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Everything posted by TheRetroStyle

  1. I think the update is actually OK. However, the Steam version has poor reaction time to when you want to steer, and it is really hard to win pretty much anything. PRO TIP: Save your 74 cents on Steam, and buy the free mobile version instead. Same update, and MUCH BETTER reaction time to steering. If they're "doomed to die", then all I can say is R.I.P.
  2. Blue Thunder wins Freestyle in Rotterdam (I highly doubt the backflip was the very first hit):
  3. The Hot Wheels from 2012 is in the V4 pack, but if looking for Firestorm, it should be in this pack:
  4. Uh, yeah.. *clears throat*, watch those runs again, and look closer at their scores. I'm not repeating the same thing I said a fourth time.
  5. Huh, well then I can tell Scooby easily beat Cleatus. Just surprised hardly any damage was done.
  6. A few more things that I just learned: 1. Scooby won Donuts (which I am very happy about), but rolled at the end. Surprisingly, only minor damage was done. 2. At one point before the show during the livestream, some of the drivers were on the track to report about what happens during the show, you know with Qualifying, Racing, and Freestyle. And same thing as MetLife, some of them were interviewed.
  7. 1. Scott won AGAIN? 2. Agreed on MetLife. However, only a couple of flaws; Ryan should've won, and Lupe should've been in the Top 5.
  8. DAMN. Haven't seen someone wreck Avenger this bad in a while.
  9. Yep. My dad tried to get me to go to the Amsoil Series at Rosemont this year, but I rejected due to the fact that travel would be insane (It's a 4 hour flight from NJ to Max-D territory, and he was gunning for tickets to the 2PM show on Saturday, so we would have to be up and at 'em by 6:30 in the morning, or even earlier if we wanted to go to the Party in the Pits.)
  10. Eh, this doesn't look too bad. Backflip ramp looks covered by mud, and there's actually no inflatables.
  11. Much better Just one question; why is the windshield covered?
  12. Todd LeDuc substituted for Tyler Menninga in Madrid. As of the time I'm posting this, I don't think there is any footage that features just himself. According to results, he killed it big time.
  13. Anyone know why neither Scott Douglass nor Bob Dillner aren't commentating on MJ in MetLife on FS1 today?
  14. Agreed. The only award I can see this movie getting nominated for is a Razzie, which you DO NOT want to be nominated in, for those wondering.
  15. I have a feeling this "Monster Trucks" movie may be one of the worst of 2017 coming from what I saw on the trailer. Predicting it's gonna be PG, but may be a little surprised if it's PG-13.
  16. Haven't heard of this pilot, but man what a sad thing R.I.P. This has gotta be the darkest year of my life thus far...
  17. Yep, I extracted the V4 pack, and I am now able to spawn trucks outside of V4 without having to spawn a truck inside it first. And, to make matters better, the truck that I spawn first keeps it's sound. Thanks!
  18. There are two questions that I have regarding trucks in 0.37, and they are: 1. How can I spawn more than 4 trucks outside of the V4 pack in a single-player server without the game crashing? I have seen a lot of you guys upload pics with more than 4 trucks outside of the V4 pack without the game crashing on you guys, and I'm a bit curious on how you do it so that I may be able to either upload a few pics like those myself or do some things in game on a single-player server. 2. How can you spawn a truck outside of the V4 pack without having to spawn a truck inside the V4 pack first? i have tried to spawn a truck outside of the V4 pack countless times without having to spawn a truck inside the V4 pack first, but all I keep getting is Error 5 asking for "Gravediggerredflare". I tried doing that in 0.38, but when I did so, the truck would lose it's sound. What I'm wondering is how can you spawn a truck outside of the V4 pack without either having to spawn a V4 truck first or without the truck losing it's sound, so I'll be able to participate in fun runs with no issues with anything whatsoever.
  19. Aren't you forgetting 3 other 2016 trucks?
  20. AHH YES!!!!!! You never cease to amaze me, Fern. AWESOME JOB!
  21. Something looks awfully fishy about that lineup...but for 5 trucks, this is a pretty damn impressive lineup!
  22. Well, just today I learned about another very sad death that had me bawling, and I thought I'd share this with you guys. On May 19, 2016, Alan Young, the voice of one of my all-time favorite Disney characters, Scrooge McDuck, passed away of natural causes. i tried not to lose it when I heard this news for the first time, but after hearing that it was true, i just let it all out. Alan lived a very good life, as he lived up to the age of 96. He was a very good friend to many in the Walt Disney Company, and shall never be forgotten. R.I.P Alan Young 1919-2016
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