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Everything posted by NavySonicShell

  1. Money on that I-ROC OT: Explains what monster truck Hauler I saw on my way to school this morning, Equalizer.
  2. .37, like every league, and fun-run on the site does.
  3. Didn't want to make a new topic, but I'm curious, what are your top played songs? The most played song on my iTunes, at 143 plays. Second, at 87 plays (shut up it's a good song) 3rd and 4th have both been re-recorded, so I wont count them. 5th with 72
  4. >be 8 >watch video that mentions RoR >wow. >download .31 >"look at these crashes!" >go forward some years >"box5 grave digger?" >wow >pack comes out >"look at these crushes!" >make truck request for arachnaphobia >"look some housefly person is making it!" >go forward some more >rormonsterjam.freeforums.org? >"look at this leagues!" >rormj season finale >wow now that house_fly guy who is liquidfire is making a pack >oh look he has a site >become 21st member of site >get pack >WOW SUCH TRUCKS >make super underground swag stunt league with silver wolf >run like, maybe 5 events. >go forward to like a few months after V3 >oh yeah sim-monsters >oh cool V3 >get back into it on cifpo >this julio and devin guy won't leave me alone >make friends >make another underground swag league >start in real leagues >try own league >fail own league >MORGAN KANE POSTS A PICTURE OF RYAN ANDERSON ON A TRACK I MADE. >keep doing leagues >become co owner of mror >get in fight with owner of mror >not co owner anymore >do more things >finally make things people like >finally win a thing >finally get 1,000 posts >finally make this post >become better than everyone else
  5. Alright. I've been preparing for this moment a bit now. This is my 1000th post. With this comes many things, mainly for me, partially for you. It's very well timed because, after about 7 years on this game, and almost 3.5 years on this site, I got my first ever league win last night. So I've decided to give back to this wonderful community by saying this. The trucks that you see below are open for anyone to use in future events a leagues, all permission is granted. Sure they aren't that great, and they aren't enough to give back with in my opinion, you guys seem to like them. So without further delay, here is truck 1/3. Yes, it's the Apex Runner. This truck was posted nearly a month ago, and you guys said I should carry on with it. It now has slight props replacement, and better textures on it. It will be open for anyone to use as they wish once uploaded. Next, we have truck 2/3. Yep, something else you've already seen, but not quite in its current state, the Meguiar's Clean Sweep truck! Sinc I posted it, roughly 2 weeks ago, the skin has had a considerable overhaul. It now includes a shiny Logo, (more so than the rest of the truck) and shiny chassis. Next. Oh look something new. This is, my personal favorite of the three, Rapid Ride. A last minute truck for something to put in this post, and it turned out great. Things to note: these trucks are not finished. I have plans to change their physics to something from the base V4 pack to make sure they will work in foreseeable leagues, and I plan to change the shock towers, I was already attempting to, but I ran into some problems, and I was afraid I'd waste this post on something else so... yeah. Thanks for all the great years, and here's to many more to come!
  6. It's not that since you're a noob you can't run a league, it's that since you're new to this site you need to prove you can, and that you are serious about it. Trust me when I say it's a lot harder than you think it will be.
  7. I doubt it... I mean, it's not like they can't trim down the rubber to their liking.
  8. Screw it, go Heavy Hitter. I doubt anyone else is going to root for him, so I will.
  9. UPDATE: The 2009 Corvette "Blue Devil" ZR1, and the Ruby Red C4 have been removed from the sinkhole. The Blue Devil Started up and drove a few feet before shutting off due to a realized oil spill. The Second car is not quite as lucky I don't believe I'll probably keep this thread up to date with new posts simply because this interests me far more than it probably should.
  10. I bet he is so glad that you bumped this 6 month old thread to say that to him.
  11. Maybe because this thread was last posted in almost 2 years ago.
  12. Boredom is the mother of some really bad/dull trucks.
  13. CCR Team Silver is prepared.
  14. I think This GIF of Andy Slifko falling on a giant Taco Bell box suffices
  15. that's pretty much what I meant. I used the wrong term because I thought the term ortho would be wrong for some reason..
  16. I have a lot of really close to good modeling reference pictures (some of which have a ridiculous amount of noise due to me sucking at setting up the camera >.>) but nothing perfect. Here anyways: http://imgur.com/a/53n9l (link to an imgur album, if any mods have a problem with it being an external link, message me)
  17. That's a problem? I have played RoR for around 7 years, and have no clue what you are talking about. EDIT: The truck randomly turning left, not the missing props.
  18. File Name: The Edelbrock Earth Shaker File Submitter: NavySonicShell File Submitted: 24 Feb 2014 File Category: V4 Customs First time people seem to actually like what I've made. The rest of this description is now in Lucidia Sans Unicode. CREDITS- Chris Hamilton- Initial .blend, and countless props GamerN3X- Vossen Rims Klayton Halog- Ukraines, and UK Rims Mopar Magic 2.0- Physics (modified to meet SMRA specification) @Codemasters- Thanks for the body. Make a remake of Collin McRae DiRT, screw the gymkhana bs. Devin Doss- He actually came up with the name Beau4x4- Sounds (you need his soundpack) Nick Kozak- The Cohen Chassis RKM- GoPro Google Images- Logos for sponsors And anyone else that I missed. YOU MAY NEED BEAU'S SOUNDPACK FOR THIS TO WORK. YOU MAY NOT USE THIS TRUCK IN ANY SIM-MONSTERS OR NON SIM-MONSTERS HOSTED FUNRUN OR LEAGUE Click here to download this file
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