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Everything posted by Hornetguy97

  1. colton, jared, and cole are like 2-3 seasons in. First year of Kyrsten but she is his daughter so let her drive the truck.
  2. So apparently Dennis' cage was bent before the flip Not speculation based on what insta comment says. Just showing picture shows a structural damage pre-backflip attempt.
  3. Whats wrong with the sx tracks. It being poorly managed is completely wrong. Compare it to 10 yars ago, what the trucks are doing and the series they put in. Compare it to other promoters (not saying they are bad) but do not compare to the show monster jam puts on week after week in multiple stadiums.
  4. I always thought that a digger roll cage was never a good design. Rolls over hard and there is little surface area to let energy disband. Im sure landing on a roof hurts in any truck, but i feel doing it in a wilman would hurt less. I.E. Tom in baltimore 2012 . Anyway, suprised how long they lest monster energy go in anaheim with aboslutely zero of the front left together.
  5. the circus isnt that popular, FELD still owns supercross to.
  6. well at least he was waving and stuff, better than Chad in jacksonville in like when he got knocked out.
  7. its pretty amazing how many highlights we get from arena shows now. Id rather go to them than stadium events.
  8. Do they still do the winner of the previous show gets a checkered flag?
  9. I mean if FELD has the money then why not. They wouldnt do it if they didnt make some sort of profit. I dont see why they dont have a europe tour, australian tour and a US tour at the same time. 3 stadium shows per week, 1 on each continent. And then Vegas be at the end of the year around september with like a 3 week down period to get those trucks who won their respective tour at the finals. Thus making it the world finals. Not american finals. And i think having 2 stadium shows in the same weekend is dumb. Minneapolis is a perfect example. Sold out so ya dont really want to push the trucks and the sunday the stadium is nearly empty. Im aware this will never happen but its worth.
  10. For a sold out stadium, lackluster show. Probably because of the 2 show weekend.
  11. wish my trucks were breakable like that
  12. bump but i just have to ask ya kozack, how does it work?
  13. Yea but arenas rarely get sold out. But i guess chile should be since first time
  14. I think the tunnel is next to firestorm, prolly just easier to work on the trucks there. Or to make the stadium look more full. I read it sold out today. I wish they wiuld throw a van stack or something on the dirt mounds and put them on the backside of the dirt jammer.
  15. jammer/ ramp likes to grab on the jammer side.
  16. Are those the trucks that were recently retired due to heavy crashes? If so then those didn't look very fun to drive. Which truck was Runte in when he hurt his back in Salinas during the summer show?
  17. Completly agree with you. watched some videos on penda and a couple other races behind the scenes and they were winning but Runte said he was getting pretty beat up on the landings. Do indy still do payout? I know soaring eagle show had like a bonus one year for winning an event. I don't know, Kozak. I think they would give a valient effort in racing today but I don't know about freestyle. Still a legendary truck and team but i think where the "sport" has gone its just difficult to tell. Thank you for your reply and insight sir.
  18. very true on arenas. wasnt their equipment better than monster jams in the early years? ( i mean it is still some of the best in the business) and i think 2 extreme are still big. i mean jimmy wins stadium freestyle and he is always a top notch racer. and that streak linsey had in iron outlaw was incredible.
  19. I was thinking about this while watching the monster blog videos on youtube. I began to ask myself how many world finals wins would bigfoot have if they were invited and how they would have done on the mj circuit. im thinking bigfoot would at least be in the finals if not the winner in racing in vegas in the early years. They dont seem to put on mega freestyles though, but still a hell-uva show when they do. Thoughts? also, beumont texas arena track was amazing. What do you guys think the best arena tracks have been ever? the ones mj uses are good but i dont think they provide that much excitement
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