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Double.D ッ

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Everything posted by Double.D ッ

  1. I don't think he'll ever land a true double backflip unless he changes the design of that stunt truck. Too many things about that truck are slimming down his chances.
  2. Sayf Awtow Rapture http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/1226-safe-auto-raptor/
  3. It appears Jim Jack is calling it quits: http://www.racingjunk.com/Other/181999269/Complete-Ready-to-Run-Monster-Truck-Operation.html
  4. It might help if you...you know...show them?
  5. ehhhhhhhhehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhehhhhhhhhhehhhhhhehhhhhhehhhhhhhhehhhhhhhhhhhhhehhhhhhhhh...... I don't like it. Mustangs are supposed to look tough and muscly. This is too...sporty. Not that I have anything against sporty cars, it just doesn't work for Mustangs.
  6. Wednesday, December 4th, 2013 As everyone may have noticed already, DJM Racing has seen a recent decline in events. This is due to other obligations and a general loss of interest in running a scheduled league. We know many of the competitors here in DJMR had a strong interest in the league, being able to drive a truck that they personally put work into. After many discussions, the three of us decided DJMR isn't a league that is cut out for scheduling and a strict rulebook. We strive for fun and freedom in events. So, it is with much regret, that DJM Racing is closing up shop, and leaving the Sim-Monsters sanctioned league system. This does not mean we are leaving completely though. DJMR started as a fun run series, ran whenever Julio, Mason, and Myself wanted to. We are planning to try to go back to that system, as it will be most convenient for the three of us and any officials. We want to thank each and every one of our competitors that showed up at events during the past few weeks. Without you, the league wouldn't have survived week one. We also want to thank the moderators who gave us 3 noobs a chance at running an SM Sanctioned league. Thank you all once again. Signed, Devin Doss, Julio Vellon Jr., and Mason Watts
  7. Bigfoot and Monster X Tour made an announcement today:
  8. Well, keeping with the theme of trophy trucks... What happens when two band geeks want a trophy truck team? A Drum Corps/Marching Band sponsored trophy truck, of course. Paint credits go to the always talented Christopher Hamilton, with both of us coming up with the concept.
  9. Won't be able to make it to this one guys, sorry. Blue Thunder is up for grabs.
  10. I drove on the track earlier, and the obstacles were fine. That one on the back wall is just a hill that you drive over, not really much of a ramp. The lanes are a tad narrow, but they're easy to navigate and gain speed.
  11. Devin Doss Blue Thunder (Evans) http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/743-blue-thunder-and-captains-curse-2013/ devindoss@hotmail.com
  12. Joe Sylvester made an official statement: tl;dr - Joe's sold the assets to Bad Habit, but is keeping the name and body. He is now going to compete in the TORC Offroad series in the Prolites. He's made a deal with Jimmy Creten to run a limited schedule of Monster Jam events in a 2Xtreme chassis, with the Bad Habit body on it.
  13. Devin Doss Predator Classic http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/828-predator-classic/ devindoss@hotmail.com
  14. Okay well, I didn't compete, but I was in the chat and watching the livestream for the duration of tonight's events, so this is coming strictly from a spectator's point of view. I'm not going to name any names here, so if you're looking for what the kids these days call "disses", well you're poo out of luck. I think the blame here lies equally among officials and competitors/spectators. There are many things that probably shouldn't have happened on both sides, and RKM already pointed most of those out, so I won't dive into those. With some people on the officiating team not having much experience with running events, especially events of the caliber of this year's Fall Madness, I think this was doomed from the start. If Fall Madness had remained a 1 day, 1 race bracket, 1 freestyle type of event, I think it could have been pulled of without a hitch. It maybe could have been pulled of barely this year, had there not been some loops thrown at competitors (a loop that happens to look like a 10-foot hill and a removed bus stack) which started the downturn of the chat, 5 minutes before the racing event started. Some officials not enforcing their own rules was also a bit of a problem. I think if maybe there was a bit of shuffling in the hierarchy of the officiating team, this whole event could have been resolved. As I said in the chat though, all of the blame can't be put on the officials just as all of the blame can't be blamed on the competitors/spectators. There were some things done in the chat that shouldn't have been done either, such as causing an uproar whenever a call was blown or someone disagreed with someone else. I think we can all agree that the events that happened during the Fall Madness III Main Event is something that we as a community need to put behind us, and move on with this community. I commend all of the officials tonight. They tried their damn hardest to put on an event I wouldn't even think about signing up to be an official for. Tip of the hat to you. tl;dr - Officials need to listen to competitors as much as competitors need to listen to officials.
  15. Will there be a live stream link posted tonight? I have nothing else better to do and would love to watch the competition.
  16. Updated song choice on original sign-up.
  17. Shout out to Blair down there in the corner. Looking nice, by the way.
  18. What the...I don't...Wha... The hell was wrong with the classic look? Was it too....normal?
  19. What would happen to Marc if that happened? Would he keep his chassis and just go back to an orange El Toro and have a smaller schedule (I'm only assuming if Lupe gets an El Toro ride he'll be the "main" driver) or what?
  20. Edited my signup to show I'm using the Raptor Metal Mulisha with permission from John Dough.
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