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Everything posted by krazyd24

  1. Wont you two get on discord do a video chat and Worplex just show him the basics. i'm still learning to make stuff myself..
  2. That's what they are working with right now over there at beam but it will be ok
  3. That's how it is lol. That's why i stopped doing request's and trying to learn to make my own stuff..
  4. krazyd24


    Are you saying that just because you probably didn't know what to do or not Asked anyone for help because alot of people seems to not ask for help
  5. Will there be any old school leagues since we got the leafers..
  6. Y'all still downloading this content
  7. Me Nethier to be honest with you.
  8. [TRACK] B.A.D. Classic World Finals 2008 Name: B.A.D. Classic World Finals 2008 Venue: No Name Replica Custom Date Ran: N/A Images This would be a Awesome Track For the leafer Trucks since there not many old school tracks...
  9. krazyd24


  10. krazyd24


    Yeah i'm on windows. just posted
  11. krazyd24


    it haven't made it to the Menu Screen yet and yeah
  12. krazyd24


    what am i looking for. Ogre::ItemIdentityException::ItemIdentityException: Can not find codec for 'png' image format. Supported formats are: dds ktx pkm. in Codec::getCodec at C:\conan\OGRE\1.11.6-with-patches\anotherfoxguy\stable\build\78c6c4e2ea61dac8cba2360afd7746bec0f80872\OgreMain\src\OgreCodec.cpp (line 66)
  13. my 10 cent's i love the idea and all that but we need a turtorial for people who wanna learn how to make trucks and tracks and use the updated version of blender...
  14. @Outlawedcould some one make a update video on how to make trucks
  15. It's not a simple fact that we go crazy about it. It can be annoying. camara pitching it's basicly where the camara move along with the truck Meaning if a truck goes into a wheelie the camara would move with the truck but would go up under the track..
  16. I'll be damn B That's one hell of a project there Awesome Job
  17. I was close lol cut me some slack hhahahaha
  18. They Are called cab spoilers
  19. then good luck trying to get people to make it for you bruh
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