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Everything posted by RKM

  1. Interesting... I had an idea like this a long time ago mostly because I got bored and started doing some weird things but no one had an interest in something like that back then.
  2. My apologies if I may have offended you BobJones23. While this is true I usually try to refrain from poking fun at someone I don't know and hope others are the same way, while it can also be rather amusing I'm not too keen on someone I've never heard of joining in on that just because 4-6 others are and they feel like they have to be part of it just because they are there. Once you get to know someone a bit you really have a much easier time deciphering sarcasm from seriousness.
  3. To be honest if you're afraid to give out your actual first name then it leads me to believe you aren't old enough to be on the site, but welcome anyway.
  4. RKM

    Season 1 Budgets

    Can-AM Racing Budget as of 3/10/2014 (Sacramento, CA) (Team Total For Week 2) Booking Pay: $29,170 Travel Costs: $4,182 Purse Pay: $13,370 Extra Income: $15,150 Damage Costs: $6,500 Total: $47,008 I'm guessing this will basically just be edit your previous post after each show/weekend to keep it simple and easy to follow.
  5. Well you could always let your beard take a shot at painting a truck. Love the black and orange tweak but I agree with Chadwick, spreading the flames out a bit more could really make it pop. Everything else looks pretty good...always nice to see others stepping up with something I wouldn't have expected.
  6. RKM

    Stomper 1

    Yes! DiggerFan released something! I hope this is the start of many more releases!
  7. When you upload a truck you should include every file it uses so that should someone not have it they don't have to spend hours hunting down that one part. (V4 Leafer Pack for example is missing a file for TheRedRim.mesh)
  8. I never really counted but if I went back and added it all up just for Monster Jam probably close to 50-60 all together probably a decent bit over 100 total, and I would probably forget half of those if I tried to list them.
  9. Someone needs to buy you a plunger since you love to bring up old shit, I mean really... okay so maybe I didn't/don't make super fantastic models but you don't see me on here bitching about it all the time or bringing something up from the past just to bitch about it. I find it somewhat pathetic you like to bash everything I've made or attempted to make but hey at least I tried to make something new instead of putting everyone else down and preaching down to everyone about how my models are superior and should be used but can't be because they're never released. I really don't get the point of it because I know for a fact there are or were worse things then what I made or tried to but you never seem to want to use them as an example, this is the kind of crap here that is the main reason why a few of us don't bother posting anything anymore... I like constructive criticism but I can only recall one time I've actually seen you post that, at least some of us were/are trying but I guess you can't stand to see anyone try to do that.
  10. RKM

    Circuit Records

    Since I know a few of us have started playing this randomly and enjoying the circuit aspect and trying to beat each others lap times...we could use a list. I guess just post your best times on what tracks you like and we can have a little friendly competition. So here is my list of my 3 fastest times on each track, feel free to try and beat my times listed below. Crazy '98 RKM - 0:41.81 - Suspension: Soft Tread: Medium Gearing: 1900 RKM - 0:41.96 - Suspension: Soft Tread: Medium Gearing: 1900 RKM - 0:42.05 - Suspension: Soft Tread: Medium Gearing: 1900 -I can relax finally, I knew after I got under 0:42.20 that a 41 was possible. Last Updated on 2/23/2014
  11. Always nice to see someone else into drifting make their way to Sim-Monsters.
  12. RKM


    The monster trucks were fun but the most memorable amounts of fun came from running off-road trucks during CTF....nothing like getting nailed full speed from 7 different directions at the same time.
  13. Iced tea would be #1 for me as well, prefer a lemon flavor but have tried some others. *drinks iced tea while clicking on post * Regular Mountain Dew and Code Red here. I could post a joke about white out but I think Kozak would have to ban me. This would be in a tie with Mountain Dew. EDIT: I just remember this from about 10 years ago but if you want to ever give someone the most terrible tasting drink ever mix some green NyQuil with some iced tea..absolutely the worst thing someone has ever given me.
  14. RKM

    Super Bowl XLVIII

    I'm just happy I no longer have to hear about the Superbowl every day again until after the Winter Olympics and NHL Playoffs.
  15. Why you gotta be such a tease DiggerFan? Shaker looks pretty darn good too! EDIT: Not sure if that is a tarp texture as Rock mentioned but if it is that wouldn't be correct for the roof.
  16. RKM


