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Everything posted by CMDeerfoot

  1. Truck Name: Dirty Dawg Real Name: Chadwick Deerfoot AIM: beardman53mt Truck Download: http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/1558-dirty-dawg-2-pack/
  2. Driver Name: Chadwick Deerfoot AIM Screen Name: beardman53mt Divisions Competing (Modern, Classic, Both): Both Modern Racing Truck: Dirty Dawg Modern Racing Truck Direct Download Link: http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/1558-dirty-dawg-2-pack/ Modern Freestyle Song: Airbourne - Black Dog Barking Classic Racing Truck: Virginia Giant Classic Racing Truck Direct Download Link: TBP Frame Rate Hardships (Yes or No): occasionally, but not on any regular basis. Connection Hardships (Yes or No): not too often anymore. Other Information: nothing i can think of. Last Modified: 1/11/2016
  3. This one is sick, and thanks for getting ZZ Top stuck in my head again; not that I'm complaining or anything. Digging this one too, but it could use more western references to go along with the outlaw dude.
  4. no, just one: he's gonna keep using his pei clone from what i can tell.
  5. Nope, it's a brand new piece from top to bottom featuring a Concussion chassis.
  6. Even though I haven't been around here as long as some others, I've been here long enough to see the evolution that is taking place; and with what I know that Kozak, Colineri, and Wilkinson are working on, we should hopefully be ditching the box 5 beam sometime soon. Now as far as the unrealistic stuff goes, both Collard and Roach make good points, especially with how the current trucks we have handle; I mean, it doesn't take much for me to go onto a track and do flares and barrel rolls with what we currently have. But I will say that Colineri and I ran a couple freestyle only fun runs where we just let folks have at it, and we got a good reception from folks which is why I'm going to go ahead with a idea i have for a special event; and it might just be the wildest event this site has ever or will ever see. Are we exactly where I think we should be considering how long this site has been going? Not exactly, but we've still come along way and done some amazing things; and I still think the sky's the limit as far as the furture of this site goes. Granted we're going through a slow point right now, but every game/site has points like this and it doesn't help that 2 of the premier leagues hosted on this site will not be running anytime in the foreseeable future; but we still have SMRA coming up, I've got an idea for a separate series that will run under my RoR MT Pro banner, Roach has his retro league idea that should be a blast, and some of us have been in talks about bringing back something that a lot of people still want to see happen. So for now I'll just ask everyone to be patient, because if everything pans out this site will get very lively within the next couple of months.
  7. you know my name you have my aim here's my truck: http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/1474-maximum-destruction-pack/ see ya later tonight, and I wish everyone the best of luck
  8. I actually was asked to cover the show as a photog by the promoter, but due to lack of funds and the fact that i do not have a professional quality camera, I was unable to accept the offer. I shoulda mentioned something to ya about it, but it just slipped my mind. It looks like they had a good turnout both nights, which means there's a good chance the track might bring them back; and if they do, I'll try my darnedest to make it.
  9. Island Outlaw is now ready for it's debut, and for those wondering, this truck is owned and driven by Colin Van Dyk; he's the man behind Go N' Big Racing, which is the shop that built Crude Behavior.
  10. I like Junkyard Dog a lot, Pirate's Curse on the other hand.......meh
  11. Lineup for show 1 in Atlanta has been posted. http://gadome.com/events_ticketing/events/all/5888.aspx
  12. Honestly, I'm diggin that Dillon; I always liked the High Roller name, and it looks good done up in the traditional Feld manner.
  13. I received a call from him yesterday myself, and he wanted to make sure to say hello to everyone.
  14. Just finished painting this up for Wilkinson, but it'll be awhile before it's released; Matt has some things he needs to redo on it. But with that being said, another one bites the dust; onto the next project.
  15. Chadwick Deerfoot beardman53mt Heavy Hitter 2015 http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/2005-heavy-hitter-river-rat-2015/
  16. Chadwick Deerfoot beardman53mt Barbarian http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/1998-barbarian-2015/
  17. Replica paint numero dos, this thing was a royal pain the arse but it turned out good.
  18. Sorry folks, having some technical issues so no stream tonight; I will be doing another stream sometime soon though.
  19. http://www.twitch.tv/beard_zilla The stream is happening tonight at the time i stated above, drop by if you wanna learn some skin paint tips and tricks.
  20. VAC Banned = Valve Anti Cheat Banned It's a joke mainly associated with Counter Strike games, just continue on with your regularly scheduled viewing of this thread.
  21. Just to let everyone know, I'm gonna do another stream on twitch Monday, September 14th at 8:00 pm eastern; and this time the stream will be saved for future upload to youtube. I figured out why it didn't save too, I forgot to click the autosave file option. So yeah, next monday we try this stream thingy again.
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