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Patriotic Canadian

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Everything posted by Patriotic Canadian

  1. i got the worst qualifying pass by far. WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE i get to race TQ
  2. Just needs a chassis now. Still working on the shading
  3. Man am i sore i missed this, Bloody fantastic track. See you all sunday then
  4. Juggernaut reminds me of Red Baron on a monster truck Daredevil would be easy, i have a vette body from somewhere lying around. rest just sort of look six grades of silly if you ask me.
  5. Probably the only good thing to come out of the marvel monster derp show. my face hurts from the grin i got
  6. Ghostx modeled the body, i hand did everything on the old thrasher, borrowed the wolf from the official merch site for the other, colour ranged the splatters. top one is old, been updating the shading and grille since then next step is to get the wolf's eyes to glow like the real truck
  7. might want to make the ramps a touch shallower if you ask me, i think those'll send you sky high without warrent
  8. Jumps are still a bit silly, but at least its in the enterainingly fun way now. mabye throw in some variation on top of the jumps, i think they need something to play with on top of them
  9. Gonna be a flip of the coin if i can get back from salmon arm for this. Anyway, again, should be interesting to see who wins this all told, don't think we've run an S course before
  10. Yeah, that's true, but the contrast is still there, what Ryan did was pretty much being dropped off a small office building, straight onto the windshield, he bounced out. If anything, the fact that dennis was hurt so bad is even more of a testimony to how bloody far just how safe these things are, let alone what they can do
  11. Well then, colour me as impressed on all counts. And food for thought, just compare the above videos to this what a bloody contrast, Son Uva diggy was what, twenty five feet straight up? landing straight onto the windsheild? i mean, he walked away from that, and Dennis looked like he was hurting a little from that wall tap even in the interview. its amazing to see just how much safer the things are. and what was that, a backflip backside near 360? can't get much crazier then that
  12. Man, i used to love that track. can't wait to have a go at that. and is that my hot wheels converted to the new pack in the first image?
  13. Actually, it's a poorly written .bat that reads as follows. (Removed) James (7:13:08 PM): but i will send it to someone else careful, he might "destroit" your computer 'nuff said
  14. Well hell yes. also, sampson's arms look a bit flat to me. mabye it's just the angle.
  15. That actually looks pretty good, i'm interested to see how it'll handle
  16. Well that was delerious, somehow won racing, and fluked into getting a 30, but got shut down by diggy by one point. D'oh well, cant wait for next week
  17. Berms are more fun then i thought, interesting to see who'll win
  18. I agree with what oggy said, more OH GOD WHAT tracks are needed. (mabye a loop or two? this is the customs league) Had a decent run in racing, really didn't deserve to get as far as i did, freestyle i botched something fierce, wheelied up onto the first mini kicker, lost the grip when it bucked forward. D'oh well. can't wait to see next weeks track, casey's just gettin' better and better at making freestyle playgrounds
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPhA5JGP8yo&feature=channel_video_title http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pabpgsOd01o http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5FW8Xo8ENo hurr
  20. Just want to point out that the Harlowquinn in this pack is the old version, few comsmetic updates in the new one http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/204-harlowquinn/ Going to be adding camera nodes in the next few weeks so the gopro's actually "work"
  21. I found that there's a spot where the truck can get stuck, on the left ramp on the side of the fountain facing the white plain, tires can catch. other then that, fantasticly fun, should be a great night
  22. Body is a 34 ford, i either stole it from the warehouse or had ethan model it. mapped it myself. And yeah, that's as readable as i could get the name while still having it blend, if i overcontrasted and saturated it, it just didn't look like part of the paint
  23. the stepup on the far left looks downright evil, i think that should be a little less vertical
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