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Doomed User

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Everything posted by Doomed User

  1. I had an awesome night on this forum during the WF's. Had to go from stream to stream and I was always late but I had fun. Can't wait for April 9th so I can watch it for real, and hopefully someone has a legit stream tomorrow. Amazing night.
  2. Jim Koehler for #3. Love to see him pull out what he does best on that new chassis.
  3. My loveing god, they brought every body out for the encore! Not to mention that beautiful flip by MJ25th!
  5. Please tell me one of them is BJ Johnson.
  6. My predictions. Probably complete BS as I have not followed Monster Jam much at all this year. http://challonge.com/tournaments/WFXVIIIRacing/predictions/137001/edit?token=640957d0f2fd013445ea723c9170c51d
  7. Update on 2017 Monster Jam: Blackout (completely black trucks with red beadlocks) 1/3 El Toro Loco Chrome (chrome base with regular colored paint over body) 1/7 Son Uva Digger 2/7 Mohawk Warrior 3/7 El Toro Loco 4/7 Avenger Color Treads (regular trucks with colored tires) 2/7 Doom's Day (Red Tread) Creatures 1/10 El Toro Loco (Yellow) 2/10 Predator 3/10 Zombie Hunter 4/10 El Toro Loco (Burgandy) 5/10 Jurassic Attack (Green) 7/10 Crushtation (Blue) DC Heroes None Edge Glow (transparent, colored frames) 1/4 Dragon (Green Frame) 2/4 Batman (Blue Frame) Epic Additions 2/10 Soldier Fortune 3/10 Grave Digger (Orange) 4/10 Pirate's Curse 5/10 Team Hot Wheels Firestorm (World Finals XVIII) -/10 Gas Monkey Garage* -/10 Alien Invasion* Flashback (trucks with paints based on their historical roots) 1/6 Hot Wheels 2/6 Team Meents -/6 Michigan Ice Monster* Marvel Heroes 1/3 Spiderman 2/3 Iron Man 3/3 Captain America Dog Pound 2/6 Scooby Doo! Mud (trucks with mud decorations on tires and body) 1/7 Bad News Travels Fast x2 2/7 Titan x2 3/7 Thunder 4x4 x2 Tour Favorites 1/10 Grave Digger 2/10 NEA (Blue) 3/10 Madusa (Chrome) 4/10 Team Hot Wheels Firestorm 5/10 Max-D (Grey) 6/10 Avenger (Junkyard Blue) X-Ray (transparent bodies and frames, bodies are detachable) 1/4 Jester 2/4 Shocker Misc. World Finals XVIII Commemorative Truck Silver Collection (completely silver trucks) Grave Digger Max-D Avenger Mohawk Warrior El Toro Loco Target Exclusives El Toro Loco (Burgandy) Grave Digger Team Hot Wheels Firestorm Max-D Monster Mutt Rottweiler Predator Crush Cars El Toro Loco (Burgandy) Grave Digger Max-D (Grey) Mohawk Warrior (Chrome) Soldier Fortune Demolition Doubles (2-packs of trucks) Captain America v. Iron Man Grave Digger v. El Toro Loco (Burgandy) Team Hot Wheels Firestorm v. Hot Wheels Mega-Wrex v. Jurassic Attack (Green) Zombie (Yellow) v. Mohawk Warrior (Chrome) Son Uva Digger (Chrome) v. Zombie Hunter Smash Up Stadiums (5-packs of trucks) Freestyle Champions Racing Champions Travel Treads (trucks with detachable wheels and travel trailers) Dragon El Toro Loco (Burgandy) Grave Digger Sets Brick Wall Breakdown Sto N Go Arena Front Flip Takedown World Finals Stunt Pack Tour Favorite Sets 1/3 Avenger (Chrome), Grave Digger (Orange), Monster Mutt Rottweiler, Pirate's Curse 2/3 El Toro Loco (Yellow), NEA (Blue), Team Hot Wheels Firestorm. Max-D (Grey) 3/3 Grave Digger, Mohawk Warrior (Chrome), Megaladon? (unidentifiable shark truck), Northern Nightmare* KEY: * = confirmed but not yet released, i.e. listing showed on back of box x# = multiple variants of truck i.e. BKT v. No BKT or Light Mud v. Heavy Mud ALSO: I'm developing a document for classic HW MJ Collectors. It's based on rarity and general price (packaged price being primary, loose if packaged not available). All results collected from eBay. I've gotten up to the year 2006 in main releases. Special releases may come soon. Document is also subject to better organization once all years are done. Please tell me if you would like to see a release on this document that is not on here already. RARE TRUCK SUBMISSIONS ONLY! For a general description of all trucks on this list, please visit brianzpatton.com and go to the year, then the truck, and click on that truck to get a better image viewing of it. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17ZriiSG4UY4o0xJm-6T3g5uSdfr1JpPwAc57-SxbJPk/edit?usp=sharing Have fun collecting!
  8. It woulda been better if they used Nine Inch Nails's version.
  9. @rockgod88 You stole my fcking meme and made it horrible. Kill yourself. Lol I joke, but here's a repost from whenever:
  10. That was announced a little while back, but because Monster Jam is known for pulling customs out of their you know what, it's highly likely but still a roll of the dice. Excited to see it nonetheless.
