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Everything posted by CMDeerfoot

  1. Name: Chadwick Deerfoot Truck: Hooked 2015 TeamSpeak: CMDeerfoot Download Link: http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/2052-hooked-2015/
  2. name: Chadwick Deerfoot aim: beardman53mt truck name: Dirty Dawg truck link: http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/1558-dirty-dawg-2-pack/
  3. While I think the title of the thread is self-explanatory, this thread is for everything League of Legends related. Whether gameplay videos, screenshots of games, or discussions about builds and strategies, it all can posted here. Also, I figured those of you on here who play would maybe like to play other members on here; so everyone who plays in encouraged to post their summoner names and region (I'll post mine below). So with all that said, let the discussions begin! *BTW*- my summoner name is Mr Beardman and the region i'm in is North America.
  4. Alright folks, if you haven't qualified yet these next few hours are your last to do so; we will close qualifying at 7:30 pm eastern time. If you still haven't made your passes by then, then you're s.o.l. Message beardman53mt to qualify!
  5. Newest truck in the fleet for EMT Events down in Australia, built by Kreg Christensen and Team KCM.
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