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Everything posted by NavySonicShell

  1. Not only that, but it doesn't really accomplish being a logo all that well. The point of a logo is to be simple, recognizable, and easy to understand. This will allow people to recognize it easily, and remember it. Let me use some examples to show what I mean. This is Innovative Safety Products' (ISP) logo. It's very simple and small despite portraying a large name. The ISP takes most of the image because it is what is the focus, the checkered flag helps add to an otherwise text-only image, while at the same time giving the viewer an idea of what type of products the company may sell, and the full name is displayed at the bottom so people are still aware of the full company name. Another good example of a simple logo is Intel It's recognizable to anyone who is slightly into computers due to the fact that it's simple, and has the company's name. It doesn't do anything to portray what the company does, but that isn't always necessary (think automotive logos). Stuff like this is important mainly because of marketing. It's the same reason they call it Max-D instead of Maximum Destruction now. If you look at the old logo, it's kind of large, but doesn't have anything to really grab your attention. Compare it to the new logo which is still the same dimensions and whatnot, but it's more "marketable" due to the fact that it has "MAX-D" (a shorter name to write, as well as to say) as the large focus, it's easier to read, as well as easier to recognize. This, in turn, makes it easier to put on a T-Shirt or a hat or whatever. It even still has "MAXIMUM DESTRUCTION" written at the bottom, in a much easier to read font as well. Sure it may not really matter since this is a game and there is no "marketing" but it's bugging me. The Team CAR logo is very complex, hard to read, and at first glance looks like a bunch of random colors pasted over polygons.
  2. Some bands I found recently: Envoi: Lighter sound, reminiscent of 30 Seconds To Mars from their earlier days, and other such acts. Dire: I don't really know of acts to compare them to, but they're a Local band from a town called Quitman GA. I have no clue how I came across them. It's War: A local band from my area that I came across when I found out my local Rock station has a local music showcase thingy. The Wedding: Not new to me, but I never posted them here. Really good mix of modern and southern rock.
  3. Because again, the points were assigned to the TRUCK, not the driver. It would make sense if the points were assigned to the driver, but since they weren't, it would make no sense for Max-D to win a championship just for it to not be in the finals. Besides, you see Tom in Max-D anyways, because he is still there in Max-D. Same with Dennis, there's just two other drivers under the same name.
  4. Just for fun, here's this even though I posted it on Facebook.
  5. They qualified him in because he won last year. It's the same thing they did with Joey last year.
  6. Isn't it more stupid for points to be assigned to trucks in two different points series, and then not have the trucks in Vegas like promised? Like seriously. It would make no sense since the points go to Max-D or Grave Digger or whatever. Specifically in #MMJ, if you see Team Max-D wins, but then doesn't compete in Vegas, with Team Max-D's representative in Blue Thunder, then it's not really Team Max-D is it?
  7. There is no way that you are serious. Has to be a troll.
  8. I don't really know, I'm just going off of what I saw on Facebook, so I guess you could take it with a grain of salt. I would assume they'd do something like that though.
  9. Neil confirmed 3 Max-D's all competing in the Finals this weekend apparently. This means that Morgan, Neil, and Tom will all be running their own Max-D Truck in Vegas alongside each other.
  10. Morgan has a 5.5 Point lead over Colton in the #MoreMonsterJam tour. It's possible for Colton to win still, but it'll be a challenge. Unfortunately Coty's out. I wonder what the points would look like for both championships if fan judges hadn't been in place.
  11. Mason mighthesitate@gmail.com Madusa Cul version http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/1555-madusa-2014/
  12. How does spreading the destruction across two days save money? If anything, using the stadium for another day, and running more trucks costs more. Also it isn't more people, they can't sell tickets for just one day, either double down or not, which they've been doing for years.
  13. It hurts like hell, is a ton of work, and has less than excellent pay?
  14. I doubt it, I mean, if that's the case why would they still use smash through trailer jumps years after people had gotten stuck in them, or the trailer backflip ramp after El Toro got stuck in one.
  15. File Name: Earth Shaker and Deja Vu 2015 File Submitter: NavySonicShell File Submitted: 12 Feb 2015 File Category: V4 Customs This is Devin and I's Trucks for SMRA any any other league cool enough to allow Customs. CREDITS: Wambo- Suburban Bodywork and GoPros John- BKT's Devin- Stuff on Deja Vu Johan- Rim Models Mark- Chassis/lots of work editing them Really anyone else I guess, I'm not to up to date on the credits on this thing. Click here to download this file
  16. 711 downloads

    This is Devin and I's Trucks for SMRA any any other league cool enough to allow Customs. CREDITS: Wambo- Suburban Bodywork and GoPros John- BKT's Devin- Stuff on Deja Vu Johan- Rim Models Mark- Chassis/lots of work editing them Really anyone else I guess, I'm not to up to date on the credits on this thing.
  17. They're trying to step up their social media game, and also trying to get fans to advertise for them by encouraging them to post their stuff all over the internet. It's actually a pretty good business tactic.
  18. We have it. It's called #MoreMonsterJam (and the FS1 points thingy)
  19. The Anderson's and friends play this game, many people know about it. They couldn't. There's no reason. We are fine. They're all friends, they compete fully and then put on a bit of a show. They aren't really mad, they're just getting the audience involved.
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