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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. There is a name I have not seen in a while, nice to see you posting again Justin!
  2. When are we having to qualify in for this? Apologizes as I have been super busy away from the computer but I will still be participating in this
  3. I think the roll had more to do with the bus stack hit at 30 seconds, looked like on the landing the left rear shocks lost dampening. Every other hit after that the rear dropped out way too fast and was not soaking up any of the hits
  4. hated the rubber banding of AI, especially on the showdown with the numbered bosses. besides that I loved the game.
  5. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10203868259135392
  6. I honestly expected a bit more with Dough commentating but I was left more disappointed then my ex girlfriend.
  7. Got bored and figured I would update this with some more current parts, not sure if I am going to keep the King shocks or try something different
  8. Fair enough, as cynical as it may sound, I view everyone in the same light regardless of whatever quirk or difference they might have. And tell her to get in line, there are alot of people that dont like me ICWUTUDIDTHAR
  9. You could have left out the fact she has a physical disability and my answer would have been the same, not entirely my fault if you got offended by that since you decided to mention her in your response.
  10. My fetish, how did you know?
  11. wut u say m8?! 1v1 me IRL
  12. Keep posting the same crap until its funny, some 9gag mentality right there. Anyway's, there has not been much in terms of patching up the issue between Bigfoot and FELD. Last I was told, they give FELD their booking info and they chose not to book any of their trucks. Maybe one day though...
  13. you missed copying the managed material lines
  14. If you ladies are done getting your knickers in a knot, post your damn projects. thanks!
  15. No offence but the layout not to mention the sizing of the font is completely different. Ontop of that your file never made it to be approved on the site, so how could anyone have gotten it?
  16. A quick browse shows nothing uploaded or pending, so your assumption of them taking your content is unfounded.
  17. His qualifying time would have put him as a contender for the YGS. Trust me he will be running MJ shows next year (they finished the truck too late for bookings this past year) and FELD wanted him to be in Vegas this year. Expect Saigon in the YGS next year.
  18. once you can shift into second, stay in it. almost 99% of the tracks raced on do not need you to shift down, you have to be careful though because if you are on the brakes too hard and try to use the rear steer the truck will stall. I personally freestyle in second, even for my forced realism runs, just gotta develop a feel for what the truck will do.
  19. http://www.mediafire.com/download/3scqte1cm5ed972/Thor.zip link works fine for me
  20. short list -properly spaced shock shafts -body mounts -proper fitting rim -physics
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