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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. check your ror log then to see if it has any errors, need to eliminate more possibilities.
  2. If after installing a ROR version and those folders are missing, try running the game. It will create those folder for fresh installs.
  3. So your steering is not centring? Is this for the front tires or the rear?
  4. What are your computer specs? How are your folders for ROR setup? (packs, vehicles, terrains)
  5. If they are indeed ash's breakables, the version that infamously was getting passed around was for 37 not 38.
  6. Is this post still public? Been gone for a few weeks and trying to get to those photos but cannot seem to find the original post.
  7. Your in the right ballpark. It is C-32, ran as Backwards Bob last year after Pablo's trailer fire, El Diablo in 2014, Dustin Brown's Wolverine in 2013 (Ran as Superman in Vegas), Monster Energy/Airforce Afterburner.
  8. The monster truck calender year ends pretty much at the end of September, couple months of downtime to get everything ready for first quarter. So netflix and chill yo.
  9. Uh no he didn't, you did which is your opinion and your entitled to have it but that does not make it fact by any stretch of the imagination.
  10. Dana was let go for reasons that were kept undisclosed for a reason. Seasock aswell but age had a factor in it. You want a reason why? Look at all the new drivers added last year that tore it up, they are just as good if not going to be a hell of alot better if given some more seat time.
  11. After how well the MoreMonsterJam series went with basically no cars you are not going to see them in small arena shows much anymore.
  12. If I was in that position I would have too, it would have been like them forcing everyone to run Ford bodies when they had that sponsorship. I only wish more people would have outright refused to buying into those shit tires. Also I heard that some teams were possibly being offered the tires cheaper (Creten, Kohler, etc). I would imagine it would be extremely difficult for FELD to explain where everyone disappeared to.
  13. From what I have heard (no I will not put anyone's name here) that they could not produce enough BKT's in time for 1st quarter next year, something to do with the manufacturing process and the lack of multiple molds. This was a couple months ago so no idea if it is still true but I know there are quite a few drivers that chose to look for work elsewhere this year.
  14. If they are going to be "rookies" there are alot of trucks that need drivers then, that is what my assumption of it no longer being a rookie test bed anymore is based upon.
  15. I assume the More Monster Jam deal is no longer going to be restricted to just "rookies"? If so the arena game just got upped drastically.
  16. I get offended by sponsor panels because they hide my work
  17. MFW getting corrected by someone who floated over to 'murica on a Ford Pinto door
  18. your missing 2014SUDhydro-spec.png and SilverHydroRam.mesh. I can take a wild guess with the first one but the second one I have no idea off the top of my head
  19. It tells you right in the last line, your missing the file MonsterStart2.wav You can find it here.
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