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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. John can do whatever he likes with what he makes, Gavin Hill is well known for begging for unreleased content and spreading it around but in that same breath there have been instances over time on here of current members doing the same. As for the truck itself, minus missing goodyear tires and having the wrong shock bodies it is passable. The skin itself is very clean and well defined.
  2. Dough sent Morgans WF's Max-D to Gavin Hill who has given it out to others.
  3. If I remember correctly it is because he lost it when his laptop took a poop.
  4. and they thought those flimsy metal fencing was going to stop 700 pounds rolling at a high rate of speed?
  5. Enjoying my fulltime babysitting position on here Glad to see you were able to find your way back on here
  6. I tend to avoid updating OS for atleast a year or two after they have been released so your guess would be as good as mine.
  7. Could you screenshot and post the errors you get? That way I can look into getting it fixed.
  8. Could you post up the actual texture? It would be more useful for anyone that would be willing to try
  9. To be fair I do not consider myself someone who deserves to be mentioned in that list. What I do in comparison to people who actually can do everything themselves is laughable. There are two major problems I see with how content is made or dealt with on this site. Number one being that the people who are new to tinkering with stuff get shunned pretty hard if all they show off in a SYP thread is that they changed tires on an existing truck. You cannot expect someone to paint the mona lisa if they have never lifted a paint brush before. Number two being existing members on this site who made nice stuff but never end up releasing stuff for whatever reason. You do not have to upload a complete truck, hell I have made that pretty obvious with just releasing parts and chassis's. But lets be real, nobody wants to learn how to because that would require doing work.
  10. Alright I am gonna bite and ask why it is on Big Kahuna's chassis (which I know Shane had up for sale), Is the deal with SIR only temporary? I have the SIR chassis Tantrum is currently running done but not released
  11. Overkill Racing and Chassis is the company that has the photo of the MT chassis they are designing for Joey, hopefully the solidworks photo is not entirely accurate as it has single shock per corner layout that is trash.
  12. I would ask why you are using 4 different Proxy IP's that trace to Croatia but I think I have the answer already.
  13. The controller map listed on this site has rear steer mapped to X and B. Front steering is jerky because ROR has no ability to adjust sensitivity. http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/352-xbox-controller-map/
  14. http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/tutorials/article/33-how-to-change-tires/
  15. what is this world coming to that even the Indy's are not safe...
  16. all you need was remove the spec map...
  17. I hate to be that guy but there is a glaring mistake with this track. The distance from the infield container wall to the middle stack is like half of the distance it was in real life. Just did not want to resize the stadium and re texture it due to the time crunch of needing it done or ? I find it hard to imagine that the group of people beta'ing it would have overlooked this.
  18. atleast you were in the right section last time http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/topic/8798-show-your-diggers-chapter-43/page-29
  19. Feel free to post screenshots of what your working on in our Show Your Projects (or in this current state, diggers). Having people post single thread about their works in progress would clutter up rather quickly. http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/topic/8798-show-your-diggers-chapter-43/page-27
  20. You can only do so much with photos, unless you were there physically measuring everything (this goes for even chassis's) you will never get it 100% perfect. With that said, it is very good, thank you for actually making it.
  21. Has Beam NG become anymore mod user friendly or waste of HD space? (serious question I stopped paying attention a couple months after the release and being sucked in by the hype)
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