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Everything posted by DDT

  1. think someones was gonna make it if they didnt already
  2. i know Roach made or at least posted a photo of a nice looking Bearfoot that he never released.
  3. DDT

    Song for new Video

    Ok so i have listened to every song mentioned so far and quite a few good ones are on there. To answer Ferns question im looking for something Rock but not like Screamo or really hard Rock. Like 5FDP and SKillet would be about as Hard of Rock as i would want to go. I really have 1 song in mind i heard a few days ago i have heard so many times before that i thought would be perfect i just cant remember anything about it at all but would know if it was listed the moment i heard it. The song doesnt have to be from today either it could even be from the past like 70s,80s,90s had good rock songs. So far unless someone happens to post the one song i really want to find im considering these songs so far but still looking for other suggestions before i make a decision. Thanks everyone so far. Smackdown Break Ace of Spades Gasoline Before i Forget
  4. Sounds like your PC doesnt have enough space around it to properly breath and get cool air or you need a stronger fan.
  5. yup same here. SMRA wont load but SMRA Cincinatti or what ever track is 2 under it loaded up just fine.
  6. DDT

    Song for new Video

    Gave those 3 a listen to and they are just not what im looking for. Not bad songs though that may work if a video is done right.
  7. So im planning on working on either a RoR Monster Truck crash madness video or a music video (Not sure yet) but i was looking for suggestions on songs to use.
  8. Yup that fixed it. I never did download the 2013 truck.
  9. hmm mine crashes saying it cant locate fire_ext.mesh. Maybe because im on 38. but im not evening finding that Mesh anywhere in my files.
  10. its a garage. Just about every map that has one you should spawn right infront of it or behind it. Just walk into either the garage section or the small door to the left of the garage and it should pull up the spawn list.
  11. first one that comes to mind with a car spawner is Arnhen 2011 but i know theres quite a few with them.
  12. i know the real mutt body isnt the glossy but i like that really glossy look on Mutt.
  13. I say like 2007-2009 had the best tracks and wish they would go back to then.
  14. oh i know i was just saying no matter how much you check over everything and know what your doing im just saying the worst could still happen and would hate to have seen it happen. its cool idea though and looks awesome
  15. you can i just dont know how. I know Kozak mentioned you can add a line to change it from locked to split/Open
  16. Man would hate if either the supports on the trucks fail and it tips or something snaps and the trucks fall. Not so much the bottom 2 because we all know a fall from that height is nothing for the trucks but for when Over Board would fall with its angle and its above the other 2 trucks.
  17. DDT

    Madusa 2014

    I actually can get it to roll pretty easy if i try
  18. Dont believe the 2 have traveled together this past year at all or even been to the same shows
  19. Think Roach made a BearFoot truck a few months back in V4 but didnt release it
  20. Not letting me post picture but the truck Cameron Migues drives has a new identity of The Enforcer. Its now cop themed.
  21. Yeah its nothing against the builders of V4 (even though most if not all will admit most of the bodies suck) but yeah the Liquid Pack/V3 bodies were better even from Activision
  22. I might buy it in Online. Think i have like 1.3 Million dollars. And yeah no truck showed up for me either in the Creator so i scrapped it. Had a Airfield style show with a bus stack, a few car stack and a 2 or 3 ramps
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