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Everything posted by CMDeerfoot

  1. From what I've heard, Hagerstown is supposedly Porter's last show; if it is, I expect him to really give that thing all it's worth.
  2. Those are the new chassis from Freedom Racing, top one is Cyclops and the bottom one is Venom; here's some pics for reference.
  3. Kinda, Bob Robbins is selling off both of his current trucks to build new ones; this here was the old Krazy Train, he's still trying to get Aftershock sold iirc. Also just to be clear, Robbins is keeping both the Aftershock and Krazy Train names to run on the new trucks.
  4. Man, been awhile since I've seen that. It's had to have been at least 3 years since I painted that thing, glad to see it getting revived.
  5. Just got this message myself, looks like I gotta upgrade; funny thing to me is how it goes offline on my birthday...quite the birthday present I guess.
  6. Fair enough, truck looks really good btw; simple but effective.
  7. I have a newer model of the body your using there Crazyboy, I can send it to you if you want.
  8. Ask and you shall receive (sometimes).
  9. The build of new Mongoose truck is coming along nicely, can't wait to see how this truck performs once it's completed.
  10. Quick Motorsports is expanding to a 4 truck team, as Larry Quick has purchased Twisted Dragon from Rob French; the 4th truck is a ride truck that is currently under construction. A name for the truck has yet to be determined, and no mention of a driver yet either. Also, from the pics I saw, Larry also bought the molds for the truck vette body so it looks like the truck might be staying with that look.
  11. yeah, i know you can make beams non contactable in the truck file but i have no idea what nodes they would be for that titan one lol; so......many......numbers...... but nevertheless, keep up the good work dude; you've come a long way in a short amount of time.
  12. Looks good, but I do have one piece of advise for you on this and all of your future projects. As far as the node beams go, I would suggest not putting a beam for the tie rod. Reason being that said beam will catch on certain obstacles; case in point being the Titan you made. I used the node beam from that to help make the new Bad Dawg and I noticed that the front and rear axles kept catching on the crush cars no matter what track i used, and I had a feeling that it was part of the beam structure catching. So I pressed the K key to check and I saw the beams for the tie rods, but I made sure to try and hit cars while the beam structure was still showing to confirm my theory; sure enough on the first hit, the beam for the front tie rod caught the top of the car and the rear also caught the top of the car on the way over. I figured I'd give ya a heads up on this because this because those beams catching can cause issues for people using your trucks in events. The rest of what you did with the node beam is fine, just gotta get rid of the beams for the tie rods.
  13. Here's a few more pictures of Fluffy from the team's facebook page, gotta say I'm really digging the new look so far.
  14. Some peeks inside the paint booths of Bigfoot and Snake Bite respectively.
  15. here's some more pics of the new fullboar, thing looks amazing.
  16. Guess you can teach old Bad Dawgs new tricks......
  17. Chadwick Deerfoot CMDeerfoot Bad Dawg 2016 Link: TBP
  18. Not sure if being serious or joking, but history lesson inbound nonetheless. ^^^^^^^That is Nitro Machine (formerly Grave Digger #3, aka Dennis' first tube chassis truck), it came about due to the sponsorship Monster Jam had with World Championship Wrestling and it ran for 2 seasons under that name. However, the name went away after WCW went out of business in 2001 as did the Sting and Goldberg names. The nWo name was also used during this time but it went away after just 1 season, Matter of fact, the one WCW related name that still runs to this day is Madusa, and the main reason for that is because Debra Miceli (aka Madusa) owns the rights to the name. Once the Nitro Machine name was shelved, the truck ran mostly under the name Inferno, but it did dawn a few other names here and there before the truck itself was retired and supposedly scrapped. Btw, here's a pic of it back in it's glory days as Grave Digger.
  19. ^^^I echo this, and I also have plenty of pics of various foot trucks in case you need them. We do have a ZF axle in the repository, but it's not fully fleshed out iirc.
  20. if you want a better body than that one, i can send you one; it's the same body, just a new model made by Sheets. Just hit me up if you want it.
    Very well done for your first truck, a lot better than my first one as far as the quality of the paint goes. Only thing I see that could be improved upon is to make the name stand out from the body a little more, but other than it is a very solid and eye catching scheme.
  21. For those wondering about the track that Diggerfan made, here's vid showing the real life counterpart; if the vid doesn't start at the right time stamp, skip ahead for 4:08
  22. I doubt it would help, i would prefer to have a node beam built to fit it but i'm still very much a blender noob, and the dude who helped me put it together isn't at the point of being able to do node beam work.
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