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Everything posted by CMDeerfoot

    Very well done for your first truck, a lot better than my first one as far as the quality of the paint goes. Only thing I see that could be improved upon is to make the name stand out from the body a little more, but other than it is a very solid and eye catching scheme.
  1. For those wondering about the track that Diggerfan made, here's vid showing the real life counterpart; if the vid doesn't start at the right time stamp, skip ahead for 4:08
  2. I doubt it would help, i would prefer to have a node beam built to fit it but i'm still very much a blender noob, and the dude who helped me put it together isn't at the point of being able to do node beam work.
  3. Finally got this one all buttoned up, Twisted Dragon circa 2011. Should be up for download soon, now onto the next one...
  4. There absolutely is, Holy Roller is up for sale again, Quadzilla is still available, Island Outlaw was recently put up for sale, and there's a few others I know I'm forgetting.
  5. Steiale is correct, this truck will be Southern Crush 2.0 driven by Pleasant Cook aka 4X4 Barbie. Now, as for what it used to be.......... For anyone who's heard of Chris Roy's Nitro Promotions, you'll be familiar with this piece. It's an ok starter truck, but tbh they could've gotten better for less money if they paid what i remember Roy was asking. I just hope they really go through and update it, cause it's rather out of date as far as what's considered standard nowadays.
  6. Possibly, if I can get someone to model the bodies properly. #HemiPowerBruh Oh wait, that's why I'm obsessed with them; don't mind me.....
  7. Nope, it's not your eyes, there are inside out faces; a lot of these projects have been sitting for a while, and I figured it was high time to get them finished. And it would funny if you knew what the one under TD was since it's a custom lol, but it is somewhat based off of a truck that is currently running.
  8. Yes, the second one is Twisted Dragon; matter of fact, that one is the closest to being done seeing as how I have the paint finished.
  9. Not quite, but you never know what I may work on next.
  10. 1. You are correct, it's the WCW Stinger truck that Bigfoot ran; though I will also be doing a little something else with it. 2. I honestly don't know, Tom P. sent me that awhile back after he decided he wasn't gonna finish it. It's been sitting in my projects folder for over 2 years now, so I figured what the heck.
  11. Well um, it's been awhile since I've posted much of anything in here, so please allow me to make up for lost time....... I'll let you guys figure out just what I've got going on, and this is just a small sample of what I've got in store for this community....... #GraveWho?
  12. I forgot you made that, been so long it slipped my mind lol.
  13. Am I the only one happy to finally see those rim covers made for this game? So many of my favorite trucks over the years used them, and it's awesome to see them in game and done proper.
  14. Love the entire concept of this, there are a couple things I would do to expand on the idea but it looks good just as it is.
  15. To all track makers. The first season of RoR MT Pro's GMTRS is coming up in October and I'm in need of some help. I have an ambitious 13 week schedule that spans some of the best stadiums across the globe, and currently I only have 5 being worked on. If anyone is interested in helping me out by making a track, please message me on AIM at beardman53mt for details.
  16. League Officials: Chadwick Deerfoot ~ Founder, Owner, & Competition Director @CMDeerfoot Jack Merkle ~ Tech Official @Jack Merkle Trevor Amos ~ Tech Official @sprigposting Zach Steele ~ Tech Official @Steele Brad Kerlin ~ Track Official @Brad Kerlin Ewan Ford ~ Track Official @Captain Clapton Blake Thompson ~ Track Official @Block Thot Overall League Rules: All events held under the RoR MT Pro sanctioning body have an open arms policy when it comes to competing in events, which means no matter how many people show up the events will take place as scheduled; unless there are unforeseen and/or extenuating circumstances. Also there's no having to qualify into events, nor do you have to keep track of a budget; this league is all about having more laid back, not quite so serious events. The chat for all events will be held on the official RoR MT Pro section of the official Sim-Monsters Discord server. The drivers meeting will commence at pre-determined times that will be posted in each individual event thread. Said time is also the cut-off for you to join the chat to compete, if you join after the time stated you unfortunately will not be allowed to compete. Once the driver's meeting has started, we ask that you refrain from posting and/or asking questions in the chat until we've gone over all the details from the event; we will be more than happy to answer questions after we've explained everything. Please try to act like decent human beings during events. We don't mind you guys joking around in the chat, but try to keep it appropriate. We have a ZERO TOLERANCE policy when it comes to bullying, racism, and bigotry, and if we see or hear anything of the sort in text or voice, you will be permabanned immediately. You must listen to the officials at all times, whether it's in-game or in the event chat. If you have a dispute against a call made during the event, message me or one of the other officials designated above privately on Discord and we as a group will investigate the matter. If we feel a mistake was made, the appropriate actions will be taken to correct it. If you try to deliberately delay any event because of a call not going your way, or blatantly ignore league officials, you will be penalized accordingly. Please keep your in-game chat up at all times, as it is used to make calls while in game. Complaining about another competitor winning WILL NOT be tolerated, this includes accusing another competitor of hacking. We keep a watchful eye over everything, and if something seems amiss we'll take care of it. If you have actual evidence