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Everything posted by CMDeerfoot

  1. Just a little something I had whipped up for the SMRA World Finals, big thanks to Colineri and Crazy for helping me get this done.
  2. After the SMRA World Finals, I will sign over complete ownership of Scrapper, El Chupacabras, and Newedle to their respective drivers and creators; that means that Beau Smith will own Scrapper outright, Edy Beltran will own El Chupacabras outright, and Preston Perez will own Newedle outright. Now while they may no longer be on the team, we will give them support if they decide to continue running in SMRA; I absolutely refuse to leave them hanging out to dry. But with their departure comes an issue, how are we gonna fill the spots they left behind? Well, we've already started to work on that as well. First part of the solution is getting our shock guru, the man they call Crazy (Michael Murray Jr.), to hop into the driver seat full time with his newest creation; Alcohol Abuse 2.0: The Relapse! (it's the blue truck lol) ​Crazy is a freestyle legend, and we expect nothing but jaw dropping performances from him. Part 2 of the solution is bringing in one of the most consistent and level-headed drivers around, that being Mark Iron; and with him comes a truck bearing one of the most legendary names in the history of the business, the AM/PM Rocket! We just recently purchased the truck from Buckeye Performance, and we're gonna make sure it's set up exactly to Mr. Iron's specs. Now you may have noticed a few other trucks that are here visting, those being Crushin' Chaos and Wreckless Intent. Now before you start jumping to conclusions, both trucks are here to get set up help and repairs respectively; but that doesn't mean that we're not in talks either . All in all, this inaugural season of both the SMRA and this team has been exceeded any of our expectations; and we're looking forward to what lies ahead this summer and going into Season 2. Stay tuned because we've got some big things planned for this team!
  3. Well, the very first regular season of SMRA has come to end, and what a wild ride it was. From the start, we knew this league was going to be unlike any other; but we had no idea just how fierce the competition was gonna be. But Houston quickly taught us what we should expect from a SMRA event, as the night was full of close races and incredible freestyles. From then on, we knew it was gonna be slobberknocker till the very end; though we didn't see some of what happened coming. As stated in a different thread, I started out with this team as a hired gun, bringing with him a brand new truck that was completely unproven; I had my doubts as to how the truck would perform, but those doubts would quickly be washed away (but i'll get to that later). The one thing I knew going in was that I was on a team I believed could make a statement, as all of our drivers were top notch; even our rookie drivers were upper crust in my opinion. 3 to 4 weeks later though, my roll on the team would take about as big of an about face as it could possibly ever take. I was contacted by Ryan McCauley, the original owner and founder of the team, and he asked me something that caught me off guard. He told me that he just wasn't that interested in overseeing the team anymore, and wanted someone else to take over ownership; and the first person on the list of candidates was me. I was honored that he came to me first, but at the same time I was apprehensive to accept his offer because I wasn't sure if I could run the team in the manner that I believed it should be run in. But, I said what the heck and agreed to take over ownership of Can-Am Racing; low and behold, my skills at owning and running a team would be tested from the word go. From drivers having to leave due to other commitments, to last minute schedule changes, and everything else in between; if a problem could arise, it did. But we persevered and showed everyone that night in and night out, we were always a threat; though I never could imagine the success we would actually achieve. It all started in Houston with Daniel Donnelly putting Overkill Evolution through it's paces, taking home the freestyle win; and it only got better from there. Numerous wins in wheelie contests and donut contests followed, but the thing that surprised me the most was the fact that I got 4 freestyle wins in the span of 3 weeks; but how is that possible you ask? Well, I ended up winning 3 straight freestyles in Lantern; but I also picked up a win in El Chupacabras, as I filled in for Edy who had to leave early. Even with all of the success we had, I still didn't foresee the biggest accomplishment this team had coming. As many of you know, Nick Kozak has been at this deal for quite a few years now (going back to the days of MTM2), picking up some impressive wins along the way; but the one thing that eluded him for all these years was a