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Chris B

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Everything posted by Chris B

  1. Please just don't ask. Over half of the stuff in this thread is never released when it's shown. It takes time to finalize things and people have their own personal lives to deal with first. People commonly cancel projects because they aren't happy with how it turns out or decide to move on to something else. Even though it might seem like somethings finished, there's always little things that could need to be fixed. For example, that STS LA track won't be released for a long time cause everything's too steep and I don't really feel like redoing as of now. However .... If you want to make some of these tracks (which is what you normally request), just go learn how (it isn't hard)
  2. Uh, he ran a tailgate at world finals 1 and world finals 2. Just saying... Doesn't really matter tho
  3. Sometimes he ran one, other times he didn't. (Look on Taft's site, you'll see) So I guess just make whatever version you want, it's your truck
  4. Follow the tutorials bruh Making tracks: Converting: These are all ya need
  5. View File IndieJam 2016 Welcome to the first annual IndieJam! There's no BKT's, no fan judging, and no corporate BS; just straight up racing and freestyling. I really wanted to honor the independents of this sport, and this was the best way I could think of! This took about 3 months to make and definitely the best track I've ever made (as of now). Hope you all have fun! Credits: Myself- Stadium Model, Photoshop stuff, some textures, houses Slickster/Hot Shoe- Cars/Mini Van Klayton- Cars, busses, vans, etc MaxdMan- Cool props (Semis, minivans, boxvans etc.) Edy- Light Poles *Let me know if I forgot to credit you Racing Track Explanation: Notes: I am well aware of the small weird transparency error on the sign and fence, if anyone knows how to fix it pls PM me If using with .37, .38, or .39, I highly recommend putting the sky type to "sandstorm" in config so you get a nighttime background Racing is not easy, so practice a little on it and you'll get it This will work on any version you want (.37, .38, .39, and .4) Submitter Chris B Submitted 11/01/2016 Category Tracks
  6. Boy why u using Firefox? Anyhow, try making the sponsors way smaller, and adding a tailgate. IndieJam's been pending approval for a while now
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Welcome to the first annual IndieJam! There's no BKT's, no fan judging, and no corporate BS; just straight up racing and freestyling. I really wanted to honor the independents of this sport, and this was the best way I could think of! This took about 3 months to make and definitely the best track I've ever made (as of now). Hope you all have fun! Credits: Myself- Stadium Model, Photoshop stuff, some textures, houses Slickster/Hot Shoe- Cars/Mini Van Klayton- Cars, busses, vans, etc MaxdMan- Cool props (Semis, minivans, boxvans etc.) Edy- Light Poles *Let me know if I forgot to credit you Racing Track Explanation: Notes: I am well aware of the small weird transparency error on the sign and fence, if anyone knows how to fix it pls PM me If using with .37, .38, or .39, I highly recommend putting the sky type to "sandstorm" in config so you get a nighttime background Racing is not easy, so practice a little on it and you'll get it This will work on any version you want (.37, .38, .39, and .4)
  8. Since there's literally only like one 2016 track released, I've been working on Tampa 2016 over the past day or so, and it's been coming along well. This hopefully won't be my only replica, as there's so many tracks I want to make. Also made some updated wall banners and inflatables if any track makers want them. Ps, I am not taking any requests, so if you ask for a track, you most likely won't get it
  9. Guess what? #IndieJam2016 is done 11/1/16 And..... Wild Side's going back in the works!
  10. Your 4 links don't line up, and literally everything on that truck except for the tires is v4. It makes me sad
  11. Jamey Garner "The Wizard" does it again, now the question remains: Should I paint it for ROR?
  12. Holy crap, the amount of detail on yours and Maxdman's tracks are insane! I gotta step up my game lol
  13. Cool, it'll look 100x better with the updated parts (Try UK's or BKT's for the tires), and for the name, if you think it's fine like that keep it
  14. You have A LOT of outdated parts on there, such as the axles, tires, shocks, rim, and even chassis could be updated (Don't just use v4 props). The rims also don't fit the tires. Also, why does it say "Smokin Bull" on one side and and "Bull Smokin" on the other?
  15. 1 v 1 me bruh STS gonna be lit Hollywood-Style Racing? Yes...
  16. I already gave him the texture, I recommend just bringing it out more (but try not to turn up the brightness, the colors not bad)
  17. Maybe turn down the brightness a little bit, and make the rust come through on the sides a little more. But the roof and hood looks really good!
  18. Try and put a rust texture overlaying the body in paint.net, I can hook you up with a good one if u want
  19. Yo dawg looks like you got some texture problems, make sure the uv map isn't stretching anything out. Also, looks like the track could use a nice bake
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