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Everything posted by RKM

  1. Just going to give this a light bump since it's actually close to being time for it.
  2. If Battlefield is too slow for you then play the smaller maps that are almost full (as in no vehicles at all kind of small) not sure if that exists in BF4 but with the right mix of players you can have a really fast paced constant action type of game in which I've seen unsuspecting players type in chat that it is too fast for them. I guess if I ever wind up with internet capable and a console I should play COD as well since I enjoy the fast pace and usually play a heck of a lot better then the slower matches.
  3. I forget exactly what engine the game Spin Tires runs but it has deformable ground, mud and water. Could be worth taking a look at, also I'm not 100% sure on this but doesn't Microsoft still own the MTM name? If so that kind of kills off using the MTM3 name unless its planned to be freeware. I'm game to help with whatever I can.
  4. For the record here are pictures of the actual 2015 Mustang. http://www.netcarshow.com/ford/2015-mustang_gt/
  5. You're kidding right? That looks absolutely nothing like a Challenger or Charger (unless your comparing based on 4dr sedans) it doesn't look terrible as I've seen far worse but I honestly don't think it fits the Mustang name very well. To me it seems more like a cheap Aston Martin more then a Mustang or perhaps the performance variant of the Fusion. What this Mustang looks like is similar to what I had expected the Challenger to look like when it was announced to return and I'm glad it was the complete opposite. For myself if I ever buy a mustang it will either be the classic from the 60's or one of the last generation Shelby editions. The new Corvette I didn't really care for at first but it's been growing on me but there is a difference...the corvette has always been kind of round whereas the Mustang...was not. Short version: It's not terrible but it could be better. I don't hate it entirely, mainly the front end I'm not a big fan of. That along with the R34 will most likely never be removed from my wishlist of cars both preferably right hand drive as well...have yet to see one in person. OT here but any way we could like 2 dedicated forums for Cars and Trucks?
  6. RKM

