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Show Your Projects: Chapter 9

Casey Graves

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IDK if you guys remember me making this track in blender but here it is exported. HUGE thnx to SealedGecko for showing me how to export. And yes i know there are a ton of problems in it size wise but this was the first track i made.


Hmmmmm. I wonder what this is going to be? *cough cough, replica, cough cough*


Edited by RockCrwlr
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My Silverdome is getting a whole lot closer to being done. I have an invisible hill or wall by the entrance to fix and some more details to add. Lag has not been an issue at all with me or the people testing it for me. Once the venue is done it's game on. Tracks will be getting cranked out regularly.




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Thanks RKM. I think you're the other guy running on-board video. So am I for right now. I have had no issues with 512 shared memory and 3 gigs of ram. I even have no lag when there are two trucks out at the same time. All of my settings are maxed with the exception of particles, water, smoke and stuff like that. The people testing for me have had no complaints either. In one week when I am on vacation I am reinstalling windows on 3 of my computers and really testing for lag on those. I have one from just about every generation of pentium. Thanks for the offer but I think I got it all covered. Also want to prove a theory about a windows update that has me mad.

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