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Less laggy trucks.


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I dont know if this is the right forum category but I was wondering if someone could make the following trucks less laggy:


Deja Vu 2


SUD 2014


Overkill Evolution


Bigfoot 14 2013 (Edys pack)


Big Kahuna (Edys pack)


Scooby Doo (Edys pack)


This would be a huge help. Thank You.

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I would probably start by removing the Crusader Knuckle lines from the .truck file. If your computer is THAT Bad, Like Mine, Those Will Probably lag you quite a bit.

Agreed, those knuckles are pretty laggy. I would also recommend removing the Coil Over or King Coil lines as well; those cause lag for me and some friends of mine.

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I would probably start by removing the Crusader Knuckle lines from the .truck file. If your computer is THAT Bad, Like Mine, Those Will Probably lag you quite a bit.

And by "removing", u mean highlight and backspace the lines??

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's wierd. It's like I have a list of trucks that will lag and won't lag. This isn't the v4 pack. It's the downloads. The wierd thing is is that there's super detailed trucks I can use at a steady 50 fps and some super detailed trucks that drop me to 10 fps

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