to back a claim of someone hacking, then you may contact an official and present your case; if we find what you show us to be valid, then appropriate actions will be taken. Rage quitting while in-game (no matter the reason) WILL NOT be tolerated. Penalty Scale: This is how the penalty structure works, and it's pretty simple. To use baseball terminology, it's 3 strikes and you're out. First Offense ~ You will lose half of the points you earned from the event the offense occurred in, and you will be suspended for 1 event. If the first offense comes from outside of an event, then we will deduct half of the points you earned from the latest event ran and the 1 race suspension will be enforced for the next race on the schedule. Second Offense ~ You will lose all points earned from the event the offense occurred in, and you will be suspended for 3 races. If the second offense occurs outside of an event, then we will deduct all of the points you earned from the latest event ran and the 3 race suspension will be enforced for the next 3 races on the schedule. Third Offense ~ You will be banned from the league. There are also times where an instantaneous ban may be given out, but those are in extreme circumstances. Overall Event Rules: The call in system is very simple. For each competition, one of the designated officials will post who is to head in game. We will give you 1 minute to enter on the first call in, if you don't make in after that minute the second call in will be made and you'll be put on the 2 minute clock. Call in rules for round 1 of racing: If you don't make the call but your opponent does, then your opponent will get a bye run and vice versa. If neither of you make it in, your race will be dropped to the bottom of the bracket and we'll try to run it once all other races in the round have taken place. Now upon the 3rd and last chance call in, if neither driver makes it in then both drivers are scratched from the bracket. Call in rules for rounds 2, 3, and 4: If you don't make the call, the person you beat in the previous round will be brought back to replace you, and that applies to both drivers in each match up. If the drivers that are being brought back don't make the call, then the race will be scratched from the bracket. Wheelie comp rules are very simple. Every competitor gets to make 2 hits, and you will only be judged off of your initial hit with each attempt. Also, you are only allowed to do wheelies, which means none of the modern era 2 wheel skill moves like moonwalks and poppers. Once your race and/or wheelie hits are done, drive your truck off the track and then exit game; also make sure to shut your truck off before leaving. We WILL NOT re-run a race or wheelie run if you get a Skype or Discord call or any sort of message that pulls you out of game, so if your worried about this happening take the proper measures to make sure it doesn't occur. Obey RII calls at all times. RoR MT Pro Truck Rules: Denominations Of Trucks: Replica ~ Must be an exact (or as close to exact as possible) replica of a real life truck. Custom ~ Must be a 100% original truck, one that has never existed in real life (including the name). Repli-Custom ~ Must be a custom version of a real life truck, and there must be major differences between it and the real life counterpart. Legal Truck Modificiations: Modified and complete custom node beams (other specific rules for trucks will be stated prior to the start of each season) . Stiffening or softening the tires. Adjusting the width of the axles. Illegal Truck Modifications: Modifying the engine settings, torque curve, or gearing. (will be designated by MTP officials) Changing the actual weight of the truck. (will be designated by MTP officials) Changing the actual grip level of the tires. (will be designated by MTP officials) RoR MT Pro Points System: Driver Points: Bracket Winner ~ 100 points Runner-Up ~ 80 Semi-Final Loss ~ 60 2nd Round Loss ~ 40 1st Round Loss ~ 20 Wheelie Winner ~ 10 Top Qualifier ~ 10 There is also a 10 point bonus for winning both brackets Team Points: Each week, the team with the highest average driver points total will receive the maximum amount of team points, the second highest average will get the second most, and so on. Only the top 10 teams in each event will score points, so if there are more than 10 teams competing the teams from 11th on down won't score any points. Highest averaged total ~ 100 2nd highest total ~ 80 3rd highest total ~ 60 4th highest total ~ 50 5th highest total ~ 40 6th highest total ~ 30 7th highest total ~ 25 8th highest total ~ 20 9th highest total ~ 15 10th highest total ~ 10 We ask that all competitors (whether they be new to MTP or not) familiarize themselves with this rule book, and if you have any questions please post them below!
  17. The more I see of this track, the more I'm intrigued; it has big time special event written all over it.
  18. Take a close look at Ballistic, you can see his limiting straps are mounted on the shock towers. Those are temporary, he has a set of custom big bore shocks that he made himself, but he needs to do some more work to them; so for now, he's using the King coilovers. Technically you are correct, Randy has been working on that truck for many years but only recently got it finished up completely; those darn real life commitments ya know. From talking with him, I believe the goal is to have more of a racing oriented truck; it's light weight compared to most other trucks currently running, and it's powered by a 526 CI Keith Black Hemi. He's testing out a lot of interesting ideas with this truck, and I'm very interested to see how it performs.
  19. Name: Chadwick Deerfoot Truck: Equalizer AIM: beardman53mt
  20. Name: Chadwick Deerfoot AIM: beardman53mt Truck: Equalizer Link to truck: http://www.mediafire.com/download/3wo82485j78f12w/Equalizer+%282014+Version+.4+compatible%29.zip
  21. My one suggestion would be to put double coilovers on all for corners, seeing as how the truck ran with that kind of setup for most of it's existence; that and coilover master race.
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