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Everything posted by CMDeerfoot

  1. Congrats to ya Demko, not only for expecting your first child, but for taking the steps to break the hold of addiction; we all know it's going to be a tough road ahead, but you've got our support. I'll be keeping you and your new family in my thoughts and prayers, and I believe you can overcome this thing dude; you just have to believe in yourself, which can be one of the toughest things to do.
  2. Here's a pic of Tim Bee's new Killer Bee. Looks like things are progressing along quite nicely.
  3. Name: Chadwick Deerfoot AIM: beardman53mt Truck: Clydesdale Link: Coming Soon
  4. Chadwick Deerfoot beardman53mt Gunslinger
  5. I love the track, but there is one small thing i noticed when i went in game... http://puu.sh/9TivR/e38cc5b9bc.jpg
  6. File Name: Dirty Dawg 2 pack File Submitter: DirtyDawg File Submitted: 26 Jun 2014 File Category: V4 Customs Here's a little something special that was built for the MRoR summer Fairgrounds Series, but I decided to do a little extra with it (besides giving it the same name as my username lol). Included in this pack are the Dirty Dawg mega truck, and a monster truck version of it as well. This truck is basically a teammate to Bad Dawg, and will be used as such in the future. I reserve the right to run both versions of this truck in leagues and fun runs, but your more than welcome to message me about using them; I'm actually flattered if folks wanna use my custom trucks. Also, this truck should be stand alone; but if I missed something, just send me a PM. Credits are as follows: Paint was done by me. Truck was constructed by Colineri. Chassis parts and shocks were made by Kozak, and then edited by Colineri. Mud truck rims and tires were made by Colineri. Monster truck rims were made by Johan. Monster truck tires and engine were made by Wilkinson. Everything else to SM pack makers. If I missed someone, I sincerely apologize. Click here to download this file
  7. 615 downloads

    Here's a little something special that was built for the MRoR summer Fairgrounds Series, but I decided to do a little extra with it (besides giving it the same name as my username lol). Included in this pack are the Dirty Dawg mega truck, and a monster truck version of it as well. This truck is basically a teammate to Bad Dawg, and will be used as such in the future. I reserve the right to run both versions of this truck in leagues and fun runs, but your more than welcome to message me about using them; I'm actually flattered if folks wanna use my custom trucks. Also, this truck should be stand alone; but if I missed something, just send me a PM. Credits are as follows: Paint was done by me. Truck was constructed by Colineri. Chassis parts and shocks were made by Kozak, and then edited by Colineri. Mud truck rims and tires were made by Colineri. Monster truck rims were made by Johan. Monster truck tires and engine were made by Wilkinson. Everything else to SM pack makers. If I missed someone, I sincerely apologize.
  8. Well now, it seems I finally have a reason to post something in here; here's my personal mud truck Dirty Dawg (oh, and this is just 1 of 2 versions of this truck; if ya wanna see the other, check out the monster syp thread)
  9. So, it's been a few since I've posted stuff in here; that being said, I think it's time to post some stuff that will be released soon. First here's something I've had sitting for a while (about a year to be exact), and I think it's about time I released it; the final update for the original Shark Attack. (disregard the the 2 on the side) Now onto something new, and this is just 1 of 2 versions of this puppy; I present the the monster version of Dirty Dawg. (If you wanna see the other version, check out the non monster syp thread) Big thanks to Johan for helping with Shark Attack and Colineri with Dirty Dawg, both will be released asap.
  10. I was super excited to be able to participate in the return event for KOTH (my first ever KOTH event), and to me this was one of the more fun and relaxing events I've run in; great job by everyone involved, and I can't wait for the next one.
  11. World Finals Week Budget Can-Am Racing - $414,487 Green Lantern/Scrapper - $153,897 Overkill Evolution/Canadian Crippler - $171,818 (remains the same as last week because CC broke even) El Chupacabras/Newedle - $45,312 *Included in these calculations are the added budget money from Dig joining and some last minute paint work, and the money taken out for buying AM/PM Rocket and a new body from Buckeye Performance*
  12. I agree with Mark, it looks much better on the Wilman.
  13. You do realize that out of the 3,093 members on this site, your the only one currently complaining about people posting mega trucks here right? Let that sink in for a sec......
  14. Chadwick Deerfoot Over Bored http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/1633-over-bored/ beardman53mt
  15. Chadwick Deerfoot beardman53mt Predator (Pezo's version)
  16. With the movement in recent years to go to full tube chassis, purpose built race motors and drivetrains (transmissions and transfer cases), and coilover and/or nitrogen shocks, mega trucks have pretty much become the pro-stock class of monster trucks; and with that being said, I personally have no problem with mega trucks being posted in here. Matter of fact, I'm pumped to see folks starting to get into the sport more and wanting to build their own RoR versions, and even more so when there's a league supporting the use of mega trucks. I personally think it'll be a big breath of fresh air into the community, just as the influx of leafers has gotten some folks who had long left the community to come back and race again. Speaking of mega trucks, you should be seeing something from me soon in that regard too; to put it simply, Bad Dawg's little brother will finally be let out of his incredibly large cage. Oh, and to help clear up any confusion about the cradle on Avenger, here's a pic of the new cradle that was taken just after all of the fabrication was completed. Pic was taken by Cory Rummel (driver of Spike Unleashed), who also was the guy that fabricated said new cradle.