    Battlefield 4

    You have it easy, I learned mostly playing BF play4free (no offline mode either) couple empty servers here and there to amuse yourself never hurt though...and yes I use/used keyboard and mouse to fly...choppers at least, jets don't like me.
  7. MTM2 sponge-truck nostalgia.
  8. Where is PC when I need him to tell you to stop using my crappy (stadium) models?
  9. Hopefully there is a decent bunch that would like to do this, paper/Photoshop up to you to decide what you want to do but please use original work (ex: don't copy something off Google and change the color and call it yours) cars, trucks monster truck whatever go nuts. Goes from now until 1/1/2014? Should be plenty of time since we could all use something to do that you don't need a beastly computer for. Have fun! Pretty simple rules to follow You have from the date on this post until January 1st 2014 (no set time just day to keep it simple) Original work please I'm kind of looking forward to seeing what everyone is capable of and hey maybe this could be a monthly or yearly thing. Couple of useful things http://www.netcarshow.com and if you need some inspiration Google "Digimods"
  10. We need someone that can make bodies like Kozak can make chassis then we should be set for a while.
  11. Without the hacks that exploit ridiculous speeds. So let's find out who of us has the worst internet! http://www.speedtest.net/ This should also make it clear why I can't race anymore...at least until October unless a large sum of money shows up in the mail before then.
  12. If this were to be wiped off of the planet I would be rather pleased.
  13. Alright fair warning this is not going to be a short or polite post in any sense so feel free to read or skip it if you want my honest opinion from a non competitor stand point on tonight's event. ***If your name is mentioned in this post please do not take it personally but this is my honest opinion on what's transpired*** Racing...where do I even start? So many terrible calls that completely altered the outcome of the event but to go one further blaming others that tried to help make the right decisions that weren't even asked to do so is pretty uncalled for. Sure there is bound to be some issues when you add in a large magnitude event such as Fall Madness and live streams. My understanding everyone involved was a volunteer to help with the event except for Bert and Chadwick I believe. You're live streamers to blame them for any delays is...wrong, they didn't actually cause any to my knowledge but sure there are issues that is part of running events and streaming it. I'll be adding videos to the end of this post for you all to decipher for yourselves so I won't push my own opinion in to that matter, what happened happened and sadly led to what I believe to be the ultimate demise of the entire event tonight. Changing the track having not tested it at all prior was a bad decision and should have just been avoided along with having to delay the start of the vent over 2 hours to get the track released due to having multiple versions for far too many events that you wanted crammed into 2 short days is just too much to ask of 1 person and is the reason why the final track was delayed in the final release. I have my own opinion but I really do feel like Bert you in general were out to screw over Mark Colineri as I know for a fact you do not like him but that is no reason to ever throw a race just to keep someone you despise from advancing forward in the bracket but to then further deny enforcing rules that you put in place for the event is just bad officiating. The blown calls were clear and I had a few people ask me my opinion privately on the matter and there was quite a lot of agreement on some of the calls that were either wrong or should have been called but were not even though several others besides myself had vivid proof of the questionable call. Now for some real issues and my apologies to anyone I offend in this bit which unfortunately is likely inevitable due to its nature. Bert...I had my reservations about you running this event when it was first mentioned to me and sorry to say I honestly didn't expect it to go off without a hitch, as a matter of fact I expected the complete opposite and am rather upset that it actually happened. Chadwick I really don't think you deserved any of this from tonight and feel sorry you had to go through what you did. Splitting freestyle into 2 groups I strongly disagree with, if you were going to split it you should have just split freestyle entirely to a new day or tried to just run it all in one night. All of the confusion and sever lack of solid updates via AIM and on the stream from the short time I was actually there but left due to the chat being incredibly out of control and ridiculous with some of the comments made by those of you that know better and I personally think some of you should have been kicked out of the event at that point but evidently the others decided it wasn't necessary. A few last things to add here, all of your officials blaming various members or others that offered to help is just downright wrong. If you can't man up and take the blame for your own mistakes, which I know a few of you later concluded was the right thing to do and I respect that but should have been done a lot sooner to avoid further conflicts which I think we can all agree on was not the case. Whoever decided it was an excellent idea to join the server during a competitors freestyle run should honestly be banned from any events such as this if not the entire site as a whole. Chadwick was right when he said some of the garbage from tonight is why several of us have stopped racing entirely or only race sparingly anymore. If you don't like my opinions or anything that is fine but remember everyone is entitled to their own opinion and is what sometimes fixes a lot of the problems we create for ourselves. My apologies for the somewhat lagging videos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBlxnMtU2Tg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1cBH4dSmgE I'll be adding the remaining videos after they are uploaded.
  14. Keystone Krusher takes a break from event preparations to pose on the track for a photo op.
  15. Switched my truck, signups edited; will add the download link after I change a few things. Only thing you may have to do is delete KeystoneKrusher2-spec.png http://www.mediafire.com/download/lun5k094jj3jtfk/KeystoneKrusherFM3.zip
  16. Name: Ryan McCauley Home Town: Frackville, PA Truck: Keystone Krusher AIM: rkmphotog07 Freestyle Song: Amaranthe - The Nexus TRUCK CHANGED NOVEMBER 17th 2013
  17. Will there be cake and punch in the lobby?
  18. RKM

    Font List

    *revive* We can has updates? Liquidator - http://www.dafont.com/boneyard-army.font may not be 100% accurate but it is by far the closest I found searching for 2 hours, outline only so you will have to fill it in yourself.
  19. You need to download the gigantic V4 pack and add everything to that.
  20. You and the word filter do not get along very well, do you? Interesting note, the uncensored version shows up if in the quoted text of the post box and is also evidently a bypass of it entirely?....
  21. Not trying to be a dick or start anything but that Firemouth paint looks like it came straight out of MTM2 judging by the mediocre quality of the logos. Still have no idea what I'm doing. Body by PC & Wambo
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