championship. But that all changed this year, as he walked away with not only the arena freestyle points title, but the overall arena points title. Seeing someone as deserving as him finally reaching the pinnacle was more gratifying than all of the separate wins the team picked up as whole, and it cemented my belief that this team will be a continuous threat for as long as SMRA (and Sim Monsters) is around. That leads me to today, where as you can see below, we are working diligently to get all of the trucks that are going to World Finals in tip top shape; that and fixing up our trucks in general (along with a few other things). Sadly, Overkill Evo won't be able to run due to it's driver being booked for a different event; but we'll still have 4 trucks making the long journey to Denver, Colorado to try and take home home some championships. However, as with any motorsports team, there comes a time where you have to take stock and see what changes need to be made heading into the summer and beyond; and that's exactly what we're doing now. First and foremost, we realized early on that we had WAY too many trucks to try and keep track of and maintain. Now while I knew we needed to trim the fat, I didn't want to just sell off trucks and fire drivers like a heartless s.o.b; cause all of the people in question I consider good friends. So I came to the only conclusion that felt logical to me, although I imagine some of you are gonna think I've lost my mind doing this; but I've never been the sharpest knife in the drawer anyway lol. *Post Continues Below*
  4. First and foremost, Green Lantern: Burn In My Light by Mercy Drive Secondly, I couldn't be any happier with how all of this turned out. I started out in this deal simply as hired gun (who has been best known for always coming out and putting on as realistic of a performance as possible, to a fault at times), bringing in a new but very well received truck. Literally, my main goal was to never flip the truck at all this year (though that didn't happen lol), anything else was simply gravy on the country fried steak; but needless to stay, what has transpired during the course of the season still boggles my mind. From picking up 4 freestyle wins, to taking over ownership of Can-Am Racing, to being brought in as an event manager; none of it I saw coming. Though I will say the most gratifying thing was seeing how well the team did as a whole, the biggest highlight being Kozak winning the Overall Arena and Arena Freestyle points titles; seeing someone who has been at this game for so long finally pick up a championship, let alone 2, is flat out awesome. I personally want to thank Agosh for putting this all together, the guys from SSRS who provided support to get this thing off the ground, Colineri and Bernier for all of their hard work, and every single person who ran in this for helping to make it a success. While I should be focused on getting everything ready for the SMRA World Finals, I can't help but think of what's to come the rest of the year and going into season 2. I for one think SMRA is here to stay, and I'm proud to have taken part in the first budget league to finish a full season.
  5. Week 10 Budget: Can-Am Racing: $347,467 Green Lantern/Scrapper: $144,697 Overkill Evolution/Canadian Crippler: $171,818 El Chupacabras/Newedle: $41,012 (unchanged from last week) *Please note that included in these calculations are the purse payouts for the Throwdown Stadium Series points* (Also note that I went back through and redid my budget, I did this because I only just learned of a glitch in the google doc which caused my calculations to be WAY off; big thanks to Colineri for letting me know about said glitch, had he not my budget would've stayed incorrect.)
  6. What the heck, I'll post a few pics of my ugly mug; with monsters included free of charge.
  7. Brilliant idea, and I honestly can't believe I forgot about that; that will definitely be added to the list of events. I'm also pleasantly surprised about the reception this got, so I think I'll need to start getting into the nitty gritty of planning this thing out.
  8. Week 9 Budget: Can-Am Racing: $461,830 Green Lantern/Scrapper: $102,198 Overkill Evolution/Canadian Crippler: $137,692 El Chupacabras/Newedle: $41,012 (unchanged from the previous week)
  9. That is a possibility, but I just don't want to plan out too much stuff; I'm trying to avoid a repeat of FM3 lol.
  10. Ok, this is an idea I came up with recently and wanted to see if you guys would be interested. I'm planning on doing the first ever Sim Monsters X-Games, and within this event there would be 3 disciplines; Monster Gymkhana, Monster Rallycross, and Freestyle. This whole idea is in the very early stages, so nothing has even been started yet; but I just wanted to gauge everyone's interest. Oh, and if you're interested in helping this thing come to life, message me and let's see if we can get the ball rolling.
