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Mark Colineri

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Everything posted by Mark Colineri

  1. I am actually very surprised Tom brought out the stunt truck for a freestyle. But damn, after seeing that...it honestly handles better then his actual truck. It drives well, it sets up for landings very nicely...hell it even lands better than his truck.
  2. Not trying to be a dirtbag...but there are some major problems with this. For one, the chassis is wrong. The truck now runs on a CRD instead of a PEI. Due to that change, which leads me onto the next problem, the new body is quite a bit shorter. Other than that, looks pretty good.
  3. It does sound quite a bid high pitched from what the truck actually sounds like. It also doesn't have any of that throaty sound to it. I have to agree...it doesn't really sound like a monster truck.
  4. I see this going on way too much on the public server, and sometimes even on here. People being disrespectful to other community members with no regard to what they have to deal with or what they are going through. I see this too much...and it really hits me hard because as a matter of fact, it happens to me too. I am using myself as an example because I do not want to put anyone on the spot. I do what I can for the community, try to help out anywhere I can, but still get people talking crap about me in the servers. Nobody but the people I talk to regularly(you know who you are) know what I am truly going through and have to deal with on a day to day basis. I see way too many people doing this to others without the thought that maybe they come on here for some relief from what is going on in their lives, yet some just make it worse. Admins, you can lock this, delete this, do whatever you have to do. I just had to make this clear because it not only effects me in a big way, but it effects many others as well.
  5. Just in case you guys aren't subscribed to DIG...here is all the video he shot of us racing at World Finals 13 with the new grip/physics for the trucks.
  6. After wanting to rip my eyes out...I finished the survey.
  7. Sorry..but he really has no chance at all.
  8. I hate bringing back dead threads...but I liked this one. Some really good stuff has come out of the 2013 season that could be posted here. Although this isn't from 2013...I believe this has to take the cake. Start at 1:26
  9. The stunt truck is a little bit more than just putting the Max D body on the Willman Truck chassis. The chassis he runs for the stunt truck is modified with extra bracing in the cage, and runs gas shocks in the front with coil shocks in the rear.
  10. Ill take on the challenge for you Demko.
  11. This is not how you host a fun run. Please stop posting countless threads that aren't set up correctly.
  12. So you are basically saying that it is mediocre work? I am sorry, but if some people say something looks awesome...who the hell cares. I think picking out someone's work to use as an example is extremely disrespectful and out of line. There is no need to put someones work down because it isn't up to your standards. Now...back on topic.
  13. Quick video. Subscribe to the channel, description explains why.
  14. A few things. Is it me...or was Balhans run pretty generic. I didn't see anything over the top that really deserved a win..but that may just be me. Hey Buetow still doesn't know how to shift! Kreg and Linsey had some really good runs. High momentum, good flow. Dennis seems to be doing a bit more of air-braking now. Other than that...normal Dennis.
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