  11. World Finals Wednesday Preview: https://www.monsterjam.com/en-US/news/world-finals-wednesday-preview Make a Wish Foundation got footage and interviews with drivers getting ready for World Finals XVIII.
  12. Considering 7 is on permanent display in Digger's Dungeon, I very highly doubt they will un-retire the chassis, rebuild it with modernized parts, add any other features needed to it, for literally 5 minutes in Vegas to do a front flip. If they really want Adam to do a front flip they may fabricate a whole new chassis from scratch with a shorter wheelbase and then fill it with new parts. It just seems redundant to un-retire the chassis for a 3rd time for one show, even seeing as now the chassis is almost 25 years old and it's probably wayyyy broken in some spots.
  13. He's still running the old one from 2008-09. His new chassis is still in the works but he couldn't have it ready for the 2017 season. Honestly I'm not 100% sure if it's allowed to run a new chassis at the WF since I don't remember it being done before. Correct me if I'm wrong, please. Haven't gotten much sleep lol. But in all honesty I think he should wait until the next season to debut it, so that 20 years can lead to a fresh start. He kinda did the same thing because if he did debut his current chassis in 08, that would mean that upon his 10th anniversary, he ditched the first chassis and gave it to Steve for Wrecking Crew, and replaced it with the current chassis. Please correct me if I'm wrong again, but was the new chassis supposed to be a Racesource or Koehler? I haven't seen the pic in a few months so I don't quite remember, but I do remember something looking like Racesource.
  14. I actually had to reinstall Windows so forget I ever asked this. Works fine now.
  15. That's because you started it a year early and hosted sign ups during the fall. You never know, since it's called summer throwdown series, maybe more people will sign up in the summer.
  16. The problem started on either Thursday or Friday. I opened up Blender, and this is what happened upon startup: The Python console took slower to load than usual. When the Blender window opened, it took forever to load the startup UI. When it finally loaded the UI, it took forever to get the introduction image off of the screen (the thingy with the alien or whatever). Keep in mind here that only a cube was showing, but when I zoomed out/in or moved the camera around, after about 5 seconds of doing so, Blender would freeze and stop functioning for 30 seconds. This happened about every 10 seconds and it became really frustrating. I scanned for and deleted the virus that was on my computer. Nothing changed. I uninstalled, restarted, and then reinstalled, many times. Nothing changed. I uninstalled junk programs that may have been causing a slowdown. Still, nothing changed. The Python console didn't even show any signs of what could be causing a slowdown. I'm going to defragment my computer but I'm not sure if that'll help. Any answers before I do so?
  17. RESULTS: Racing: Zombie Hunter v. Hot Wheels Mr. Destruction v. Maximum Destruction Junkyard Dog v. Zombie Hunter Blue Thunder v. Maximum Destruction Junkyard Dog v. Blue Thunder Freestyle: Junkyard Dog: 11 Hot Wheels: 12 Mr. Destruction: 14 Zombie Hunter: 22 Maximum Destruction: 23 Blue Thunder: 13 Overall Points: Mr. Destruction (Rocco): 24 Blue Thunder (Matthew Tyrrell): 43 Maximum Destruction (Dylan Rothmann): 43 Junkyard Dog (Jerrick Balsley-Mendoza): 46 Zombie Hunter (Jackson Meszaros): 42 Hot Wheels (Brandon Richardson): 22 Awards: Top Racing Qualifier: Junkyard Dog (added 10 points to total) Racing Finalist: Junkyard Dog Racing Winner: Blue Thunder Freestyle Runnerup: Zombie Hunter Freestyle Winner: Maximum Destruction Overall Points Runnerup(s): Blue Thunder and Maximum Destruction Overall Points Winner: Junkyard Dog Derp Moment of the Night: Mr. Destruction in Freestyle, flopped over after a wheelie Best Breakout Performance (first event on Sim-Monsters): Jackson Meszaros in Zombie Hunter Surprise of the Night: Maximum Destruction in Freestyle, finished first after qualifying last for the event I had a lot of fun tonight, even though we ran into a lot of technical difficulties. We had half of the people who signed up not show up, which is a pity, cus it was lit fam. Marcelo was having server issues for all of the event and could not make an appearance besides scoring freestyle. Trying to solve that problem ate up a lot of the night. No worries, however. We'll have things ready for next time. And I'm definitely not hosting the sign ups a week beforehand next time. BIG THANKS TO MATTHEW TYRRELL AND MARCELO MENDOZA FOR OFFICIATING DURING THIS EVENT, AND JON CANNON FOR OPENING HIS SERVER FOR US. WOULDA BEEN A TRAIN WRECK WITHOUT YOU GUYS!
  18. Sign ups are closed unless it gets postponed to a different date.
  19. By request of Marcelo, the Discord server will be posted once again. Please join by 5:30 PM EST if you have not already. https://discord.gg/aDChfHp
  20. An official was found but a server has not been 100% secured. Unless someone provides a late reply by 5:30 or earlier the fun run is going to be postponed until further notice (can't do next weekend because of the World Finals). Edit: Got a server secured.
  21. A little background, Salinas 15 was a little fun run me and Joey had back in August. Even though it was on Avrintech (joey why no server) it was still pretty lit. I took home Racing (beat Toxic in the finals) and Wheelies (beat SUD by 1 point I think) but then borked in FS and got an 11. Not to brag but I thought it would be a little fun for some nostalgia.
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