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Patriotic Canadian

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Everything posted by Patriotic Canadian

  1. i was going to model it as well, get a real high fidelity shape on them. call me the detail nazi.
  2. 5-10's are best shoe. but if you can post a shoe, i can post my bike i've lost my camera so just imagine that with some dirt on it sitting next to some bags of salt. great bike, flies like a dream, weighs about as much as jupiter, much to the bain of my atrophying lungs, has a suprising amount of bite when banking Incidentally, my chariot of fire for bus chasing. albiet not a chariot nor often on fire. although it has been on fire, it was only the once when i was taking a dare. i live on top of a massive hill, and enjoy waiting for the bus to trundle by at 11pm on the way back from my friends house, running down alongside the bus on the road, and tapping on the outside of the windows, much to the hilarious reactions of the people inside. i have been refused a few rides at Phibbes because of it, but i think it's totally bloody worth it until i kill myself
  3. Honestly? the joker. i did a paint scheme of the joker over hot wheels with square teeth instead of fangs, and it was pretty cool, and everyone knows joker is infinitely better then batman, and much less horrific then madusa
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CKBVxMp5YI
  5. Hell, i'll even paint up the accurate bounty hunter and do up the phys model for that one if klayton'll pop it in there and figure out how to make the ramp work.
  6. i already painted sting and vette king, i'm just remodelling the corvette body before i show it. just a heads up
  7. I have plans, but i wanted to throw natural high into v3 anyway, just need the proper frame for it
  8. Well i'm a crazed mad little boy with a bike, you have to think about this stuff when coming up to a kicker, kozak should be able to testify. it's a travesty how every person who ever was can only think inside their own little contextual bubble
  9. Toot toot, the controversy train is coming into the station needs a lot of work, didn't even finish the grille, but it's mindight so whatever
  10. I was going to model the right F150 anyway, so if you want a full on replica done proper, just ask
  11. come to think of it, this is true. but not because tom's just a madman with lead implants on his right foot, it's because the willman's design puts the engine, and ergo, centre of gravity, right at the middle of the spin, essentially making the rear of the truck a flailing limb taped to a centrifuge. it's why you gotta plant your natches on your bars on a bike backflip, stretching back to settle it. could happen, probably won't though
  12. Protip: pure saturation is a crime against nature. the trick is in subtly. don't go pure anything, especially black, you can't shade or adjust purity, so it's going to be an unshadable mess
  13. All i can say about this is, there will be stretchers at that double backflip, i garuntee it
  14. That Renegade makes me remember one of my really old skins I'd say good times, but crikey was i ever crap
  15. Me and ethan already got a fully detailed El torro stuck up on his version without lag. the trick was just to make el torro a seperate prop, but uncontactable, with a charade "physics model" underneath, which had a total polycount of 80, but was invisible. worked like a charm
  16. Or, you can make your own! using the magic of actually knowing what you're doing
  17. I know, it's horrible innit. >Keystroke for save: Control W >Keystroke for quit: Control Q >Little dialogue for both asking if you want to save/quit which i instinctively click through look at your keyboard and tell me why that's wrong
  18. i thought it was a custom racesource because of the cab width
  19. Only if it's done tastefully with a nice diffuse underneath, as ROR's graphics engine is about as forgiving as a non theoretical mathematician made of wall. And ryan, hit the set smooth and remove doubles buttons when you export. it'll do wonders.
  20. It's an identical frame to fime flies, so if i replicate that all i need to do is model an anorexic ford ranger. and i will always spell it flies, because Fly's is either possesive of a fly, or just plain grammatically wrong and it gives me a headache every time i see the truck, because i love kelvin reimer, but i want to slap him every time i see that name.
  21. This one's definatly on my list, just after i get to Time Flies
  22. Something i thought was missing from the SM dustbowl, a general non ROR showoff thread for vindicating your freudian pride. So just post anything that you're proud of that's not NR03/ROR related, from iracing, to any random model you have or mabye even a video of you hitting a stuipdly oversized ramp on some wheeled object. I'll start, since im' the Smuggest Person in ROR™
  23. Welp, there goes that exclusive fuzzy feeling i had
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