  11. You know, there's an old saying that states you can't teach an old dog new tricks; but I'm gonna have to disagree with that. Seems like you can at least teach an old Bad Dawg a few new things...........
  12. Crushin' Chaos looks amazing, great work on that DanDon. As far as USA Chevrolet, the paint just looks a bit off to me; as in that it just doesn't flow well. One suggestion I have is to maybe base the paint off of a Chevrolet race team, like the Corvettes that run at Le Mans. There are so many trucks with a patriotic scheme that they are kinda blending into one another, meaning they all kinda resemble one another so you've gotta do something drastic to make it stand out; the rest of the truck does look really good though.
  13. Week 8 Budgets: (figured I'd go ahead and post this for Dano) Can-Am Racing: $438,880 Green Lantern/Scrapper: $89,083 (included in this is payouts from the arena league) Canadian Crippler/Overkill Evolution: $125,553 (included in this is payouts from the arena league) El Chupacabras/Newedle: $41,012 (unchanged from last week)
  14. As the owner of Can-Am Racing, I couldn't be more proud of Kozak bringing home the very first championship of SMRA Season 1. During the process of forming this team, before I was the owner, RKM and I were discussing who we should try and bring in; one of the names he mentioned was ol' canadian bacon here, and I supported the choice from the get go. His fabrication skills are second to none, and he's a rather underrated driver in my honest opinion; so when he agreed to join, I knew we were gonna make some noise in this deal. Through all of the uncertainties with folks leaving the team and having to adjust schedules, he stayed as cool as the other side of the pillow; that poise is what lead to his success this year, and will help lead this team into the World Finals and beyond. Congrats to ya my friend, well deserved and far overdue; and you had better not doubt you driving abilities ever again. Anyone can show up and win a single event, but it takes a true talent to win a championship.
  15. Can-Am Racing: $375,680 Green Lantern/Scrapper: $77,864 Overkill Evolution/Canadian Crippler: $78,553 El Chupacabras: $41,012
  16. Name: Chadwick Deerfoot AIM: beardman53mt Custom Truck: Bad Dawg http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/1128-the-new-bad-dawg/ Custom Truck Song: Dog Eat Dog - AC/DC Replica Truck: Outlaw http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/1295-outlaw/ Rank: Platinum Reason: RoR-MTP Overall and Turning Course Points Champion 9 League Wins: SMRA Season 1, RoR-MTP Season 1, RTR Season 4, RoR MD Season 1, CFMTS Season 1, SSRS Season 2 Pre-Season RoR-MTP Turning Course Finale Winner Top 10 Finish in points in both ORL Season 2 and SSRS Season 1
  17. Can't spawn the track, error 5; says trenton14rop.mesh is not found. Checked the zip and sure enough, the aforementioned file was nowhere to be found.
  18. Can-Am Racing: $354,680 Green Lantern: $68,813 Canadian Crippler/Overkill Evolution: $70,652
  19. As an update to this post, due to schedules being reworked, the truck is now available! Also, one thing to note is that the truck doesn't have King coilovers; we took those off before the beginning of the season in favor of brand new PEI shocks. Please note that there's absolutely nothing wrong with the truck, we just feel that at this point less is more; as we don't need another truck sitting at the shop, seeing as how we already have 4 sitting idle lol. Now with all of that said, let's get to the asking price. We are selling the truck turn key, meaning ready to run; complete with the 3-D dog body, though the name is not included. Here's a full breakdown of the prices for the truck: Turn key: $125,000, minus the body: $110,000 If your interested in purchasing this truck in any form, contact either me or Donnelly; serious inquiries only, no tire kickers. *UPDATE* We are now pricing this truck to move! The truck is now priced at $90,000 turnkey, with or without the body; we need this thing gone, and you won't find a better truck for the money! Please keep in mind that the name DOES NOT go with the truck, the Newedle name is the sole property of Preston Perez. Please note that this truck is no longer for sale, an announcement to the future of this truck will be coming soon.
