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Show Your Projects Chapter 22!


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worst Max-D ive seen made in RoR.


kidding looks nice , very good job there.


i like how the original post was "gayest max-d in ror"


because guess what


you're sort of right funny2.png



Anyway, i actually made a big mistake on the face thingy on the side, first to guess what it is wins a prize of nothing!


also i've started on the lights. Polygon monster this is

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The teeth are wrong, yours seems to have no teeth.

The face has sharper edges than you put.

Your needle seems to have about a 10-20 degree angle to it, the real one appears to be perfectly level.

And you forgot the 2x4s behind it. :P

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The teeth i wanted to leave to textures, as i set it out to be a lowpoly model, hold your laughter.


I traced the shape almost perfectly (including the needle, which in reality is printed on but i like it 3d), but it has no edge split which makes it look softer, as for it looking happy, i unno, probably the paint, there's a lot of sharp converging lines that're exadurated with paint, which probably adds a lot of the angry emotion into it.


It was even worse when i was modelling the thing, before i'd gotten to the chin but had the grin down, it looked downright cheerful. Emotions and how we interpret them are a very weird thing




In fact, what i'd done wrong was when i'd posted those, i'd made the hands with a mirror modifier, and it hadn't occurred to me that they were actually asymmetrical.


go team retard

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Tell you what, if anyone wants to paint it, ask me on skype, and i'll gladly hand it off if i can do the finishing touches on it, like bake, specular, base colours, scratches and stuff

Hey harlow, im painting/painted the original max d already,(just waiting for the final update to finish it off and all) ill paint the yours too if you want ill be on at friday, PM on here if your interested :)

and im pretty sure everyone can i agree with me here, but i have quit the experience painting rather difficult trucks, so max do shouldn't be a problem

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