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Everything posted by Hornetguy97

  1. some sounds are insanely loud and others i can barely hear. i edited the grave digger sounds and they are loud but all other sounds are quiet.
  2. The read this said it was for .38 and higher. I got them from hamiltons google drive. Plus i thought wheels and stuff couldnt break in .37
  3. I uninstalled .37 because i want breakables, but i cant get .38 to run properly. I downloaded the .38 pack and put the zip in the packs folder, then put ashs breakables in that zip. His trucks arent showing up and it freezes when i click on one.
  4. Which member is gavin hill? Found this article trying to find a decent vid overkills evolutions parts flying off, http://talkingpointsmemo.com/theslice/what-i-learned-about-america-at-a-las-vegas-monster-truck-show Its a decent read but its interesting to see it from a person isnt a fan of the sport.
  5. Oh man... Life.., what an ahole. Extremely depressing. Two great blue thunder drivers, gone...
  6. Well i doubt they took that into consideration, prepare for the worst and hope the best but it seems that most just hope the best. They cant afford to make the entire area 100% safe, but at least a couple of minor adjustments would be decent.
  7. I know its common, but would 4 work on each side, like if a chassis was built to support it i guess,
  8. Heard of all those but bulldozers horn,
  9. Media and the way information travels in todays age has a lot to do with it,
  10. I watched that video and spent a week trying to find it on youtube again, couldnt though. It was in a very very small arena.
  11. Go to the config and controls and change them. Easy
  12. Hornetguy97

    Spin Tires

    Love it but i cant play online, time out to every game
  13. I agree, does seem unfinished though, still a good looking truck though.
  14. Fox sports 1? It comes on on sundays
  15. Uhh, hard rebound after landing, tried to save it, rolled it and hit the stadium seating.
  16. All the drivers say they go to fast, but they get in the car and they know the risk. The speed is fine. Plus they are already limited. My problem is, is who had the idea to let fans set so close to 200 mph. Its fine on a track like martinsville but definetly not on tracks such as the superspeedways and faster tracks such as charolette and texas. Just my 2 cents from the recent crash at the end of the 400
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