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Double.D ッ

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Everything posted by Double.D ッ

  1. I've never made a status on here. I can feel you patronizing me. Stop it. Stahp.

  2. holy loveing love of course it does makes sense since he's been driving with an El Toro body for the majority of the first quarter.
  3. Captahn's Cuhrse http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/743-blue-thunder-and-captains-curse-2013/
  4. Tried going for an older picture style here. Really starting to enjoy photo editing.
  5. For the motherland, yes? Soviet Propaganda, yes.
  6. I dunno, whenever Monster Jam makes its stop around here its pretty much what John posted.
  7. I'm with Tharindu here, I love the concept of a monster truck backflip, in moderation of course. Every few shows or so is fine, but every show is a little much. I think they got it right this season so far.
  8. Fairly simple concept here, just post a picture or pictures that you think sums up the Monster Jam series and why. I'll start: Just look at the carnage. Destruction for the kids, right?
  9. To be fair, NEA doesn't have to be in the lineup to do an encore.
  10. That's never happened to me in the 2 years I've played this game. Maybe they "don't listen" because they don't speak english? They aren't exactly idiots who don't listen if they can't understand what you're saying.
  11. Honestly, Devin getting in was completely out of left field for me. He's well deserving of it.
  12. I got creative and did a loud explosion thing and then got lazy and didn't do a vroom vroom jumpy thing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7sBsx8mGpQ&feature=youtu.be
  13. I really hope Feld didn't shaft Steve Simms this year for the finals....He always puts on a good show and is very consistent. He's one of the best indie drivers out there.
  14. We're due for one of these types of things every chapter. It should be no real surprise.
  15. Driveshaft issue has been resolved thanks to YoungCarter. Still no idea on how to get the knuckle issue figured out.
  16. Final touches have been applied and we're all set for race day.
  17. Hurray. But seriously, I've noticed here recently that all of my yellow driveshafts (YellowDShaft.mesh) have shifted forward/backward. I have no idea how or why this has happened, as I haven't even touched them. My second problem (also pictured) has been around for a while but still kinda bothers me, is that all of my base v4 steering knuckles have lost their texture. I've tried putting the texture back in, clearing and regening, everything, to no avail. Any help would be much appreciated, thanks.
  18. Holy poosticks, Batman. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whXQF-wUwHk
  19. I don't see how he's going to win anything while he's pulling that large bandwagon down the track.
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