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Everything posted by Hornetguy97

  1. good racing, tyler was strong the whole night, liddycoat was iffy on that one run. too many trucks doing donuts at one time lol, she almost did it.
  2. We have no idea what freestyle will look like. So why rant? I mean the racing course as looked the same the past two years and the freestyles were drastically different.
  3. They look pretty good to me. Its a noce change. Sure it looks like it doesnt really fit with the digger legacy, but it still looks nice nonetheless. So difficult to please everyone ya know... But i thought the front clips were different colors, are they just running the standard ones until the actual event?
  4. I hope they know that height doesnt equal foward distance like tampa. Pretty sure a truck could jump 5 easy on the middle ramp of the old track. Toms leap at wf7 proved tyat
  5. glendale looks massive, looks like twice the size of the superdome in terms of floor space.
  6. it looks like its in the middle of it instead of how it usually is
  7. Pretty sure its because Goats are immune to the apocalypse. As the devil is pictured as a goat. So the only animal left to fight is a goat.
  8. great track but the jammer in the middle of track catches the trucks on top
  9. there is water everywhere? anyway I can fix it?
  10. Why are the ramps so steep all the time. They go straight up. Id much rather see a truck clear an obstacle and crush/smash something.
  11. Where did you hear this? Im assuming at the Titans Stadium? Its not on the website. Also, from what ive seen from atlanta, no momentum at all. Track layout was iffy.
  12. 1. Crashing with style 2. Is that the obstacle course? 3. Almost 4. Unable to view
  13. All the ramps look 90° and i would give my left nut to see a bus stack. Oh well though. Hope it all goes good
  14. I wonder how much exactly. They also do a lot more than monster trucks as well
  15. For gods sake, hes barely landed the double backflip and hasnt even done a 100% frontflip. Can he land something then move on? Also, is damon bradshaw in good health? He looks like is sick and had been for a while.
  16. So independant drivers not use it? Or is my knowledge of trucks using it not that good?
  17. This may be a stupid question, but i remember people talking about driveshaft blankets? Why arent people using those if they are better?
  18. Are all three Max-D's going to be wilmans? The render had them on it.
  19. is it a bust or nah, definetly released incomplete
  20. Yes sir i am, extra info, i messed around with sounds, like exchanged certain .wavs in the soundscript file. I didnt play ror for about 2 months because the pedals for my g27 were acing whacky in th game. I fixed it though. It seems to be beaus, they were louder before. Also im not using the same tv as before because im at college.
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