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Everything posted by RKM

  1. While it may not be the most impressive thing, we all have to start learning somewhere. I'm not directing this at anyone but something I still don't understand is how quick everyone jumps on someone trying to learn how to build something and while it may not be the best or most impressive why not try and be somewhat thankful that new people are at least trying to learn? I don't ever remember anything like this happening in MTM2 or even the early days of SM. Yes, you're all entitled to your opinions but you don't have to be a dick about it. (Insert comment wars here) I'm surprised no one has decided to take the offroad body style and combine it with say... the Willys body. Megamerc and Mad Dog II look quite interesting though I do see a few normals issues on the chassis for Megamerc.... but that's also why it's called the "Show Your Projects" thread.
  2. Not to sound like a prick but I think you're better off moving out if that's how things were/are for you. I know several of my own family members are just downright terrible with anything that has to do with money... to the point I don't associate with them at all anymore because all they do is beg for money. So I can somewhat relate to your issue, good luck with it though. She may only sound sane to herself but that's not really my place to go.
  3. File Name: Liquidator 2015 File Submitter: RKM File Submitted: 29 Apr 2015 File Category: V4 Customs THIS TRUCK IS STAND ALONE, YOU DO NOT NEED TO ADD IT TO YOUR V4 PACK Please do not use this truck for league competition unless I approve of it. Body & Related parts: John Dough/RKM Thank all of these people: Outlawed, Crazyman444, RKM, DirtyDawg, DanDon, acdcfan56, SealedGecko, Beau4x4, worldfinals, Ghostx, John Dough, Wambo. Transport Tires/Rims: Crazyman444 If I forgot anyone, feel free to yell at me. Click here to download this file
  4. File Name: Dominator File Submitter: RKM File Submitted: 29 Apr 2015 File Category: V4 Customs THIS TRUCK IS STAND ALONE, YOU DO NOT NEED TO ADD IT TO YOUR V4 PACK Please do not use this truck for league competition unless I approve of it. Body & Related parts: John Dough/RKM Thank all of these people: Outlawed, Crazyman444, RKM, DirtyDawg, DanDon, acdcfan56, SealedGecko, Beau4x4, worldfinals, Ghostx, John Dough, Wambo. Transport Tires/Rims: Crazyman444 If I forgot anyone, feel free to yell at me. Click here to download this file
  5. Speaking of rising from the grave....
  6. This seems like it could be what we've been waiting for. .37 was outdated before SM existed but there was never a strong enough reason to upgrade other than minor improvements... this however would be a major improvement. The mega-pack projects are outdated too and are a cesspool for useless drama. Add me to the list in favor of upgrading provided it still has multi-player.
  7. RKM

    An idea

    I find it interesting but I would definitely vote for the stand alone truck releases that way you can just release them as they get done and not have to wait until the entire thing is done or you have one giant pack. (1GB+ most likely which is quite a download for anyone even if they have really good internet, which not many of us do) I'd be interested in helping depending on what all would be included and maybe I'll make a stand alone truck tutorial if no one else has done so yet.
  8. I may share that title if you recall how many times the same thing happened to me back in MTM2 and I swear it happened every time I got close to finishing the RMR track that I made for it. I was able to salvage a few things the second time around with a ubuntu disc and a few flash drives so you could give that a try if you haven't given up entirely yet.
  9. Wasn't that the game where you tried to drift and ate a tree? I'm interested though, good to hear it will have mod support too.
  10. A lot of trucks to pick and choose from those years, one has to wonder though will everyone go for the same more well known trucks? I hope this leads to more era specific leagues though and it's a really good idea to get people building and doing the best that they can. Good luck to everyone who enters, I look forward to seeing everything that gets made.
  11. Season 1 of the Sim-Monsters league Brian and myself would usually be ingame for the duration of an event with either a bobcat, fire truck, tow truck or similar vehicle. It was a really nice way to just kill time waiting for people to join the game once they were called in.
  12. If you race because you only want to win then you should not be racing, you should race to have fun and enjoy what brought all of us together in the first place.Sure it's nice to win but I'd rather have fun even if I do absolutely terrible (See Fall Madness 1, I had fun because everyone else had fun even though competition wise I did poorly). If you cheat because you would rather win than have a good time then you shouldn't be racing. As far as the hacking/cheating goes it needs to stop, I don't really race because I simply can't but even before that those comments were pretty ridiculous. I've been on both sides of it albeit more in reference to freestyle than racing because of my ability to make almost any truck do whatever I want it to (I use keyboard). Does practice help? Yes it does, if you want to learn a truck or several trucks go play around with those trucks by yourself for 20-30 minutes and see what you discover. Most of us came from MTM2 because we wanted more realism and we all know we will never get that from the official games they put out because that isn't what sells. The number one rule for every league should be to have fun and just enjoy what we have and the fact that it's free and entirely community driven is something I that I think is constantly taken for granted. Race to have fun and if you happen to win then that is just a bonus. If I ever run a league some day in the future I won't be competing in it because I've had more fun running events and watching people go from saying they don't expect to do well and then watching them win.... that is more enjoyable for me than it is if I won every event I've ever entered. A short message to anyone that's reading this and sort of undecided or worried: Race because you want to, you don't have to impress anyone with how well you do. Anyone that's ran an event before remembers if everyone had a good time and just enjoyed being there. One thing I miss is seeing a big scale event have most of the competitors stick around throughout the entire event and even some that aren't in it want to stick around but anymore it seems as soon as they're able to they leave. I know some events run late and not everyone can stay up but when you have an event chat with 30 people and after the first 4 trucks freestyle you're down to 15 people... it kind of sucks. Also no one mentioned it in here yet but I've seen far too many race chats get way out of hand with the same accusations or spamming of links and it makes it difficult to keep track of what's going on sometimes without having to scroll forever to find whatever you were looking for.
  13. File Name: The Punisher 2014-2015 File Submitter: RKM File Submitted: 01 Dec 2014 File Category: V4 Customs THIS TRUCK IS STAND ALONE, YOU DO NOT NEED TO ADD IT TO YOUR V4 PACK Please do not use this truck for league competition unless I approve of it. Body & Related parts: crossfire07/CoolBeans/Peterbilt1993/eezerz (and possibly others) from 3dWarehouse, heavily modified and redone by RKM Thank all of these people: Outlawed, Crazyman444, RKM, DirtyDawg, DanDon, acdcfan56, SealedGecko, Beau4x4, worldfinals, Ghostx, John Dough, Wambo. Transport Tires/Rims: Crazyman444 If I forgot anyone, feel free to yell at me. Click here to download this file
  14. Name: Ryan McCauley AIM: rkmphotog07 Truck: The Punisher Freestyle Song Link: Amaranthe - The Nexus Truck Link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/0mu1cfnj288pj04/ThePunisher2014.zip
  15. RKM

