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Mark Colineri

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Everything posted by Mark Colineri

  1. That would take the entire point of the new Max D's away.
  2. http://www.printyourbrackets.com/fillable-tournament-brackets.html Use the Fillable Single Elimination "Seeded" for ease of use. Just click in the blue rectangle and type.
  3. I honestly always loved both designs, and your father did a really good job at merging the two with just enough "flavor" of each design.
  4. Use the same set of numbers then. Those three numbers are universal placement numbers throughout Rigs Of Rods files.
  5. Just using this as an example. Play around with the highlighted numbers. Change them one at a time, and make the change semi-significant...something like 5 and see which way it moves. When it moves on the axis you want, then just play with the number until you get it placed how you like. 67,73,154, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, GoodYearflextireR.mesh forset 67, 73, 131-154
  6. You don't need to delete anything to make the truck have no body. Before the entire line, add a ; to it. That tells the game to skip over that line.
  7. The models for them are already in the trucks now. We do not have a way to make them function, though.
  8. Sneak peek time. We are making progress. Here is what I have gotten ingame in the past few hours. Credit to Klayton for the awesome new Ford bodies!
  9. I introduce you to...Playin' 4 Keeps Racing!
  10. Too bad this will be the last post in this thread. There is no need to keep asking "Is it done?" "When will you start?" Thread locked.
  11. I know exactly what he is talking about. He probably saw videos from Crazyman444 on his Youtube channel where the camera was in a fixed position but still following the truck without someone else recording another driver. That was a new camera in Rigs Of Rods Version 4, we were just testing some things out over there to see if there was any advantage to moving to a more updated version. This camera cannot be achieved in the version we run now, though. It is only available in the newer version of Rigs Of Rods. Hope this clarifies the issue.
  12. I highly doubt it. For one, this is an independent truck only league. For two, you had to be here to book shows for the season...which is way past over.
  13. Keep your negative comments to a minimum...
  14. Why is everyone complaining about runs you only heard about through TEXT? None of you have actually seen the runs. Suck it up, take it like a man, and move on. It happened, get over it.
  15. The only reason that is posted is because that is actually a fans view...a better one at that. No need for a smart comment like that.
  16. Guys...we don't need to post EVERY picture that Monster Jam posts. It is taking up way too much space.
  17. Lee has never looked better at Vegas. Hey, I gotta' root for my fellow Jersey boy!
  18. The winner of the 20th competing spot in World Finals 14 is Bad Habit!
  19. Glad to see the track paint is different this year! *sarcasm* Photo credits to Danny Maass.
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