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Everything posted by CMDeerfoot

  1. I'll be going to 2 shows next week, monster x in augusta and monster jam in atlanta; here are the trucks at the respective events. Monster X Augusta: The New USA-1 Bigfoot 18 Saftey Kleen Rockstar Holman's Beast Son of Beast Monster Jam Atlanta: Grave Digger (Pauken) Monster Mutt (Brown) Maximum Destruction (Elliott) El Toro Loco (Werner) Monster Energy (Bradshaw) Madusa Zombie (Musawwir) Lucas Oil Crusader Avenger Wrecking Crew Stone Crusher Hooked Thunder 4X4 Bad News Travels Fast Titan War Wizard If anyone needs any pics of the trucks at those events, let me know and i'll be sure to take extra.
  2. Dude, if you can find someone to texture and export those, I can guarantee that I'll use those tracks in my league; simply amazing designs.
  3. File Name: Rambunctious File Submitter: DirtyDawg File Submitted: 19 Dec 2014 File Category: V4 Customs For some time now, I wanted to make a truck using the newer Ram body that got released; the result is what you see before you. Please note that this is an open custom, meaning anyone can use it in any league that allows custom trucks without having to ask for my permission. I hope y'all like it, and the credits are as follows: Paint was done by your's truly. Construction of the truck was done by The Nitro Psycho. All other parts and pieces were made by the content pack creators. Sorry for being so vague on the credits, but I honestly don't remember who exactly made what; and for that, I apologize. Click here to download this file
  4. File Name: Team HD Revamped File Submitter: DirtyDawg File Submitted: 19 Dec 2014 File Category: V4 Customs For those that have followed me or my work since I joined this site, you might just remember the original versions of these trucks. While I did like the initial end product with said original versions, I knew they could be 10 times better; so with the help of The Nitro Psycho, the Team Harley-Davidson trucks have been given new life. The trucks are brand new from top to bottom, as we made sure to use the best parts and pieces for these bad boys; and I think they turned out great. Please note that both of these trucks are open customs, meaning anyone can use them in any league that allows custom trucks without having to ask for my permission. I hope y'all like them, and the credits are as follows: Paint for both trucks was done by your's truly. Construction of the trucks was done by The Nitro Psycho. All other parts and pieces were made by the content pack creators. Sorry for being so vague on the credits, but I honestly don't remember who exactly made what; and for that, I apologize. Click here to download this file
  5. 251 downloads

    For those that have followed me or my work since I joined this site, you might just remember the original versions of these trucks. While I did like the initial end product with said original versions, I knew they could be 10 times better; so with the help of The Nitro Psycho, the Team Harley-Davidson trucks have been given new life. The trucks are brand new from top to bottom, as we made sure to use the best parts and pieces for these bad boys; and I think they turned out great. Please note that both of these trucks are open customs, meaning anyone can use them in any league that allows custom trucks without having to ask for my permission. I hope y'all like them, and the credits are as follows: Paint for both trucks was done by your's truly. Construction of the trucks was done by The Nitro Psycho. All other parts and pieces were made by the content pack creators. Sorry for being so vague on the credits, but I honestly don't remember who exactly made what; and for that, I apologize.
  6. Version 1.05


    For some time now, I wanted to make a truck using the newer Ram body that got released; the result is what you see before you. Please note that this is an open custom, meaning anyone can use it in any league that allows custom trucks without having to ask for my permission. I hope y'all like it, and the credits are as follows: Paint was done by your's truly. Construction of the truck was done by The Nitro Psycho. All other parts and pieces were made by the content pack creators. Sorry for being so vague on the credits, but I honestly don't remember who exactly made what; and for that, I apologize.
  7. After quite a few revisions, I think the revamping is finally complete; ladies and gents, I present Team Harley-Davidson V2. I thought about adding one more sponsor on each truck, but the more i stared at them, the more it became apparent to me that they didn't need it. I'm gonna double check both trucks to make sure they're 100% release ready, and then they'll be uploaded for everyone to enjoy. Oh, and I didn't forget about Rambunctious either; just got sidetracked with these 2, but I'll get it uploaded soon.
