in regards to truck file or guidelines in regards to anything offensive.
  16. Did something a little bit different with the crowd noises. Instead of them being constant throughout the video, I put them in only when something spectacular happened. Let me know what you guys think!
  17. There are no sway bar arms.
  18. I guess people have noticed that you haven't released much in awhile, mainly showed off what you had. So they then assumed that since you hadn't released them, that they shouldn't either. That and they probably weren't sure if it was okay with you or not.
  19. I was never given the CRD mold of the body. I didn't even know it existed.
  20. Noted. The axles were just placeholder for the moment until I got everything chassis wise sorted out. Didn't catch the shock part though. Thanks for the tips.
  21. Hello everyone! After a very successful season for Team RPM, we are looking to expand! We have already recruited one new member, bringing our driver total up to 5. We would now like to try and find one more person to fill the last spot of the team. If you are interested, send your applications to MAColineri on AIM. Include a little information about yourself, if you ran last season or not, some of your competition achievements, and why you would like to join Team RPM!
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