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Double.D ッ

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Everything posted by Double.D ッ

  1. Don't know if I'll be available, but I'll sign up incase I am. Devin Doss Titan 2014 (http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/1271-edy-beltran-v4-updates/) devindoss@hotmail.com
  2. It's an F-150 with a bed cover, basically.
  3. If that's not a save of the year I don't know what is...
  4. Double.D ッ


    Both are apparently alert and responding in the hospital...but...ow.
  5. People can make whatever they want. There is no such thing as calling a project for yourself.
  6. What am I even doing. Hardly finished. Just something I decided to start on while bored. Also, expect an update on Deja Vu II soon.
  7. Donald is back to the original Titan body since he rolled last weekend.
  8. Game is so bad. I'll admit the stadium models are cool, but....eh.
  9. I like the idea of a villain-type truck. Reminds us all of a simpler time in the industry.
  10. If I'm not mistaken, I think I was told it was a child by the name of MJSeriesTV. You want to avoid this person at all costs.
  11. Tampa is starting to take shape: Also looks like Scott Buetow is getting or already has a new chassis: *500th post yaay*
  12. So this is becoming a thing. So what is this thing? I'm not really sure yet. UPDATE: I found out what to do with this thing. Not quite done, but I like where it's headed.
  13. Most likely won't actually be able to see it until this afternoon, is what everyone is saying.
  14. Pff. Midterms. I just started my second term of college.
  15. I think the beadlocks need to be switched on Rockstar and Cali Kid.
  16. Don't come to the internet expecting to get treated nicely. That's no excuse for acting like a dick, but sometimes people loveing deserve it. Everyone hides behind a bully story.
  17. That blue...is to die for. As a guy who knows how to do automotive painting, that blue is like a porno.
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