  8. More additions to the open custom market, and also a much needed revamping. Now there are 2 things that need to be noted. First, the chassis on the truck on the right IS NOT un-textured; it's meant to be white. Secondly, the reason the rims are so bright are due to spec maps that I didn't know NP applied; needless to say, I'm not happy with how it looks and said spec maps will be removed. These 2 should be finished and released soon, but not until they're where I think they should be.
  9. For those that may remember, when I first started painting trucks for RoR, Johnny Soto (aka the Nitro Psycho) helped me put together some of said trucks I painted. As some of you have seen, Soto finally got his computer fixed and is back making trucks; so he and I decided to team up again and start making trucks. One of our main focuses will be making open custom trucks for folks to use, much like how devin, mason, and taurus racer were doing. Below is the first of said open customs, known as Rambunctious. Now before anyone asks, yes I know the inside of the body is just the reverse of the outside; as of right now, both Soto and I are just starting to learn blender and and are keeping things a little simple for the time being. This truck here is all finished and will be released soon.
  10. I've been biting my tongue publicly about the whole Carolina Crusher deal, but I guess I'll go ahead and give my 2 cents about the situation. For those of you on this site that know me personally, I'm an old school monster truck fan to the core; I grew up watching TNT Motorsports, USA Motorsports, the old days of the USHRA ect and I still go back and watch videos of said promoters on Youtube regularly. I've been a huge fan of Gary Porter and the Carolina Crusher for most of my life, and have seen Gary drive CC 2, 3, and 5 in person numerous times; I still remember him in CC 5 spinning a donut in the GA Dome for so long that he dug down to the concrete floor. Seeing as how that truck holds a place in my heart, I was worried about what Feld was planning on doing with the name when news first started spreading about it's return; I mean, you kinda have to after the whole purple Digger The Legend incident. But after seeing the photoshop render, the sneak peek vid on Morgan's Instagram, and the pic Adam posted, I can honestly say that I have no issue with the new Carolina Crusher. Matter of fact, I think they did a pretty damn good job on it. The way I see it, it's a much better representation than some of the other versions I've seen since Gray sold the name; to be specific, the last time the name was run in a respectable manner was when Michael Harper drove CC 5 in the early 2000's. After that, the name slipped into obscurity and I honestly thought the name would never see the light of day again; but Feld managed to lease the name, and they've done the name justice in my opinion. As far as using the Captain America body, I just look at it as a futuristic Chevy trophy truck; and it does have a Chevy based engine, so I really don't see any glaring issue with the truck. Now in a perfect world, would I like to have seen a true Chevy body on it? Well of course, but it looks pretty damn sick as is in my personal opinion; and I can't wait to see Gary drive it in person come February in Macon, Ga. Oh, and Bigfoot #21 sounds freakin' amazing.
  11. Welp, tonight's event definitely lived up to the expectations of the name Fall Madness, and everyone got one hell of a show. Congrats to Danny Mackey on winning racing, and to Dylan Bernier for taking freestyle after having to go into a freestyle off against Andrew Sheets. All in all, FMX turned out to be one heck of an event; and on behalf of Danny, myself, and the rest of the officials, we thank everyone who came out to qualify and run in the event. We'll see you all next year at the next installment of Fall Madness.
  13. 2 and a half hours left to qualify! Session 1 will end at 12:30am eastern time!
  14. *QUALIFYING IS NOW OPEN* *MESSAGE beardman53mt TO QUALIFY* Link to the qualifying document below: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1i5D81j2F4EcfNdCY-0W-kXjetfaCWcqxSXVkdiR2oIU/edit#gid=1132865727
  15. Ok guys, here are the specifics for how we are gonna call penalties. (DNQ/DQ penalties) Going into the mud pit. http://puu.sh/dh1yZ/e791d73adb.jpg While in the mud pit. http://puu.sh/dh1Ok/062c112ce7.jpg Crossover jump and center line. http://puu.sh/dh222/c4063b4933.jpg (5 second penalties) Car jump coming out of the mud pits. http://puu.sh/dh1Bx/fc4ccd2919.jpg Small dirt only rollers. http://puu.sh/dh1G4/a12ed4a84f.jpg Large car rollers. http://puu.sh/dh1MT/22edeeb648.jpg Please take note of what the penalties are, because we won't except any excuses of not knowing. Also, make sure you re-download the track.
