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Fun Run World Finals 3

Jack Merkle

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Both racing and freestyle first 23 to sign up are in the rest are alternates i hope to have this happen next saturday


Drivers meeting:5:45

Show starts at 6:00

please pick replica trucks

Trucks and Drivers:

Jack Merkle: Summit Bigfoot 2011

Aaron Lurie: El Toro Taco

Chace Leahy:Grinder

Josh Gajewski:Grave Digger

Andrew Marsh:Spiderwomen

Devin Doss:Black Pony (Stallion)

Connor Richardson:Son-Uva Digger

Tom Lions:Minimum Destruction

John Dough:Tazmanian Devil

Justin Morris:Time Dies

Ray Rosales:Grave Digger The Legend

Rayne:Iron Woman

Joshua Micks:Fatman

Chris Hamilton:Averager

Cody.J:Monster Mutt Dalmation

Matt Wilkinson:Blue Thunder

Trevor Amos:Iron Pony (warrior)

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