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Everything posted by zero_mass

    You put just too much work into RORMJL man! Great tracks as always, might be biased but Atlanta is an especially interesting change of pace for Stadium Tour 2. If Supercross The Game saw what you do with their stadiums I'm sure they would be proud. or sue idk
  1. Version 1.0.0


    To you from me for XMT! Here I go mooching off of other people's content once again for the sake of replicating monster trucks. I decided I want to put the latest Terminal Velocity on a V4 node/beam with some other edits for others to drive in leagues such as the upcoming Xtreme Monster Trucks league. I used elements from the files below to make this truck: If you have done something for this truck but haven't received credit or if there are any issues regarding this truck, please let me know!
  2. Version 1.0.0


    im really bad at describing what i post wooooo Here is the track for the second day of FBS 20! On August 1, 2021, more than half of the competitors will do battle for the most coveted titles in FBS, including the Division 1 Championship, the Tag Team Championship, and the FBS-NEO Cup! I'm proud of how this track turned out and I hope you enjoy it! ^-^ By the way, the track for FBS 20 Day 1 is not being uploaded to Sim-Monsters because it's literally just @AaronLurie's NAMT 2020 Tampa track in the Superdome.
    I love the originality of the racing track, as I've never seen a track that actually uses water. Freestyle is nice and spacious with lots of opportunities for big air. This track is just as fun as RORSPS Atlanta, I like it.
  3. Hey FBS drivers and fans, I need your help! Day 1 of FBS 20 is coming later this month, and we decided to make one track for each day. I had the idea to create a poll of tracks for you to choose from in which the highest-voted track would be moved into the Superdome for Day 1, so that's how we'll pick the track! You have now until midnight on Tuesday July 13 to take your pick. What'll it be? Note that the moving of these tracks is just a novelty and there are no plans to upload the finished product to Sim-Monsters. Try out the tracks here if you wish:
  4. Version 1.1.0


    It looks good from a distance. I decided to make this at the spur of the moment when I remembered that Fast Metal was on the chassis of the original Bad Company. This file is basically just @Steele's Bad Company with a new body and some shock covers: If you notice anything you've done for the truck that I forgot, please let me know! Enjoy!
    these tracks are in a quantum state of both existence and non-existence and are bisexual
  5. zero_mass

    FBS Detroit

    Version 1.0.0


    This is easily my favorite FBS track so far. I took a lot more inspiration from Monster Jam-style tracks but still tried to make it look unique as well. I hope you enjoy the track!
  6. Even though there are a couple floating around, I started working on another version of Fast Metal based on @Steele's Bad Company 2018 that will hopefully go on Sim-Monsters. If someone could send images of the interior of this truck that would be awesome! I don't want the Bad Company logo on the engine if it isn't there on the real truck.
  7. Jackson Meszaros El Repollo Loco https://www.mediafire.com/file/vynuedxjyydr6jb/ERLSPS.zip/file zero_mass#0599
  8. Version 1.0.0


    This is the truck I'll be driving for the upcoming Star Spangled Spectacular. I don't know who made much of the props, but most of them came from the file below; if you want to receive credit for any of the props, please let me know!
  9. Name: Jackson Meszaros Truck: El Repollo Loco Discord: zero_mass#0599 Theme song: Undecided, theme song TBD Link to truck: Unfinished, link TBD
  10. Jackson Meszaros Bad Habit Relapse zero_mass#0599
  11. Version 1.0.0


    This is the track that will be used for FBS-NEO Show #4. Hopefully I don't have to compete at this one.
  12. Version 1.0.0


    I had a sudden urge to put @John Dough's and @Dantesinferno52's beautiful Black Panther truck on NAMT settings a few days ago, and I figure it's okay to publish. I don't know whether this is now an open custom or still closed, but y'all probably won't drive it anyway. WAKANDA FOREVER v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v
  13. Signups for FBS close tonight at midnight! If you still want to sign up and compete, now is the time!
  14. There are two spots left to compete in FBS-NEO and we plan on closing signups at midnight! Now is your chance to claim your spots!
  15. Name: Jackson Meszaros Truck: Soldier Fortune Black Ops Backup Truck Choice 1: Jurassic Attack Backup Truck Choice 2: Mohawk Warrior Discord: zero_mass#0599 (in server)
  16. Version 1.0.1


    This is another track that I made for Freestyle Battle Series which will be used for FBS 11. The Montgomery County Fair will be the site of two three-way matches to determine the Division 1 Champion and the next contender for the Division 2 title, the first hot tag match in FBS, and several more intense one-on-one matches to keep you on the edge of your seat.
  17. If you want to drive NAMT trucks in FBS, you can sign up for FBS-NEO here:
  18. Jackson Meszaros Pee Stains Escalade https://www.mediafire.com/file/zjthtji7y802gv0/PeeStainsStock.zip/file you know me lol
  19. Version 1.0.0


    Another low-effort and ridiculous custom truck on new settings. Enjoy!
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