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Everything posted by BobJones23

  1. can someone please sign-up? I'd really like to host this
  2. So, I've never held a fun run before, but I've participated in many. So, Event Info: Track: http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/587-world-finals-13/ Trucks allowed: Just to make things simple, only Stock V4 pack. Jobs: 2 judges, Timer (Times qualifying and official to see who wins), Livestreamer (optional) When: Qualifying is Thursday the 9th 4:30-5:30 CST Event is Friday the 10th 4:30-6:30 Proper sign-up: Name: Bob Jones AIM: danielw@visi.com Truck/Job: Max-D (Meents)/whatever job you want that's open (A few notes: Officials and I will have a separate AIM chat and I need someone to help set-up a server) (If you want to, then anyone feel free to stay for about 1/2 hour after to tell me what i can improve on) Jobs Taken: Trucks Bob Jones - Max-D (Meents) EDIT: Everything has been moved up 3 days (Qualifying is the 9th, and The Event is the 10th)
  3. Bob Jones danielw@visi.com Backwards Bob
  4. Bob Jones danielw@visi.com Blue Thunder Stock V4
  5. Name: Bob Jones AIM: danielw@visi.com Truck: Grave Digger XX (Green)
  6. Name: Bob Jones AIM: danielw@visi.com Custom Truck: Intimidator Link: http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/1418-nvs-customs-pack/ Custom Truck Song: TBA Replica Truck: Backwards Bob Rank: Rookie Reason: Because I'd like something to do, I guess,
  7. Name: Bob Jones Truck: Metal Mulisha AIM: danielw@visi.com Link: Not needed
  8. oh whoops didn't see that how 'bout Avenger?
  9. Bob Jones Wolverine 2014 danielw@visi.com http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/1231-wolverine-2014-racesource/
  10. I'd like to help in the league too would that be possible?
  11. Will this fix the 0.38 tire glitch? Because one of my favorite trucks had the tire glitch. ----EDIT---- Yep it does!
  12. Bob Jones Son-Uva Digger danielw@visi.com EDIT Could i actually be Mohawk Warrior? Thanks
  13. Name: Bob Jones Truck: Lucas Oil Crusader AIM: danielw@visi.com
  14. Oh whoops on the time stamp it said "Posted yesterday 9:14 PM" so I assumed you meant today since it was yesterday
  15. So am i too late? Because BoomBaby is offline on both sim-monsters and AIM....
  16. There i am now driving avenger s10. You happy?
  17. No. His clearly says Max-D Neon and mine clearly says Max-D Spiked. Okay, they are both Max-D's i will give you that.
  18. Aim: danielw@visi.com Name: Daniel Wray Truck: Bounty Hunter 2005 Link: http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/1398-2xtreme-racing-2005/
  19. Since there isn't like a complaint forum, i felt that i should post this on this forum... So, one day, i wanted to search for some world finals tracks, so i went through the years (world finals 1, world finals 2, world finals 3, world finals 4, world finals 5) and I was noticing each time, the number didn't show up because it "was under 3 characters." So, each time it was just searching "world finals". I mean, I can see not allowing words like "html", "jpg", and stuff like that, but not allowing numbers under the 100's? I don't think that's fair... Just saying.
  20. Oh well, we'll try again next Saturday.
  21. Great pack from what i've heard and seen, but the only trucks i can really spawn are the Hotwheels 2006 & 2007, the Escalades, and the Avenger WF 14 all the other trucks crash the game because of missing parts.... All the parts seem to be something with "GreyRim.mesh" Could you help me fix that? Thanks
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