    Gaming Glitches

    I'd call most of mine wins rather than glitches. Various insanity in the old online public NR2003 servers (It was impossible to NOT have a good time in any of the high grip servers. There were a few tracks you could drive up the wall and would stick to the fence and still be able to race) ETS2 I drove over a car and have also launched one over my truck, then again doing 150kmh probably wasn't the best idea in the first place.
  16. RKM


    You do know that is asking quite a lot of us right? That there is a joke itself, also... you should buy a dictionary or use a free one online. This however is one of the greatest if not the absolute greatest thread to grace this site.
  17. I take boredom to new levels.
  18. File Name: Liquidator 2014 RoR:MTP File Submitter: RKM File Submitted: 10 Oct 2014 File Category: V4 Customs THIS TRUCK IS STAND ALONE, YOU DO NOT NEED TO ADD IT TO YOUR V4 PACK It will also overwrite the older Liquidator. Please do not use this truck for league's without asking me first. I don't remember all of the credits specifically but I'm pretty sure all of these are involved somehow. Outlawed, Crazyman444, RKM, DanDon, acdcfan56, SealedGecko, Beau4x4, worldfinals, Ghostx, John Dough, Wambo If I forgot anyone feel free to yell at me. Click here to download this file
  19. I've said it multiple times to numerous people that if there was to be a group put together to build a new game or build off of an existing game to give what we have all dreamt of at some point. I hate the large project packs that put together but I think if it were for an actual game everyone would take it a lot more seriously rather than just a content pack. It can be done, the question is. Who wants to be involved with such a monstrous task?
  20. RKM

    Weed on fire

    It will be more than just Demko who think such.
  21. Let's see if I offend anyone.. Anyone that tries to talk about something they know nothing about to someone that actually knows what they're trying to talk about. Everyone that hates on any genre of music and has no knowledge of it in any form other than [bAND] is better than [bAND] for [REASON HERE]. Those that say [GENRE] of music is better than everything else. Liars. Loud noises. People who cut off trucks. People who blame trucks for every accident. Repetitive wording and bad grammar. People that try to use words they don't understand because they think it makes them sound intelligent. Parents who think everyone but themselves are responsible for their children. TV Shows glorifying problems for profit and causing more problems than solving them (Looking at you MTV). Those who think one sport is better than another because they don't like or understand it. People that can't spell properly in a text message. When people base judgements and opinions about someone on what they've heard from others compared to actually getting to know the person. Biased calls and opinions because you don't like someone. Being talked over. Being used for the benefit of others. Racism. Those who can't accept other languages, cultures or races or make an effort to understand them. People who complain about every thing for no reason. Short responses after a large message. When I state my opinion on something and people immediately think it's about them even though they were never named. Console/PC arguments. Warm drinks. People that won't leave me alone. Being woken up for no reason. Talking about myself. Being ignored when asked for my opinion on something that no one else understands but pretends they do. Repeating myself. People who watch TV but play on their phones or talk the entire time not caring if it annoys anyone else. Extra people being added to groups and finding out when you see them. Anyone that asks for help and doesn't want a detailed explanation. Internet that isn't capable of online gaming. Lag. Neighbours. When someone eats or steals my food. Hitting my head on things in a new house because everyone else is short. Blender. Everything. Everyone. Android and iOS arguments with no validity. Computer operating system arguments. People who don't know how to use doorknobs. Derogatory comments. Drivers who don't turn their high beams off. When someone takes or uses something of mine without permission or does not return it. People that like to argue about things from your past. Having my headphones forcefully removed. Getting blamed for things it would be impossible to have been involved with. Being told I'm wrong when I know I'm right. Is that enough or should I keep going?
  22. Anyone interested in doing this again? Still through ESPN. Draft date: Saturday, October 4th at 7:00 PM ET PM ME YOUR EMAIL IF YOU WISH TO JOIN
  23. Wow all this time not racing and I'm still that high on the list? Wake up guys! I've always wondered if someone would step up and do this or if we should just track it ourselves without any sort of bias. Now if there was a way to implement something into the forum for everyone so it's displayed by their name in posts or profile that would be really nice. Also Danny you're going to have a PM from me about a few things.
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