  17. I forget the exact reason why, but all of the vids got deleted/weren't saved; and to be honest, that's been an ongoing problem with twitch anyway.
  18. Update number 2: Bernier will be tackling Houston, Arnhem, and Vancouver.
  19. I barely get the thread up and already I gotta post an update lol, but that's a good thing. As of now, Colineri will be making Sydney, Rome, and London; and Edy will be making Madrid.
  20. Ok guys, I've been meaning to post this thread for a while and finally found time to do it. For those of you out there who makes tracks for our intradesting little community, I'm in need of some help. You see, the second season of RoR MT Pro is coming up in October and we've got an ambitious plan for the league. As of right now, we're going on a world tour and if everything works out, we'll be using leafers. Now that is subject to change simply because we're not sure if we'll have enough leafers released for everybody to use, but we'll get cross that road when we get there; nevertheless, no matter which style of truck we use, we're gonna need tracks. That's where you track making peoples come into play, and here are the details. I'm gonna post the list of cities that the tour is gonna hit, and if your interested in helping, you can either post below or pm me which tracks you would like to make. Houston, Texas - Reliant Stadium Atlanta, Georgia - Georgia Dome Chicago, Illinois - Soldier Field Vancouver, British-Columbia, Canada - BC Place Calgary, Alberta, Canada - McMahon Stadium Anaheim, California - Angel Stadium Honolulu, Hawaii - Aloha Stadium Tokyo, Japan - Tokyo Dome Seoul, South Korea - Seoul Olympic Stadium Sydney, Australia - ANZ Stadium Madrid, Spain - Vicente Calderon Stadium Rome, Italy - Stadio Olimpico Arnhem, Holland - GelreDome London, England - Wembley Stadium First and foremost, you'll notice that there are 4 cities crossed out; Honolulu and Anaheim have been finished and released by Bernier, and both Tokyo and Seoul are being worked on by RKM. Now there are 4 criteria that are necessary for making these tracks in particular, and they are as follows: 1. The tracks must be stadium sized and set in the real life stadium listed. 2. The tracks must use unique layouts and obstacles, things that aren't seen that often in real life monster truck events. 3. The tracks must be friendly to both modern tube chassis and old school leafer trucks, meaning both style of truck should be able to make it around these courses; but that doesn't mean that the courses should be easy. 4. This logo must be used on some of the banners in the stadium. http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x260/gamefreak4444/Games/Rigs%20of%20Rods/Chadwicksleaguelogos_zps015e45cc.png Also, please include logos from McDonalds, Coca-Cola, Domino's Pizza, and Circle K on the banners as well; they are our "Primary Sponsors" lol. Also, as a side note, your more than welcome to make freestyle versions of these courses; now while we won't be using the freestyle courses in RoR MTP, other folks may wanna use these courses for more modern day style events. Please note that both the Calgary and Madrid events could be changed, simply because I'm unsure if the stadiums I picked for those cities are feasible for use with monster trucks. Other than that, everything else is pretty much set in stone; any help we get with these tracks is greatly appreciated.
  21. Ok, I know it's been a little while since I've posted anything in here, but I wanted to give everyone an update on the progress with this deal. As of now, I think I have the format and the events that will be run all figured out. If it all works out, the event will be held over 3 days (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) and there will be a total of 7 events. As for the events themselves, they are as follows: Friday Monster Mudbog Monster Hillclimb Saturday Monster Endurocross Monster Rallycross Monster Short Course Sunday Monster Gymkhana Monster Freestyle I'll be contacting track makers sometime in the near future about getting all of these courses made, but that leads me to my other announcement. As of right now, the earliest that the Sim Monsters X-Games could possibly happen is this winter; more than likely around christmas or new years. But the ideal time for this event to be held would be summer next year, which is where I'm currently aiming. The reason as to why I'm pushing this deal back is because I have a lot of other planning work to do, as season 2 of RoR MT Pro is just a few months away. Now while I know this may be disappointing to some, my goal is to make sure that this event goes off without a hitch; I'm trying everything I can to avoid having another special event debacle, and most of you know what I'm speaking of when I say that. But worry not, as I can confirm to everyone that the Sim Monsters X-Games WILL HAPPEN; after seeing all of the positive responses to this idea, there's no way I'd let this idea die. I'll post another update as soon as there is something else significant to announce, so until then, stay safe and keep on enjoying the monster life.
  22. Name: Chadwick Deerfoot AIM: beardman53mt Truck: Bearded Dragon (W.I.P.) Nickname: Mr. Beardman
  23. Green Lantern is ready for the World Finals, and it's sporting this brand new paint scheme that will only be used for special events. We've been working tirelessly to ensure that this, along with the rest of our trucks that made it, are 100% ready to kick some butt in Denver; and we think we've achieved that goal, but only time will tell.....
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