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Everything posted by NavySonicShell

  1. Not really considering his uncle owns Obsession and Obsessed. How many shows do you think Ryan or Adam went to before getting behind the wheel?
  2. 331 downloads

    First time people seem to actually like what I've made. The rest of this description is now in Lucidia Sans Unicode. CREDITS- Chris Hamilton- Initial .blend, and countless props GamerN3X- Vossen Rims Klayton Halog- Ukraines, and UK Rims Mopar Magic 2.0- Physics (modified to meet SMRA specification) @Codemasters- Thanks for the body. Make a remake of Collin McRae DiRT, screw the gymkhana bs. Devin Doss- He actually came up with the name Beau4x4- Sounds (you need his soundpack) Nick Kozak- The Cohen Chassis RKM- GoPro Google Images- Logos for sponsors And anyone else that I missed. YOU MAY NEED BEAU'S SOUNDPACK FOR THIS TO WORK. YOU MAY NOT USE THIS TRUCK IN ANY SIM-MONSTERS OR NON SIM-MONSTERS HOSTED FUNRUN OR LEAGUE
  3. Sim-Monsters is in no way affiliated with CIFPO. Sim-Monsters can do nothing to help with CIFPO. If it continues to not be up, message one of the CIFPO moderators.
  4. This is a note for anyone who wants to use those rims. When I asked GamerN3X (different forum) to use them, he was giving permission for me to use them. You guys can go ahead and use them, but give credit to him, not me, not whoever's truck you got them off of.
  5. I did really like it, but we ended up sending it back, the quality of it was pretty poor compared to my Goth edition. The wood was weaker and the action was always really high as a result, lowering the bridge made the bridge pull out of it's socket too. It's fine though, I'm looking into some of the other options I have.
  6. Resolution is the same regardless of screen... PC, I'm not sure what your what your perferred resolution is, but I'll be on the lookout for you. I have a few pictures of the truck, probably nothing good though.
  7. It's not like the cars really did anything on FELD's recent tracks unless they were added in obstacles. Think about it. The cars are already crushed down and don't give much the way they are hit, and the buses and vans mostly get leapt over because of the dirt ramps launching people over them.
  8. Figuring out this video editor, exported at some bad quality, but you get the point.
  9. Uhm... doubt it. AFAIK, The truck was given a new body, and updated to whatever FELD's standards are, and then ran more. I think it still runs now even.. (could be wrong) Plus that's not even the same chassis (unless heavily, heavily edited) so...
  10. Driver to get wrecked first- Tow Truck Fastest car- Pace Car Driver that causes the Big One- Aaron Lurie >.> 500 Winner- The person who comes in first
  11. Yes, you do need v4. The files in v4 are used in all of the custom trucks, if you don't have them, they won't work.
  12. If it has a decent processor, 8 or more gb of ram, and a non integrated graphics card. It should be just fine to run ROR. Mine runs high settings at 900p. When I had about six trucks all next to each other, I was at 55 FPS. I have a 3.0 ghz quad core processor, 8 GB DDR3 RAM, and a GTX 650. Initial cost was $500 plus about $100-120 for the upgraded graphics card.
  13. Still think I hit the nail on the head with Nicole, FELD wants someone to roll over early in the show to get the crowd all cheery.
  14. I'd be hilarious (to me) if for some reason it was Rob Knell the whole time.
  15. Rear steer should be called Command 01 and Command 02 I believe. Since RoR isn;t made for monster trucks they just have command buttons that people can assign to the trucks
  16. Well that's kind of a dumb rule... any ways. I'd have tons of trucks come back for sure. Wild Hare, Texas Toy, Casper, Tonka Bigfoot, The Original Boogey Van, DoD, USA-1, Mega Force, Power Wheels Bigfoot... There are too many trucks to count
  17. So... No one living internationally gets to contribute? I don't understand this...
  18. Uhm..... No? Kreg is most certainly running in Australia/New Zealand.
  19. So I made this to test out the V4.5 F-150. If people like it I'll release it, but If no one really cares for it I probably won't go to the trouble
  20. I'm glad Toyota is back at it breaking the mold. Too long the most sporty car in their US line-up was a Corolla.
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