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Patriotic Canadian

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Everything posted by Patriotic Canadian

  1. Offtopic, but if Team Meents isn't dragged out from whence it came for an encore/WF scheme i will be disappointed
  2. >new machine for 500 dollars good luck with that
  3. they seemed to have lost their taste in music between now and last year last year at BC Place they played the black keys, bit of hendrix, other proper music. this year it's all beiber and other such pop drivel. strange
  4. i can do it easy. it's just RGB codes in the material
  5. what happens when the screen on the back of the camera isn't high res enough to see the blur, and the person i borrowed the camera from set it up for me saying "yes this should result in the sharpest photos easily." loveing aperture was as low as it could go and it was set to long exposure, which essentially translates to "put this thing down and point it at a sunset, idiot". i hate myself, all these great reference photos ruined.
  6. THE MOST IMPORTANT NEWS OF THE YEAR. Cam Mqueen has glued a hocky puck to NN as a hood ornimant. that is all, proceed as normal.
  7. You know i was going to give it to you actually
  8. kill me. holy poo this is bad. also like a boss i based it off a bloody concept drawing, rather than any actual photos, so it's as accurate as a drunken redneck with a sawn off shotgun Not bad considering i've only been modelling for what, uh, eight months? give or take
  9. well orignally this post said PROGRESS in massive letters, but i think that's a bit of a misnomer now not happy with the headlights indents, going to take some reference images tomorrow and try again. I'll do the rear end louvers then as well and yes, the headlights will glow, and they will be bound to the headlights key along with the Tron lights on meent's 10th anniversary body and the taillights. i dunno, i'm trying to get the 'sad' look in the front cowl. not sure if i've got it yet also i don't know what to do about paint. i can't texture that well anymore and i sure as hell can't do max-d. oh and i will be doing the team meents/goldberg body with the scoop on the rear engine bay ridge
  10. Smooth that body mesh yeah that's a bit of a mess find me on skype and i'll help you sort it out Edit: so it seemed they really have changed the base body this year. they've added those 45 degree angles to the rear engine bay, split one of the rear louvers in half, changed the headlight indent ruts that meents ran last year and sunk the rear engine bay even farther down welp, gonna have to do about 6 versions of this bastard. thank god for the edge loop cut and knife tool
  11. Front hood bit is far too wide. can we see a wireframe
  12. in the prop section and in the mesh name
  13. i was hoping for a whistle i guess the air horn uses less compressed air, but still
  14. What i meant was he was working it incredibly hard because not all the power was getting to the ground for some reason. And i've heard of ryan anderson saying that there aren't any limiters on the engines for reasons i can't remember, but don't hold me to that
  15. wasn't it RKMs and it looked even worse than the activision guff
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