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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. Linsey got a new chassis after Vegas this year and debuted it in Salinas. He is now using a gen2 CRD.
  2. I do not use force feedback in ROR and the amount of wheel rotation will be different from person to person, I run 254-261. The link Mark posted for the controller map works, I do not know what your doing wrong (maybe check your pedals to make sure they are plugged in and working correctly as per the logitech profiler). Make sure the proper folder, My Documents/Rigs of Rod/Config and that you imported the keymap in the ROR config.
  3. Clever name, not sure about the middle strip fade though. It just looks outta place
  4. nope that is still that wonky PEI that David Smith cut up and modified similar to what he did to his Racesource chassis
  5. wuts going on with Factions headers?
  6. The offical's made the right call in not RII'ing Donald in Vegas, yes it would have killed the engine but the main reason Donald walked away from the crash is because he still had steering and was able to 45 degree himself into dumpster, allowing the truck to absorb the impact in a less concentrated area. 66 mph into a dumpster straight on would have been disastrous.
  7. There is a bit of misinformation about the whole issue Devin, this started way back in v3 when we moved onto v4. Certain people thought that by simply lowering the chassis model (ingame mesh) it would alter your trucks handling. The fact is you have to modify the node/beam or values in the truck files (be is shocks2 or flexbody lines). Like I said above, if you have ever looked at Box5's node/beam that we still use, the shock node are less then half of the proper length they need to be (so like maybe 12-13" of suspension travel as a rough estimate). Most trucks today run 26"/26" or 26"/30". The lack of travel is even more compounded by improperly placed shock body and shaft models. Yes it is a game and yes people should be able to setup their trucks how they like, at the same time, what is the point of making proper handling trucks when people will lower their trucks, reduce inbound and outbound travel so their trucks is easier to race? (*cough*SSRS Grave Digger 20*cough*) I almost wish we had proper breakables because then with all of this would be moot since trucks would break constantly from the lack of suspension travel.
  8. It looks slammed because people are too lazy to move the shock bodies to match where they would mount to the actual shock towers and the shafts where they would mount on the axles. Not to mention still using box5's node/beam, but lets be honest people, you put your trucks down on the bump stops using precomp so it's easier to drift without highsiding.
  9. Weenk has a gen 2 CRD now, the Cohen (which started life as a second Blue Thunder) was retired after Vegas this year. He even used NEA's chassis for a few shows until they could put his new truck together. Also, Andy Brass inducted into the MT HoF, F*****G RIGHTS!!!!!
  10. a few things come to mind as I put more thought about this possibility: Which option would a majority of the player base be able to run without needing a super computer? Kind of pointless to move to a new engine when nobody will be able to play on it and I know there are a quite a few that can barely handle I might be a minority here but I believe that physics should trump visuals in terms of importance. Or atleast a balance of both. If if is possible to carry over physics from ROR I have a few testbeds I was making with another member to be more accurate then what we have now. I believe it is entirely possible to get what would be close enough to make most people happy. And lastly, which option offers the easiest modifiability? ROR is far from fun to put stuff into game but what kind of difficulty would we be looking at moving to a different game engine? I would love the ability to be able to piece together trucks kind of like BinEdit/Traxx were (being able to see things rendered ingame before exporting).
  11. oh wow I didn't realize this game still had life in it, I used to play both Evo 1/2 a bunch when Vales was still cool (ya that long ago lol)
  12. The fact is waiting for another game (I chuckle to even call the mess BeamNG is a game) that has no commitment to Monster Trucks means the same issue we are in currently. There had been a few talks about moving to the game engines you listed a long time ago but the reality is that most of us on here have zero idea how to code. I mean there are maybe 3 guys on here that know how to make scratch built trucks for ROR.
  13. Racing will be a part of the show, there will not be a qualifying to get in deal. You show up to the event, you participate
  14. nothing like having a power point presentation showing in clear fact how much you suck, thanks Danny!
  15. I think there might be a bit too many cut outs on the back half of the body but that front clip looks sick
  16. Best part is it was not even you who uploaded it
  17. No that was the political answer that was given to people about his dismissal. He was let go for another undisclosed reason.
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