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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. I guess I should be more indepth of what you can screw up, basically you can screw up hard enough to the point where your computer will loser internet. If for some reason you get that far into a mess, every modem/router/gateway should have a hard reset button that you push down for 20-30 seconds on the backside with a toothpick or something small and pointy. that will revert everything settings wise to default.
  2. did you use your ipv4 address and not the IP the ROR config give you?
  3. Alright so first off you need to right click your network icon on the toolbar (I am on windows 7 but this should be good for a general basis) and go to open network and sharing center. Click on the underlined connection named listed beside Connections, in my case its Local Area Connection. Then click on details and then write down or memorize your IPv4 Default Gateway and IPv4 Address. Take your Default Gateway number and put it into a web browser. If you need help finding your username and password, go onto here: http://portforward.c...routerindex.htm Doesn't matter what game you choose it will tell your the default password and admin log in name. If anything has been changed you will have to contact your ISP Once you get in you will have to locate your DMZ setting if your router has the option. Usually its under the firewall settings, here is what mine looked like: Now when you enable it you must put your IPv4 Address in, NOT THE DEFAULT GATEWAY. Once you do that save the settings, the router might reset after. Once that is done you want to locate your servergui in your ROR folder on your C drive. When it comes up hit the get public address, this is the IP you need to give people to join your server (also the port number aswell). Once you have the rest of the settings to your liking, hit start and now you have to know how to join your own server. The IPv4 Address you used for your DMZ hosting is the same IP you need to put into ROR network tab so that you can join. You cannot use the external IP that you gave out so others could join. Congrats you have just opened up a private server for your own use and enjoyment! Any questions/concerns can be posted below but be warned this is only a guide and I cannot be held responsible for anyone who attempts and messes up.
  4. no I deleted the photos pertaining to my post, your fine. If not I would have deleted yours.
  5. Any more posts/photos depicting impersonating in public servers will be deleted, we cannot control nor enforce what goes on in them. If you really have that big of an issue with it, learn to host private servers
  6. meh I will wait to see it outside a render window before I have judgement
  7. five trucks is too little but the current day truck list looks something like this: 5-SUD 4-Grave Digger The Legend 3-Titan 2-Bigfoot 1-Northern Nightmare
  8. this track needs to be made for ROR pronto
  9. never had the pleasure to race with you on mtm2 but I am happy to see your track making ability on ROR, welcome and enjoy the stay
  10. Hey Davebert, glad to see you have found your way over. Uhh there have been a few of us mtm2er that have survived the trip over. Dig, Roach, Eric, RKM (no idea where he is now, he has been floating in and out since he moved), Jrob is also around somewhere, Demko makes his rounds depending on sobriety, Tim Smith, Auz, Travis, Alston, Carr and Elemendorf are somewhere around here too. I am sure there is more but alot of people are not very post active. As for up to speed, we have been on a delay for the 4th iteration of the truck pack, massive amounts of changes have been made from version 3. We are closing in on finishing it and should be out soon. With that, season 3 should kick off and an abundance of 2012 tracks should be making their way onto the download page. We still have that tight knit group of people making content like the mtm2 days, only drastically more members.
  11. dear god did Dave Collard make a post?!
  12. I cant upvote posts but I would be spammin the button right now if I could
  13. 3:36 I would be running after that
  14. locked for such a trivial request
  15. Jimmy's truck in WF13 was half blue half clear. The scheme has been attempted but has not come out satisfactory, it will probably be figured out eventually but as of right now no one can figure out how to do it properly.
  16. I like his fatty old man crew member getting into it with a women, such a class act.
  17. its a gimmick, I would rather see a new body mold vs hay guise I ternd body round and zomg new twuck
  18. the new one has a blower matt, Dare Devil (the old chassis) might still be N/A but I think it was updated to a blower too
  19. wrong chassis, not to sound like a dick or anything
  20. yep it's in V4, locking thread as such.
  21. RIP Karl, taken much too soon.
  22. locking this because of stupidity
  23. I need another monitor, ugh. my background changes every 3mins using photos from WF13 that I took, so while I am posting Time Flys now, its already changed to Becky's El Toro.
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