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Official Monster Truck "Silly Season" 2K17 Thread


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My opinions on the new schemes:

I like Iron Outlaw, has a lot of new stuff and is very reminiscent of the old 2006-2011 design.

Bounty Hunter and Scarlet Bandit are neat, I like the older designs more but the new designs are still pretty awesome. Bounty Hunter's font also looks a lot like if not the same one used from 2000-2003.

Snake Bite looks awesome, again, I prefer the older design but the new design isn't bad by any means.

Barbarian is nice, new twist on a somewhat older scheme.

I like Basher but at the same time I don't. I like seeing Kevin Lewis back and apparently he put on a crazy show tonight, but the truck does not look as good as some of the other ones, like Quad Chaos or Bad News. It looks unfinished and rushed. Hopefully a new design comes out later, I just feel like the truck was not done by the time first quarter rolled around. I see what they're going for with the look and the name, I just feel there's other ways to do it. Still awesome seeing Kevin Lewis back though.

I think Wrecking Crew is very unnecessary. The original design was very simple yet not boring, and I don't see why they needed to add the red to the back of the truck. It also makes the red font a little hard to read (I'm not saying it is not readable. It is readable, just fades in too much). I prefer the older scheme. I don't mean to sound so negative on this one, I guess I just don't like it. 

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You guys do realize the point of Basher is supposed to look weathered, old and thrown together right...?  Hence the door panels being different and having a patina look to them, the sway bars and driveshaft cage being rust colored, the chassis not powder coated and looking weathered, last year on the tires instead of goodyear playing into the old theme, the planatery covers saying "eat my rust", hell they even want as far as welding the headers on in different directions to make them look bent.  I think its an awesome concept and they killed it.  Also that's gotta be one of the lowest sitting motors in any chassis I've ever seen

Other stuff.  I love all of the 2Xtreme Racing schemes this year, they knocked all of them out of the ballpark, especially with the lack-luster ones they've had in the past.  It also looks like Iron Outlaw is running one of the PEI's the Cretens bought years back.

I don't like the wrecking crew scheme at all...  Doesn't really make sense to me.  Also they're still running the OG Avenger chassis so it doesn't look like Jim's new chassis is ready.

Basher Freestyle.  Not sure how you call this the best save in TTMTT history... All he did was roll the truck and let perpetual motion and gravity do the rest..


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Interesting thing I just noticed, Corey Snyder, son of former Screamin Demon and Illuminator driver/owner Jay Snider will be driving Toxic in Greenville South Carolina coming up for Monster Jam.  Not sure what happened with Travis Petri or the Toxic team since they've been rather quiet in 2016

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21 hours ago, Ray Billings said:

what do you mean when linsey started driving he drove crusader since it was announced 

Since he took it over I know he's known more because of crusader and has some wins from it but I felt like lately the truck usually brakes on him it must be just me who feels this way but when he drove iron outlaw and blue thunder he did amazing and won slot more 

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