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Double.D ッ

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Everything posted by Double.D ッ

  1. There really shouldn't be that big of a gap between the cab and the bed. Also, the flames now fade from what looks like black to silver with the tips being red, instead of black to red.
  2. Speculation time! Whats that there flag on the wall?
  3. Video of Frank Krmel being almost flipped over with him climbing out:
  4. I may be in the minority here, but I like the idea of a villain truck.
  5. Yes, but it's not an accurate chassis because Morgan is in a CRD.
  6. Darren Migues' Bounty Hunter is solid black. Trent Montgomery said on facebook that they have yet to decide on whether or not to keep it like this or not. Also, this popped up.
  7. I feel so deceived. Also, remember Adam's stance from the side? Yeah...
  8. Those blue beadlocks are....amazing. And I love the stance on The Legend. So mean.
  9. Thanks for informing us Dennis was getting a new chassis. We would have never have known from the picture Mark posted right before you.
  10. I didn't know this was a thing until last night. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utZfT6rI4Kg It's really really well composed. Full 50 piece orchestra and well...Deathklok.
  11. Being an admin on a forum for a Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas multiplayer mod server, I can say the same.
  12. Monster Jam's website is now purple for whatever that's worth.
  13. Devin Doss Iron Outlaw devindoss95@gmail.com
  14. I can't tell if it's by the angle the picture is taken at or not, but does it look like a pickup body with a bed cover on instead of an SUV?
  15. I'd have to say Deja Vu, even though all I really did was paint it. Mainly because it's the only content I've made other than a rather crap V3 custom. Plus, all the 80's monster truck colors you could think of in one modern truck? Who would want anything else? (Now with updated tires, of course.)
  16. Slightly larger TV New Orleans Saints Jersey (Jimmy Graham ) Couple new Avenged Sevenfold Shirts Pair of Water Dance speakers (I was skeptical about them, turns out they're some pretty damn good speakers) Tickets for my dad and I to go to our local Monster Jam show And most of all, some quality time with the family, no matter how weird we all are.
  17. "I got a new computer but it was the wrong kind. Worst life ever." If that's not a first-world problem I don't know what is.
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