  17. I agree with and support Dig's decision on this matter 100%, as the stupid bs drama and temper tantrums that happen on this forum have gotten really old, really quick. As someone who took this game WAY too seriously when I first started out, I know that this kind of behavior needs to stop. Now many of you have seen my post about the situation surrounding accusations of hacking and this situation goes hand in hand with that one, it all comes back to the fact that we've seem to have forgotten all about having fun while playing this game. Now I'll readily admit that Dylan made some valid points, and 97% of the time it would apply to most situations like this; this however falls under that remaining 3%. Nevertheless, you will soon see a MAJOR change to the code of conduct rules in RoR MT Pro because just like Dig, I've had it with all of the whining, complaining, accusations, tantrums, and rage quitting. If a bunch of people decide to stop running in my league due to these changes, then so be it.
  18. ​Just as the title suggests, the sign ups for Fall Madness X are now open; they will close Sunday, November, 30th at 12:00 est/11:00 cst (Midnight into Monday, December, 1st). Please make sure to read the rule book posted in the thread.
  19. *SIGN UPS ARE NOW OPEN* List of sign ups: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1i5D81j2F4EcfNdCY-0W-kXjetfaCWcqxSXVkdiR2oIU/edit#gid=0 Here is the layout for how your sign up should look: Name: AIM: Truck: Freestyle Song Link: (optional) Truck Link: (mandatory if using an add on truck) BTW, here's my sign up: Name: Chadwick Deerfoot AIM: beardman53mt Truck: Bad Dawg 3.0 Freestyle Song Link: https://soundcloud.com/toadhouserecording/red-fang-prehistoric-dog Truck Link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/30o5uuqm144ufcq/Bad+Dawg+3.0.zip
  20. Chadwick Deerfoot Grave Digger beardman53mt
  21. I was debating on weather or not I should post this, but the more I think about it the more it needs to be addressed IMO. As of late, I've seen more and more where people are regularly accusing fellow competitors of hacking during events; now while some of it is more on the lines of playful jabbing, a good portion of said accusations are meant to be serious. This year alone in the league I own (RoR MT Pro), we have 2 people that have been accused of hacking for weeks on end; even after my fellow officials and I do everything within our power to check over things and make sure they're on the up and up. One of said drivers even agreed to using a modified version of the original suspension setup he had on his truck, as there were folks who were complaining about the setup saying it was unfair; however, after checking through the truck file, there was nothing done to it that would've broken any of the rules my league has on truck modifications. At this point, I honestly think I'm in a no win situation. If I don't do something, people are gonna get even more ticked and possibly stop running in MTP events; but I can't go and punish somebody for breaking a rule when I have zero proof of any wrongdoing and no way of gaining any proof either. But if I did go and boot the driver in question out with any evidence, I would completely undermine the integrity of not only my league, but myself as the owner and as a member of this forum. The fact of the matter is this, we have NO WAY of truly preventing any form of cheating 100% because RoR has no anti-cheating measures. RoR was created as a vehicle simulator, not a purpose built racing game such as iRacing; so I highly doubt there was never any thought put into a making a system to keep people from "cheating" in a race. Now would it be nice to have some sort of anti-cheating engine? Absolutely, but does anyone honestly think that the folks who made RoR are gonna make an anti cheating system for this archaic version of the game, just for one tiny insignificant community to use? Yeah, didn't think so; and I highly doubt there's anyone on this site who's gonna drop everything to make it themselves either. One of the only ways we'd ever have an anti-cheating system is if someone built a whole new game from scratch with said system, but again, who's gonna step up and do that? At the end of the day, it all comes back to the fact that we seem to have forgotten that we play this game for fun; now granted there are times that you need to be serious, but not every single second of every event. I can even admit that I took things WAY too seriously when I first started, but I had my wake up call when I started throwing a temper tantrum after wrecking out of an event I knew I could win; especially since we're not running for money or prizes, just stats in a Google Doc. I'll say this much, this constant whining and complaining that everybody and their brother hacking is getting really old, really fast; and the quicker a lot of you realize there's very little (if anything at all) we can do to prove, disprove, and stop any form of cheating, the better off we'll all be. If things get to the point where running my own league stops being fun and becomes a chore, I'll shut it down without any hesitation; I have enough headaches to deal with as it is. There was a time that I thought we were all here to have fun racing virtual monster trucks, but I honestly wonder if that's the case anymore.
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