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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. https://www.facebook.com/Jestermonstertruck there is their facebook page
  2. Check the scrapyard, there are two. People are too lazy.
  3. You realize that Monster Energy's rims are painted Digger green right?
  4. For Youtube videos you have to looks for the share option and copy the link. To post photos when you go to reply there is a photograph button (underneath the smiley button) that you copy past a picture link to view. If done correctly you should be able to see the photo in your post before you hit reply.
  5. Titan is getting rebuilt with a brand new chassis, past that no idea why he is not listed in any of the lineups. Crazy to hear the Flame Motorsports trucks are being used for the Basl's. I thought Aaron was the second truck/crew chief for the Huffaker touring pair. Though this is not the first time (Patriot has run as a El Toro Loco a few times on the west coast)
  6. Not intentionally no, but there has been several instances of trucks chucking parts into the stands (Tacoma being the worst, Crusader had a shock cap end up in the stands at one show and the Doomsday encore had a truck chuck some sort of part into the crowd aswell). Trucks are allowed to get even more out of shape and allowed to try to recover from crashes or rolls even more so then last year. You give those two factors more time and there will be more instances of it. I am not even going to get into the drivers and how much abuse they take from driving. They do a masterful job of keeping it to themselves and not making it public but if you think they don't hurt, you are just ignorant. These guys and gals put their selves through hell for our entertainment.
  7. I am not embarrassed about using an alias because I got banned for being a cheeky little **** on my first go round on MTM2Draggers. I spoke my mind knowing full well the possible backlash I would receive because what had actually transpired and what was being said were two different things. Sure it would have helped a bit if I was not completely new to the site or atleast had established myself as a contributor. But my belief that your join date or post count should have zero reflection on when you speak up was not reciprocated.
  8. At what cost though? Driver safety? Spectator safety? There is always a catch with progression. In reality Monster trucks in a whole have been very lucky, I mean just the past 2-3 years there have been so many close calls.
  9. I have no shame so there are no embarrassing moments.
  10. Well I will agree with you there, they spent all year hyping WF15 with the "as big as it gets" BS and the show flat out sucked. With the direction the "sport" has been going it will only get worse before it gets better. It is not that I disagree with what you posted (I share roughly the same outlook) but there seems to be a few bright spots before the year even kicks off. I will always be a glass half full kinda guy, even when history and facts show there will be a downfall incoming.
  11. What gives you the guy feeling that this year is going to be bad? As for surprises of people not being in specific shows, not everyone wants to see the same trucks year in and year out. There is only one of each Team Scream trucks, other shows need to have them every now and then.
  12. Wolverine never ran on a CRD, if your wanting to make the one that Alex Blackwell drove then use Dustin Browns Ironman from my chassis pack.
  13. JR bought two PEI XT chassis's (one for the new Razin Kane, second one no idea) and Donald sold his current chassis and purchased another one (PEI XT). Jester will be traveling with Razin Kane I believe (since the owner is located in FL and the testing videos have been at JR's test field) and holy shit FELD is actually allowing an old name to come back http://www.monsterjam.com/Events/2015/02/27/Macon,_GA/
  14. Well its a Gen 1 PEI (El Diablo and the chassis that Northern Nightmare was on at Vegas this year are the only ones that were still left being used stateside. Since NN got a CRD I am willing to bet that the chassis in the picture is that one).
  15. It finally debuted? Pictures can be posted here http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/topic/7777-official-2015-monster-truck-thread/page-2
  16. Digger 29 has not even debuted yet
  17. http://youtu.be/ioBzLWk3YZc?list=UUIWUTy9hs1gesoXDuSl7cWA
  18. So he stole your Grave Digger did he? Meanwhile both of you guys have built "your" Grave Diggers using models from this community
  19. Outlawed

    Car Porn

    interesting, your google search turned up nothing about the fifth gen ACR concept car.... here ya go Lord http://dodgeforum.com/articles/new-dodge-viper-acr-concept/
  20. Usually this thread does not start until after the Minny show in the first week of December but alas times are changing
  21. I bet I can guess the 3 people that liked your post (Tharindu, Mason and DannyMackey) before I actually look. *edit* 66% correct is a passing grade. As for the game it will be crap they all are and will continue to be aslong as people keep buying them.
  22. because we are able to admit monster trucks lived on past the late 1980's Damian
  23. Amazing what a few lines of text can do, you people realize that if you do not like what you read or do not agree with it, you do not have to respond. Sometimes silence speaks louder then words...
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