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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. Do you get the same choppy behaviour offline? You try different truck and tracks?
  2. Are your ingame settings are as low as you can make them? You have not updated your GPU drivers or anything like that? No extra programs or processes running in the background? If I recall from previous complaints you have made in event chats your computer is less then optimal for running ROR but there are alot of factors for sudden changes
  3. 26" front restrict/bottom accumulator setup with shock cap protector and a square plate shock/reservoir clamp 30" rear bottom accumulator/restrict with shock cap protector and a square plate shock/reservoir clamp
  4. BJ does not run Ukraine tires (he runs SIR's last time he drove it) shock bodies are incorrect, headers aswell (runs magnaflows but no mufflers and the fuel cell is a Jazz red metal one (cannot tell from the picture but it also appears the fuel cell is not running length wise with the frame), not the tan plastic version.
  5. Outlawed


    This whole thread =
  6. speaking of western renegade I really need to get back to redoing that chassis
  7. More importantly apparently the YGS will still be happening in Vegas next year and they are even adding two more trucks (16 total)
  8. truck looks fantastic, though the chassis mesh needs to be raised so the 4 link and shock bodies atleast somewhat lineup with their respective mounting areas (that does not even include the engine lining up with its mounts either)
  9. McGruff is not new, Rod Wood has had his 3rd Gen PEI since 2012. Big Chief appears to be a Greg Adams truck (I know he had one up for sale)
  10. rear cage wall is poking through the body 0/10
  11. It's not mine to release, Ghostx made it (I derped and put his lastname instead of his username on here).
  12. so added a window, some lexan and Steele's steering shaft in some more minor updates to my SMRA ride
  13. I don't even like wrestling but this shit is hilarious http://youtu.be/YU36_uOLweQ?list=UUkrzcMTs4QdzZEhfhOjhKnQ
  14. not much you can do with fatigued, twisted up metal. generally they are left to rust or cut up.
  15. No if people knew how to release trucks properly as standalone you would not need to extract anything. However to make it easier to rule out the possibility it is recommended that unzip the smV4 pack into your My Documents/Rigs of Rod/Packs folder. This will cause ROR to read that folder as a directory to find and use the possible missing files from a zip. Or you could just extract any add on truck to the Packs folder and everything should work (that is unless the truck you download requires models or textures from another truck that is a add on aswell).
  16. Up until I saw the shocks I was digging it but for god sakes please do not leave them just floating in the air. Glad to see you didn't give up on the beast PC, always liked it.
  17. I do not think the hair or cloth would be do-able in ROR and if it was, it would be poo.
  18. just for that I am locking it now
  19. and the biggest WTF moment of the off season goes to...
  20. trying to branch out and model more then just chassis's
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