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Double.D ッ

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Everything posted by Double.D ッ

  1. Why do you have such a big thing against Oakland 2011?
  2. Devin Doss devindoss@hotmail.com Bigfoot 19 http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/630-bigfoot-19/
  3. I'd be willing to lend my hand at livestreaming if you'd like. HD with good FPS.
  4. We aren't talking about the body here. The main issues are with the paint.
  5. Yeah, that logo needs to be italicized a lot more: Looks great other than that, though.
  6. Does it really affect your life that much? So what if they had a redo. If you're going to Monster Jam for legit racing competition, you're doing it wrong.
  7. Coty Saucier also plays and has an account.
  8. Ryan competed in an event in SM Season 2
  9. I don't see why Vegas racing needs to change... It already sets itself apart from all racing types in Q1, and its short and fast. Do you really want a 32 truck bracket being ran with every pass being 25+ seconds?
  10. Kinda hard when both trucks come out of the tunnel in the same direction. As illustrated by the greatest artist to have ever lived.
  11. Pretty sure Northern Nightmare is/was using the same chassis Pastrana 199 used when it was converted to the F-150 body.
  12. Shoulda made the words and numbers on the tires green since Coty does that. Nice anyway.
  13. I won't lie, Evo's body for the YGS looks pretty sweet. Hats off to the Vaters crew.
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