    From what I saw one of the GT cars swerved to the right to avoid the slowed GT car which in turn cut off the Prototype car who then veered left to avoid contact with that GT car and plowed into the almost stopped GT car. No they do not have spotters for these racers....hopefully that will change so something like this doesn't happen again or worse.
  17. RKM

    NASCAR Discussion

    They can change it all they want, we all know Jimmie is going to win every championship until he retires.
  18. If that is a reference to the profile edit problem that is 100% on IP Board, nothing anyone here can do about it, been a problem for awhile there was a time when Brian got a way around it working that I helped test then the forum got updated and the problem came back. However I'm not sure if the same work around can be implemented again or not. Also in a somewhat unrelated and related manner, most of us know the RoR developers have moved on to BeamNG and I do not know if any of them still have any involvement with RoR other then the main RoR forums and making their own mods so with that we are pretty much self reliant on everything now. Monster truck wise once this site started it pretty much became reliant 100% on users who choose to take their free time and make more stuff for this game for all of us to enjoy, simple solution to more content is more people learning blender and making it. I can't foresee another mega pack project happening again as everyone gets fed up with all the drama involved with it fairly quick so we're pretty much stuck with what we have for now and another thing to remember is that we aren't all going to be able to build stuff for this..or any game for ever. One person can not do it all, there are a small number of people still here with RoR that came from MTM2 that know how to run a league or make some really awesome stuff some of them just race now. We should try to help each other and the new users that show up instead of trying to troll them or run them out like they are invading our fortress...nobody seems to want to do that for some reason and if there are no new users joining then it will not make it to the 5 year mark. If we want this site and game to live for 5+ years some things need to change but the main thing to me are the arguing and the whole I'm better then you crap needs to stop...which it seems to be slightly changing for the better but only time will tell on that. I also think the mega packs need to stop, the current V4 pack I have is almost 1GB...and that is the compressed .zip version as it is well over 1GB if I were to unpack it. Stand alone trucks or smaller packs I think are the way to go, sure there will be more .zip files but it won't take some users 5 or more hours to download that. There are a few other things I would like to see change but those are by far the 2 major ones that I've seen around here a lot more then I would like to. Sim-Monsters opened in September of 2010 so that marks this year come September as the 4th anniversary of the site, and I'm quite pleased to say that I've been around for most of those years and sure I've done some things others disagree with and some I myself disagree with but I think everyone goes through a period in their life like that. With that said let's keep this place alive...not for ourselves but for those that wanted the most realistic monster truck game they could have dreamed of...we pretty much have that and it is rather obvious that without it we would probably be waiting our entire lifespan for it. Sorry for kind of going way off topic.
  19. I haven't had what I would call a brutal snowfall since 2007 or 2009; 07 was about 14" of pure sleet that turned every road into about a 8" thick layer of ice...which was great since it made the roads smoother but once it started to melt some and potholes formed in the ice they were enough to eat a small car. 09 we got about 26" of pure snow in under 24 hours...have not had a single storm surpass 7" since that to this present day. PA here, usually hit negative here every winter for a period of time especially over night...at least where I live at we do but then again my elevation is over 1000'. Also I like the local news around here when they interview people every year during winter and they do nothing but complain about it...and most of them moved here! I'll take snow and negative temperatures over 95+ and 100% humidity any day of the week. I enjoy the cold plus I sleep a lot better compared to the summer months the snow is just a nice bonus.
  20. I'll try but I can't promise anything, I did a quick search and it seems this NSIS error came up with incomplete installs. Did you install RoR correctly? You can download the .zip of the version I have uploaded here but I be sure to install it properly ( drag the folder out of the .zip to C:\Program Files (x86) when it asks are you sure you want to do this click yes, I myself have had a few problems if I tried to run it off my desktop like in the past putting it there usually fixes the issue) Are you using the correct version? (0.37.XXX which you will need to race as none of the leagues use 0.38) Any trucks you download unless noted otherwise get added to the V4 pack
  21. All fun tracks, Voodoo Island was one of my favorites to race because of how narrow it is and it is easy to screw up a lap. You should just make all of them and then a few popular add-on ones.
  22. RKM

    NASCAR Discussion

    Brian Ickler and Ryan Reed have both competed in their respective series for a few events so I wouldn't label them entirely as rookies.
  23. Who was in the second Digger with Dennis there? I cringed as soon as I saw the rear tire catch the back-flip ramp...so lucky he didn't come down completely on the roof of the cage.
  24. Very good tips there, even with my terrible computer I try to always turn most of the settings up for screenshots although sometimes I do forget.
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