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Everything posted by Klayton

  1. Klayton


    We never said that. We are giving you a hard time because it sounds like youre trying to use his name to make you look popular. Matt (SealedGecko), probably doesnt even remember you lol. On topic: BeamNG has had some major improvements. I have been messing around with some Offroad content and it has become far more better from when that MT was made. I will be looking into Jbeams this weekend. If any of you are interested, i HIGHLY suggest using this tutorial. Its a great how-to and very descriptive. http://wiki.beamng.com/Introduction_to_Vehicle_Creation
  2. Spec map does not darken the flames. If it darkens them youre doing it wrong. He just needs to mess with the paint some. Ryans flames are constantly changing so its never going to be 1:1
  3. If you're up for the task i can send you my really detailed ATL stadium since I'll most likely never use it. Awesome track btw!
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