  20. Can AM Racing: $334,880 Green Lantern: $60,535 Overkill Evolution/Canadian Crippler: $60,721 El Chupacabras/Newedle: $38,033
  21. File Name: Untapped Rage SSRS Edition File Submitter: DirtyDawg File Submitted: 05 Apr 2014 File Category: V4 Customs This is the SSRS version of Cidra's Untapped Rage, and it's based off of his custom Mad Dog; matter of fact, this truck was supposed be released before that one. But due to various reasons, it stayed locked in the deepest, darkest part of my projects folder lol; but now it's finally time unleash this beast. Oh, and this truck is stand alone by the way. Credits are as follows: Paint by your's truly. Body done by Dough. Chassis done by Kozak Chassis mods and engine (<- I think) done by Wambo. Rims done by Johan. Tires and rear shocks done by Klayton. Axles done by Wilkinson. Knuckles and node beam edits done by Crazy. Everything else to the SM Pack Makers. If I missed anyone, I sincerely apologize. Click here to download this file
  22. Version 1.5


    This is the SSRS version of Cidra's Untapped Rage, and it's based off of his custom Mad Dog; matter of fact, this truck was supposed be released before that one. But due to various reasons, it stayed locked in the deepest, darkest part of my projects folder lol; but now it's finally time unleash this beast. Oh, and this truck is stand alone by the way. Credits are as follows: Paint by your's truly. Body done by Dough. Chassis done by Kozak Chassis mods and engine (<- I think) done by Wambo. Rims done by Johan. Tires and rear shocks done by Klayton. Axles done by Wilkinson. Knuckles and node beam edits done by Crazy. Everything else to the SM Pack Makers. If I missed anyone, I sincerely apologize.
  23. Did some updates to Damian's Untapped Rage. This version was made well before the short wheelbase one that is being used in SMRA was made, it just never got released for one reason or another. But since SSRS is coming up, he wanted it to be released since this truck will be more competitive. Also, there is one very unique thing about this truck; it has a front four link node beam. Now for those who are confused or don't know what I'm talking about, the node beam was made so it would handle like these real life trucks. (huge props to Crazy for making the node beam) The chassis will be remodeled by Wambo later so that the four links mount in the proper spots and move like they should. Also be on the lookout for some more projects coming soon, some cool stuff is in the works.
  24. *Official Can-Am Racing Announcement* We are currently looking for a full time driver to fill the hole left by the departure of our former team owner RKM. If you are interested in joining CAR, please message me with your resume and explain why you'd be a good fit for us; but there are things that come with making the move to our team. First and foremost, if we bring you in, you will be driving Liquidator; the truck that RKM was gonna drive. That means that if you own your own truck, that truck will be parked; and then you'll have a decision to make. You can either keep ownership of your truck so that you have a truck still available if things don't work out, or if your tired of owning your own truck, you can sign over ownership of the truck to us; but keep in mind that if you do that, everything that goes with the truck (including the name) will then belong to us 100%. That means that if you sign over your truck but things don't work out, you'll be without a truck of your own to run; unless you've earned enough money to build another truck or get hired on by another team. Just keep those things in mind while trying to make your decision. Also, the body shop at Can-Am Racing currently is empty; so if anyone is looking for paint work, send us a message and we'll see what we can do. Base price for a paint job is $3,000, and the price could go up depending on the complexity of what you want painted.
  25. Can-Am Racing: $292,080 Green Lantern/Canadian Crippler: $53,723 Overkill Evolution: $43,588 El Chupacabras/Newedle: $21,509 (end budget for these 2 is the same as it was the week prior due to neither truck running this past week.)
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