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Double.D ッ

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Everything posted by Double.D ッ

  1. Devin Doss devindoss@hotmail.com Bad News 2012 http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/621-bad-news-travels-fast-2012/
  2. File Name: Deja Vu II File Submitter: Double.D File Submitted: 19 Feb 2014 File Category: V4 Customs Well, with upcoming leagues having the ability to run your own custom truck, I thought since the concept of Deja Vu was close to turning a year old, it needed a bit of an upgrade. Bringing that old 80's paint style and mid 2000's truck into the future. I must say this truck gave me a fight when building it, but I can successfully say this is the first truck I've built completely on my own. I do reserve the right to use this truck in SMRA and SSRS. If you do want to use this in other events however, just run it by me first to see if I want to use it or not. Credits- Prop Placement, Chassis Edits, Original Concept, and Paint- Me Original Chassis and Headers- Nick Kozak Pedal Animations- Wambo Axles- Matt Wilkinson Tires- Klayton Vossen Rims- Mason Watts/The Guy He Got Them From Shocks, Original Rims, and Fuel Cell- Johan Seminario Sounds- Beau4x4 Body- DiRT 2/3 KC Lights and Brackets- John Dough Everything else I can't remember- SMV4 Makers. Most importantly, I'd like to thank Mason Watts, Christopher Hamilton, John Dough, and everyone else who helped me with learning how to use blender and helping me with blender related things. Sorry if I forgot someone, just let me know and I'll be sure to edit. Click here to download this file
  3. 364 downloads

    Well, with upcoming leagues having the ability to run your own custom truck, I thought since the concept of Deja Vu was close to turning a year old, it needed a bit of an upgrade. Bringing that old 80's paint style and mid 2000's truck into the future. I must say this truck gave me a fight when building it, but I can successfully say this is the first truck I've built completely on my own. I do reserve the right to use this truck in SMRA and SSRS. If you do want to use this in other events however, just run it by me first to see if I want to use it or not. Credits- Prop Placement, Chassis Edits, Original Concept, and Paint- Me Original Chassis and Headers- Nick Kozak Pedal Animations- Wambo Axles- Matt Wilkinson Tires- Klayton Vossen Rims- Mason Watts/The Guy He Got Them From Shocks, Original Rims, and Fuel Cell- Johan Seminario Sounds- Beau4x4 Body- DiRT 2/3 KC Lights and Brackets- John Dough Everything else I can't remember- SMV4 Makers. Most importantly, I'd like to thank Mason Watts, Christopher Hamilton, John Dough, and everyone else who helped me with learning how to use blender and helping me with blender related things. Sorry if I forgot someone, just let me know and I'll be sure to edit.
  4. So this is starting to become a thing. Far from done. But sure.
  5. That truck belongs in the Louvre Art Museum Tharindu. Just pleasantly spectacular. Bravo.
  6. Devin Doss Bulldozer (V4 pack) devindoss@hotmail.com
  7. For anyone who is actually into watching tiny arena shows: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxBLHSPd_Y8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mLYKIk0RkA
  8. Bigfoot 18 will be sporting a new design starting on 2/21 to commemorate Dan Runte's 25th Anniversary.
  9. You took my Schroedermobile. Fine then, I'll take Schroedermobile #2. Devin Doss devindoss@hotmail.com The Felon No I won't, forgot I'm going to Monster Jam on Saturday.
  10. Generally people are fine with just credit when it comes to props and such. If it's a custom body they made or something then it'd probably be better to ask permission first unless stated otherwise.
  11. Bit of a timeline here: I have made more than these, but I feel this sums it up enough.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuSlV3dEORQ
  13. LED's are a possibility. I guess we'll have to wait and see closer to the SMRA season, eh?
  14. To add to the trophy truck revolution... Deja Vu II, now with 25% more blue and some new parts.
  15. Strike one up for FELD--er...I mean Collision Course Racing
  16. After many days of wanting to throw my computer out of my second story window, and many hours of staring at Blender and .truck and material files asking myself "The hell am I doing?", we get this finished thing: (photo credits go to Mason Watts) (It now has a spec-map) Expect this soon.
  17. Problem solved, thanks Klayton.
  18. As far as I know, the rims aren't part of the props. Unless I'm just looking over it.
  19. So I'm currently in the process of building a custom truck, and no matter what I do, this happens: I have no idea how to even go about moving them, if they can be moved. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
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